Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "GLM fitting in R and Statistica"
2004 Feb 01
Assistance with data import from Statistica
I am a new R user attempting to convert files from Statistica to R. I
can export from Statistica to SPSS .por format, but not to the SPSS .sav
format. Is there a procedure for easily accomplishing this, which will
allow me to keep variable short and long labels (big surveys LOTS of
time to replace all this work).
Many thanks for sharing your time and knowledge.
Dr Steven M Burgess
2011 Mar 22
Popularity of R, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Statistica, S-PLUS updated
I've just put out the latest version of "The Popularity of Data Analysis Software" at http://r4stats.com/popularity. This update includes complete data for 2010, the addition of number of blogs for each software, more coverage of Statistica, and, where possible, measures regarding the implementations of the SAS Language: Carolina and the World Programming System (WPS).
2004 Feb 26
Multidimensional scaling and distance matrices
Dear All,
I am in the somewhat unfortunate position of having to reproduce the
results previously obtained from (non-metric?) MDS on a "kinship" matrix
using Statistica. A kinship matrix measures affinity between groups, and
has its maximum values on the diagonal.
Apparently, starting with a nxn kinship matrix, all it was needed to do
was to feed it to Statistica flagging that the
2012 Oct 16
R Kaplan-Meier plotting quirks?
Hello. I apologize in advance for the VERY lengthy e-mail. I endeavor to
include enough detail.
I have a question about survival curves I have been battling off and on for
a few months. No one local seems to be able to help, so I turn here. The
issue seems to either be how R calculates Kaplan-Meier Plots, or something
with the underlying statistic itself that I am misunderstanding. Basically,
2012 Oct 18
Kaplan-Meier plotting quirks
Better would be to use interval censored data. Create your data set so that you have
(time1, time2) pairs, each of which describes the interval of time over which the tag was
lost. So an animal first captured at time 10 sans tag would be (0,10); with tag at 5 and
without at 20 would be (5,20), and last seen with tag at 30 would be (30, NA).
Then survit(Surv(time1, time2,
2006 Apr 20
fit testing, FitNesse
this is a typical "how do you do it in Rails" question :) I would like
to incorporate fit testing into a RoR app and I''d like to hear your
recommendations on how to do it. In the ideal world I would like all the
table test definitions and implementations stored in svn together with
the app, ability to run the tests with a rake task + a hook to FitNesse,
so that
2006 Feb 23
HABTM testing - fixtures not loading?
I have a strange problem with testing classes which have a HABTM
relation. It seems that while running my tests with rake the fixture for
the association table is not loaded - as a result I get a failure on a
test which simply checks the number of associated elements - it says
it''s 0 although there should be one. The weird thing is that when I run
the tests with rcov
2005 Aug 08
INDVAL and mvpart
I'd like to perform Dufrene-Legendre Indicator Species Analysis for
a multivariate regression tree. However I have problems with arguments
of duleg(veg,class,numitr=1000)function. How to obtain a vector of
numeric class memberships for samples, or a classification object
returned from mvpart?
thanks in advance
Best regards,
Agnieszka Strzelczak
2009 Dec 07
column statistics
Hi everybody,
I would like to compute the mean for 1 variable between the rows with
the same levels.
For example, with the dataset below:
Factor1 Factor2 Value
A X 1
A X 2
A Y 3
A Y 4
B X 5
B X 6
2005 Sep 19
indicator value in labdsv
I'm trying to find out what threshold of indicator value in labadsv should be
used to accept a specie as an indicator one? So far I assumed that indval=0.5
is high enough to avoid any mistakes but it was based only in my intuition.
I'd be greatful for any advise
best regards
2006 Nov 24
advanced search with ferret?
I''m a novice to ferret, so far only used it via acts_as_ferret. My
question is about a recommended pattern for an ''advanced search'', which
would be searching by all fields of a model and some fields from related
models, with range search, expression search and wildcards. The kind of
search in which a user is presented with a huge form that allows them to
2010 Jan 30
Questions on Mahalanobis Distance
I am a new R user and trying to learn how to implement the mahalanobis
function to measure the distance between to 2 population centroids. I
have used STATISTICA to calculate these differences, but was hoping to learn
to do the analysis in R. I have implemented the code as below, but my
results are very different from that of STATISTICA, and I believe I may not
have interpreted the help
2013 Feb 01
ks.test and wilcoxon.test results differ from other stat.packages
Probably, it's an obvious info, but I have not found anything in R FAQ
this feature/bug.
The results of ks.test and wilcoxon.test (in the Mann-Whitney version,
paired = 'FALSE') don't coincide with the results from the other statistical
packages, e.g. Statistica, Medcalc, and (as for MW test) from the numerous
online MW tests.
Statistica p-value=0.0435353
2012 May 29
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U value: outcomes from different stat packages
Given this example
#start code
wilcox.test(a, b, paired=FALSE)
#sum of rank for first sample
sum.rank.a <-
2005 May 16
a problem sourcing a file using chdir=TRUE
Dear R-users,
I used to give commands such as:
> source(file="~/path/to/file.R", chdir=TRUE)
but with the latest v. 2.1.0 it does not seem to work anymore.
I tried to figure out what it was going on and it seems that the string
for which
> class(file)
[1] "character"
is changed to
> class(file)
[1] "file" "connection"
when the connection is
2011 Aug 17
Getting vastly different results when running GLMs
Dear R gurus
I am analysing data from a study of behaviour and shade utilization of
chimpanzees. I am using GLMs in R (version 2.13.0) to test whether shade/sun
utilization is predicted by behaviour observed. I am thus interested in
whether an interaction of behaviour (as a predictor) and presence in the
sun/shade (also predictor) predicts the counts I have for the respective
I have
2007 Jan 08
Simple spectral analysis
Hello world,
I am actually trying to transfer a lecture from Statistica to
R and I ran into problems with spectral analysis, I think I
just don't get it 8-(
(The posting from "FFT, frequs, magnitudes, phases" from 2005
did not enlighten me)
As a starter for the students I have a 10year data set of air
temperature with daily values and I try to
get a periodogram where the annual
2013 Oct 09
mixed model MANOVA? does it even exist?
Sorry to bother you again.
I would like to estimate the effect of several categorical factors (two
between subjects and one within subjects) on two continuous dependent
variables that probably covary, with subjects as a random effect. *I want
to control for the covariance between those two DVs when estimating the
effects of the categorical predictors** on those two DVs*. The thing is, i
2006 Apr 26
help in R
I cant understand where I am going wrong.Below is my code.I would really appreciate your help.
> genfile<-read.table("c:/tina/phd/bs871/hw/genfile.txt",skip=1)
> #read in SNP data
> snp.dat <- as.matrix(genfile)
> snp.name <- scan("c:/tina/phd/bs871/hw/genfile.txt",nline=1,what="character")
Read 100 items
2003 May 09
correspondence analysis
Hi everybody, I am starting my friendship with R. Now I want to do a
Correspondence Analysis using the vegan library or multiv library. Both give
me the same results which differ from the ones I get running other programs
like Statistica... I wounder if there is a problem with my matrix. I have
cualitataive variable in the columns and sampling units in the rows... I
import my matrix into R