Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Smoothing z-values according to their x, y positions"
2011 Sep 20
Multivariate spline regression and predicted values
I am trying to estimate a multivariate regression of Y on X with
regression splines. Y is (nx1), and X is (nxd), with d>1. I assume the
data is generated by some unknown regression function f(X), as in Y =
f(X) + u, where u is some well-behaved regression error. I want to
estimate f(X) via regression splines (tensor product splines). Then, I
want to get the predicted values for some new
2009 Oct 13
How to choose a proper smoothing spline in GAM of mgcv package?
Hi, there,
I have 5 datasets. I would like to choose a basis spline with same knots in
GAM function in order to obtain same basis function for 5 datasets.
Moreover, the basis spline is used to for an interaction of two covarites.
I used "cr" in one covariate, but it can only smooth w.r.t 1 covariate. Can
anyone give me some suggestion about how to choose a proper smoothing spline
2006 Feb 27
how to use the basis matrix of "ns" in R? really confused by multi-dim spline filtering?
Hi all,
Could anybody recommend some easy-to-understand and example based
notes/tutorials on how to use cubic splines to do filtering on
multi-dimension data?
I am confused by the 1-dimensional case, and more confused by
multi-dimensional case.
I found all the books suddenly become very abstract when it comes to this
They don't provide examples in R or Splus at all.
2006 Nov 07
gamm(): nested tensor product smooths
I'd like to compare tests based on the mixed model representation of additive models, testing among others
y=f(x1)+f(x2) vs y=f(x1)+f(x2)+f(x1,x2)
(testing for additivity)
In mixed model representation, where X represents the unpenalized part of the spline functions and Z the "wiggly" parts, this would be:
y=X%*%beta+ Z_1%*%b_1+ Z_2%*%b_2
y=X%*%beta+ Z_1%*%b_1+ Z_2%*%b_2 + Z_12
2007 Jun 21
mgcv: lowest estimated degrees of freedom
Dear list,
I do apologize if these are basic questions. I am fitting some GAM
models using the mgcv package and following the model selection criteria
proposed by Wood and Augustin (2002, Ecol. Model. 157, p. 157-177). One
criterion to decide if a term should be dropped from a model is if the
estimated degrees of freedom (EDF) for the term are close to their lower
What would be the
2003 Jul 24
scatterplot smoothing using gam
I am trying to use gam in a scatterplot smoothing problem.
The data being smoothed have greater 1000 observation and have
multiple "humps". I can smooth the data fine using a function
something like:
out <- ksmooth(x,y,"normal",bandwidth=0.25)
The problem is when I try to fit the same data using gam
out <-
2007 Jun 25
gam function in the mgcv library
I would like to fit a logistic regression using a smothing spline, where the spline is a piecewise cubic polynomial. Is the knots option used to define the subintervals for each piece of the cubic spline? If yes and there are k knots, then why does the coefficients field in the returned object from gam only list k coefficients? Shouldn't there be 4k -4 coefficients?
2008 Jul 29
tensor product of equi-spaced B-splines in the unit square
Dear all,
I need to compute tensor product of B-spline defined over equi-spaced
I wrote my own program (it works in a 2-dimensional setting)
# set the break-points
Knots = seq(-1,1,length=10)
# number of splines
M = (length(Knots)-4)^2
# short cut to splineDesign function
bspline = function(x) splineDesign(Knots,x,outer.ok = T)
# bivariate tensor product of
2010 Apr 02
Derivative of a smooth function
Dear All,
I've been?searching for?appropriate codes to compute the rate of change and the curvature?of ?nonparametric regression model whish was denoted by a smooth function?but?unfortunately?don't manage to?do?it. I presume that such characteristics from a smooth curve can be determined by the first and second derivative operators.
