similar to: plotmath "overstrikes" in output on a Linux system

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "plotmath "overstrikes" in output on a Linux system"

2008 Apr 02
Trouble combining plotmath, bquote, expressions
I'm using R-2.6.2 on Fedora Linux 9. I've been experimenting with plotmath. I wish it were easier to combine expressions in plotmath with values from the R program itself. There are two parameters in the following example, the mean "mymean" and standard deviation "mystd". I am able to use bquote to write elements into the graph title like mu = mymean and R will
2009 Jun 03
Would like to add this to example for plotmath. Can you help?
Greetings: I would like comments on this example and after fixing it up, I need help from someone who has access to insert this in R's help page for plotmath. I uploaded a drawing that is created by the following code This will be a good addition to the plotmath help page/example.
2008 Dec 31
Plotmath with values?
I hope to use the plotmath facility to print titles that mix math and values of R variables. The help for "plotmath" has an example, which after repeated reading, I find baffling. Likewise, I have read the help file for "substitute" (wqhich seems to be needed) without ever understanding what it does, other than being used in some magic incantations. I would like to do
2010 Jul 06
plotmath vector problem; full program enclosed
Here's another example of my plotmath whipping boy, the Normal distribution. A colleague asks for a Normal plotted above a series of axes that represent various other distributions (T, etc). I want to use vectors of equations in plotmath to do this, but have run into trouble. Now I've isolated the problem down to a relatively small piece of working example code (below). If you would
2010 Mar 09
Shade area under curve
I want to shade the area under the curve of the standard normal density. Specifically color to the left of -2 and on. How might i go about doing this? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Jun 17
Accessing Max/Min Value of Density Function
Dear all, Currently I have the following output > mydensity <- density(x) > print(mydensity) x y Min. : -92.14 Min. :0.000e+00 1st Qu.: 356.66 1st Qu.:5.530e-09 Median : 805.45 Median :4.681e-05 Mean : 805.45 Mean :5.564e-04 3rd Qu.:1254.24 3rd Qu.:3.370e-04 Max. :1703.04 Max. :5.541e-03 How can I access the Max value of
2005 Jun 16
AIC in with intercept
Dear R users, gave me the same AIC's regardless of TRUE or FALSE intercept option. > myX <- as.matrix(1:10) > myY <- 3+5*myX > foo <-, y=myY, family = gaussian(link = "identity"), intercept=TRUE) > foo$aic [1] 38.94657 > foo <-, y=myY, family = gaussian(link = "identity"), intercept=FALSE) > foo$aic [1]
2010 Jan 27
control of scat1d tick color in plot.Predict?
Hi All, I have a quick question about using plot.Predict now that the rms package uses lattice. I'd like to add tick marks along the regression line, which is given by data=llist(variablename) in the plot call. The ticks show up fine, but I'd like to alter the color. I know the ticks are produced by scat1d, but after spending a fair bit of time going through documentation, it still
2003 Apr 18
superimposing graphs
Dear People, I have a data set of data x from a probability distribution, and I have a function, mydensity, of the pdf of that distribution. I'm asking for help in superimposing the histogram of x and the plot of mydensity. In the function below, I call truehist and curve, but these are plotted in different figures. I'd like them to be plotted on the same figure, and to use common
2011 Aug 18
Where are the ticks on grid.xaxis?
