similar to: Plotting with exact axis limits

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2012 Jan 08
need help with axis ticks
hi, i am using par(mrow=c(6,6)) function to get 6x6 plots on one screen. the problem that i am having is that the axis tick labels are far away from the ticks and going into previous plots (see attached figure). i need to know how can i reduce the distance between the ticks and their values (y axis values).the part of the code that i am using (after reading in the data) to create the top row is:
2012 Apr 06
how to control exact positions of axis
Hi, I have to plot a heat map and next to it a lineplot. Unfortunately the scale is not the same between the two plots (as the heatmap data is binned). My problem is, that despite the fact the plotted areas (marked by the heatmap and box of the the default line plot) are essentially very similar, the coordinate system is slightly shifted. Below code does not produce as bad results as I have on
2006 Dec 27
axis and times() problem
Dear R-Group, the first example is working as expected, but I need the plot without the box, normally no problem, but I am not able to get the x-axis formatted as times with the axis, command. I tried a lot of things, nothing was working so I used the most easy axis command in the second example here .... # working library(chron) # for times() library(graphics)# for axis
2006 Dec 27
axis and times() problem
Dear R-Group, the first example is working as expected, but I need the plot without the box, normally no problem, but I am not able to get the x-axis formatted as times with the axis, command. I tried a lot of things, nothing was working so I used the most easy axis command in the second example here .... # working library(chron) # for times() library(graphics)# for axis
2004 Mar 15
setting x-y axis at origin
Hello - I'm just getting into 'R' and am having trouble setting up the x-y axis to share (0,0). In the example posted here:, each axis has a 0 which I do not want. Any help on getting a graph starting at (0,0) would be greatly appreciated. -- chris ciotti (chris_ciotti at PGP ID: 0xE94BB3B7
2004 Mar 19
asp=1 and aspect ratio
Hi everyone I want a square scatterplot with abline(0,1) going exactly through the SW and NE corners. By "square" I mean that the plotting region is exactly square, and that the axis limits are identical. x <- 1:20 y <- x+rep(c(-1,1),10) lims <- range(c(x,y)) None of the following do this: plot(x,y) ; abline(0,1) #not square plot(x,y,asp=1);abline(0,1) #diagonal
2010 Feb 07
x-axis plot problem
Hi all, I tried to have plot of many vector in one plot and i have got a nice plot but i have problem with x-axis. I want to have month and year only(Jul.07 means July 2007) in x-axis without appearing other number behaind it. I would appercit any help. The R code: F<-c(7.49,6.91,6.78,6.99,7.44,7.42) M<-c(4.81,4.51,5.21,4.65,4.75,3.86) P<-c(7.49,15.03,15.19,15.32,15.42,15.45)
2007 Oct 24
Adding a second y axis and specifying yaxs="i"
Hello All, I have plotted a barplot and placed a line plot over top using par(new=TRUE). In the first plot I have specified that yaxs="i" and xaxs="i". However when I add a new axis to side 4 (right) and try to specify yaxs="i" it does nothing and the axis line begins above the x axis when I want the two points to meet. Can anyone tell me how to specify the
2005 Apr 01
plot axis appearance problem
Hello, When I plot any data with simple plot command in R, for example :- plot(time,co2,ylim=c(350,380),xlim=c(1993,2003),xlab=NA,ylab=NA,type="p",col=5) Then the first value of x-axis(350) and y-axis(1993) never starts from origin, always they sifted from the origin. Is there any command that I can correct this in the ploted figure and both the axis values start from origin.