The following are the example of fitting a
2012 Jul 30
mgcv 1.7-19, vis.gam(): "invalid 'z' limits'
Hi everyone,
I ran a binomial GAM consisting of a tensor product of two continuous
variables, a continuous parametric term and crossed random intercepts on a
data set with 13,042 rows. When trying to plot the tensor product with
vis.gam(), I get the following error message:
Error in persp.default(m1, m2, z, col = col, zlim = c(min.z, max.z), xlab =
view[1], :
invalid 'z' limits
2009 Mar 01
smoothing a matrix (interpolate in plane)
Hi R-users,
I'd like to smooth a matrix to dismiss spikes and to interpolate in plane
example of a matrix:
[,1] [,2] [,3]...
[1,] 34.4 34.2 35.1
[2,] 33.4 34.2 35.4
[3,] 34.1 33.2 32.1
dim(Map)[1] =/= dim(Map)[2]
What functions can I use?
Thanks a lot for any response, M
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2012 Jan 09
What is the function for "smoothing splines with the smoothing parameter selected by generalized maximum likelihood?
Dear all,
I am new to R, and I am a biotechnologist, I want to fit a smoothing spline
with smoothing parameter selected by generalized maximum likelihood. I was
wondering what function implement this, and, if possible how I can find the
fitted results for a certain point (or predict from the fitted spline if
this is the correct language)
View this message in context:
2009 Aug 24
Formulas in gam function of mgcv package
Dear R-experts,
I have a question on the formulas used in the gam function of the mgcv
I am trying to understand the relationships between:
Does the latter contain the former? what about the smoothers of all
interaction terms?
I have (tried to) read the manual pages of gam, formula.gam, smooth.terms,
linear.functional.terms but
2009 Aug 24
Formulas in gam function of mgcv package
Dear R-experts,
I have a question on the formulas used in the gam function of the mgcv
I am trying to understand the relationships between:
Does the latter contain the former? what about the smoothers of all
interaction terms?
I have (tried to) read the manual pages of gam, formula.gam, smooth.terms,
linear.functional.terms but
2004 Mar 03
need help with smooth.spline
Dear R listers,
When using smooth.spline to interpolate data, results are generally
good. However, some cases produce totally unreasonable results.
The data are values of pressure, temperature, and salinity from a
probe that is lowered into the ocean, and the objective is to
interpolate temperature and salinity to specified pressures. While
smooth.spline provides excellent values at the
2013 Mar 06
Constrained cubic smoothing spline
Hello everone,
Anyone who knows how to force a cubic smoothing spline to pass through a particular point?
I found on website someone said that we can use "cobs package" to force the spline pass through certain points or impose shape constraints (increasing, decreasing). However, this package is using B-spline and can only do linear and quadratic
2005 Nov 24
spatial-time smoothing
Hi all,
I'm looking for to interpolate hourly temperature date collected from more
than 140 automatic weather station (irregularly spaced) using 4 independent
1-2) geografic coordinates (x,y) (from DEM - 40m)
3) altitude (z) (from DEM - 40m)
4) solar radiation (from a model calculated with grass: r.sun)
In addition, I would like to use also "time" variable (e.g.: hours).
2006 Mar 16
running median and smoothing splines for robust surface f itting
loess() should be able to do robust 2D smoothing.
There's no natural ordering in 2D, so defining running medians can be
tricky. I seem to recall Prof. Koenker talked about some robust 2D
smoothing method at useR! 2004, but can't remember if it's available in some
From: Vladislav Petyuk
> Hi,
> Are there any multidimenstional versions of runmed() and
2004 Mar 01
non-negative least-squares
Hi all,
I am trying to do an inversion of electromagnetic data with non-negative
least squares method (Tikhonov regularisation) and have got it
programmed in S-Plus. However I am trying to move all my scripts from
S-Plus to R.
Is there an equivalent to nnls.fit in R?
I think this can be done with pcls? Right?
S-Plus script: A, L and data are matrices, lambda is a vector of
possible lambda
2006 Nov 07
multivariate splines
I am looking for an R package that would calculate multivarite (mostly
2d and 3d, tensor) cubic interpolating splines, so that I could
evaluate these splines (and their derivatives) at many points (unkown
at the time of calculating the spline polynomials) repeatedly.
To make things concrete, I have an array V with
dim(V) = k
and gridpoint vectors grid=list(...), length(grid[[i]])==k[i],