Hi R list, I like the default ticks that are set up using grid.xaxis() or grid.yaxis() with no arguments. Finding good values for the 'at' argument is usually not a trivial task; the default behavior of these functions seems to work well. The problem with this strategy is that I cannot figure out how to "recover" the positions of these ticks when you do NOT specify the
2009 Feb 19
Getting the difference between two data frames
Dear R users, I have the following data: x <- data.frame( myX = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) ) y <- data.frame( myX = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) ) How can I get the difference between data frame x and y? In this case, I want to get values 8 and 9 I know in SQL we can use minus operator, but I have no idea how to do so in R. I tried all.equal, diff, and identical, but they don't give me the actual data
2002 Mar 08
Sys.putenv environment variables disappear (PR#1371)
Environment variables set with Sys.putenv() disappear (i.e. become "") after a while, especially after heavy-duty I/O. Example: R> x <- matrix(1., 3000, 3000) R> save(x, file="myx.RData") R> Sys.putenv(HOME="/tmp") R> while (Sys.getenv("HOME") != "") {cat("ok\n"); load("myx.RData")} The loop prints
2006 Nov 24
Error in Calling C++ function from R!!!
Hello, I tried to call an external function of R from the following code in C++: void prodgdot(double *x, double *y, int *n, double *output) { int i; *output=0; for (i=0;i<*n;i++) { *output+=x[i]*y[i]; } } I compiled it using from my working directory in linux terminal and I think it's ok: giba at giba-desktop:~/mysrc/meus_testes_iniciais$ R CMD SHLIB
2010 Oct 08
font question on pdf device
Hi, I wonder if this is something on my machine locally or R in general. When I do the following: > plot(c(0,1),c(0,1),main=expression(paste(symbol("D"),"D",sep=""))) I get a plot with a title having uppercase delta followed by "D". But in the following > pdf(file="deltaTest.pdf") >
2008 Oct 29
How to set read.table variables to vectors?
The summary stats for the xin and yin variables below are correct. However, if I use plot(xin,yin), an exception is thrown saying that "object xin is not found." Also, it is apparent that I can't successfully replace the x and y vectors with values from xin and yin. The four plots on one panel are showing but the range of x and y is only [0,1], and therefore, it seems like an
2003 Jan 26
Re: removing overstrikes
Your mistake in in your sed script. The sed script should only have the command you want to run. Your script should only have one line in the file in this example. s/.//g or this: s/.\x08//g Joel On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 12:59:19PM -0000, richardkoliver <> wrote: > If I type (bash shell, where the backspace character is entered by > typing ctrl-v ctrl-h) >
2005 Oct 03
grob questions
If I run the following example from: > grid.newpage() > pushViewport(viewport(w = 0.5, h = 0.5)) > myplot <- gTree(name = "myplot", children = gList(rectGrob(name = "box", + gp = gpar(col = "grey")), xaxisGrob(name = "xaxis"))) > grid.draw(myplot) >
2006 Aug 21
question about 'coef' method and fitted_value calculation
Dear all, I am trying to calculate the fitted values using a ridge model (lm.ridge(), MASS library). Since the predict() does not work for lm.ridge object, I want to get the fitted_value from the coefficients information. The following are the codes I use: fit = lm.ridge(myY~myX,lambda=lamb,scales=F,coef=T) coeff = fit$coef However, it seems that "coeff" (or "fit$coef") is
2006 Jul 03
xlab, ylab in balloonplot(tab)?
I'm not understanding something. I'm trying to add xlab & ylab to a balloon plot of a table object. From docs I thought following should work: require(gplots) # From balloonplot example: # Create an example using table xnames <- sample( letters[1:3], 50, replace=2) ynames <- sample( 1:5, 50, replace=2) tab <- table(xnames, ynames) balloonplot(tab)
2017 Sep 13
ggmap + geom_raster
Dear all, I want to : 1. Estimate a weighted 2D kernel. 2. Paint a heatmap on a ggmap. Here is some reproducible data / code (I got it from the internet) : s_rit <- structure(list(score = c(45, 60, 38, 98, 98, 53, 90, 42, 96, 45, 89, 18, 66, 2, 45, 98, 6, 83, 63, 86, 63, 81, 70, 8, 78, 15, 7, 86, 15, 63, 55, 13, 83, 76, 78, 70, 64, 88, 61, 78, 4, 7, 1, 70, 88, 58, 70, 58, 11, 45, 28, 42,