2009 Jan 05
adding a curve with xaxs="i"
I want the curve to touch the y axis like the curve touches the upper boundary. How can I eliminate the margin between axis and curve on the left side? x1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5) x2 <- c(2,4,6,8,10) mod <- lm (x2~x1) hm <- function (x) (mod$coe[1]+x*mod$coe[2]) # ... box() curve (hm,lty=1,add=T,xaxs="i",yaxs="i") (R 2.8.1) -- Sensationsangebot verl?ngert: GMX
2007 Jun 26
boxplot and bxp do not respect xlim by default (PR#9754)
Full_Name: Steve Ellison Version: 2.4.1 OS: Windows, Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( bxp() allows specifcation of box locations with at=, but neither adjusts xlim= to fit at nor does it respect xlim provided explicitly. This is because bxp() now includes explicit xlim as c(0.5, n+0.5), without checking for explicitly supplied xlim (or ylim if horizontal). This also prevents
2011 Feb 16
image() with a vector
Hi, I have a vectors x and z, for example, x <- 0:20 z <- round(runif(20,1,7)) y <- 0.5 and I want to display z as an image. However if I then call image() with a vector image(x,y,t(z),zlim=c(1,7),col=heat.colors(7),xlab="Year",ylab="Action",yaxt="n",xaxs="r",yaxs="r") then I get the error Error in image.default(x, y, t(z), zlim =
2006 Aug 08
parameter yaxs / function hist (graphics)
Dear R users, The parameters xaxs and yaxs (function par, package graphics) seem not to work with the function hist (package graphics), even when the parameters xlim and ylim are defined. Is there any way to make yaxs="i" and xaxs="i" work properly with the function hist, mainly to produce histograms that "touch" the horizontal axis? The R documentation and the R
2010 May 26
xlim/ylim and actual axis length
Dear plotting wizards, when plotting in R, the actual lengths of the axes are slightly greater than the ranges of the x/y variables or xlim/ylim values. how do I control the amount by which the axes are enlarged? Is there a way to enforce that the lengths of the axes equal xlim/ylim? example: plot(0:100,0:100,pch="+") it can be observed, that the x- and y-axis join at approx.
2010 Feb 19
color graph in multiple plots
Hi,   I would like to distinguish my plots using colors but I got error message.  How do I correct that?     plot(ecdf(z), main ="CDF for observed and simulated weighted sum",type="l",lwd=2,col="blue", xlab="Weighted sum (mm)", ylab="Cumulative Percent", xlim=c(0,15), xaxs ='i', yaxs ='i',ylim=c(0,1)) par(new=TRUE)
2003 Jan 16
Dear R community, I need to plot the results of some simulations I did using QTL Cartographer. I am plotting LOD scores over three chromosomes. The three plot have to be one next to the other. The procedure I am using is: par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(x$x, x$y, ylim=c(0,35), type="l", col="blue", las=1, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlab="X Chromosome",
2006 Mar 13
Newbie error or bug?
Hi I used R for the first time yesterday. I wanted to plot the aliasing effect of sampling a 5.5KHz sinusoid at only 8KHz (below the Nyquist limit). So I wrote a small R script that a) plots 1msec worth of a 5.5KHz sin wave b) plots 1msec of the resulting 2.5KHz alias and c) plots the 8 sampling points on the 5.5KHz source wave. I think I have found a bug. The script is as follows:
2009 May 27
Dear R-community I have a grueling problem which appears to be impossible to solve: I want to make a simple plot, here is my code: Unfortunately, the annotation of both the x- and y-axis are not correct, as you can see in the following picture: I am not an expert of R, so maybe someone can point me to the solution of
2009 Sep 25
xaxs disactivated when asp=1 in plots (PR#13971)
Full_Name: Fran?ois Birgand Version: 2.9.0 OS: windows xp Submission from: (NULL) ( When I type this sequence: x11() Ylim<-c(0,14) Xlim<-c(0,14) plot(0,0,xlim=Xlim,ylim=Ylim,col="white",main="",xlab="",ylab="",bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xaxs="i",yaxs="i",asp=1)
2001 May 15
box around a barplot
Hi, is it possible to draw a box around the following barplot; using "box=TRUE" won't work. ---------- pc<-c(1,2,5,29,27) barplot(pc,ylim=c(0,30),yaxs="r",xaxs="r",ylab="Anzahl" ,names.arg=c("Mac","286er","386er","486er","Pentium I") ,axisnames=T,col="gray") ---------- Thanks in