similar to: rmultinomial() function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "rmultinomial() function"

2010 Nov 18
Hello All, I'm trying to run a maximum likelihood analysis using dmultinomial (i'm avoiding dmultinom as I'd like to run it with vectors for the ML stuff). However, I'm having a hard time getting even the simplest example running. Any help would be greatly appreciated. > library(mc2d) > dmultinomial(x=c(0,0,1),prob=c(1,1,1),size=1,log=TRUE) Error in if (ncol(x) != K)
2010 Mar 24
with data in the form of an R data objecte: Monte Carlo simulation in R
Hi, please use the following the matrix z as the example: x<-c(2,4,5,7,6,9,8,2,0) y<-matrix(x,3,3) z<-apply(y,2,function(x)x/sum(x)) z On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 6:59 PM, David Winsemius <>wrote: > > On Mar 23, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Hongwei Dong wrote: > > Hi, R-helpers, >> >> I'm trying to use R to do a Monte Carlo simulation and
2008 Feb 08
R version of SAS Proc Varclus
I am interested in finding an R version of SAS "Proc Varclus". SAS's Proc Varclus implements an oblique cluster analysis based on principal components. How can I find out if R has a package that runs the same algorithm implemented in SAS "Proc Varclus"? Thank you, Mary Helen Black __________________________ Mary Helen Black, M.S. Keck School of Medicine of USC
2006 Jan 20
Troubles with the function rmultinom.c of the R's Random Number Generator
Hi, I'm simulating a Markov chain in Fortran interfaced with R-2.2.1 in order to generate data according to a Markov Random Field called the Potts model. R Version: platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu system i686, linux-gnu status major 2 minor 2.1 year 2005 month 12 day 20 svn rev 36812 Each loop of my Fortran calls the function rmultinom.c
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
>>>>> Christophe Dutang >>>>> on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 14:21:53 +0200 writes: > Dear all, > Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability. > Maybe, a more precise message will be helpful when debugging. >> rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3,
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
On 08/04/2023 5:53 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Christophe Dutang >>>>>> on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 14:21:53 +0200 writes: > > > Dear all, > > > Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability. > > > Maybe, a more
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
Dear all, Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability. Maybe, a more precise message will be helpful when debugging. > rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, Inf)) Error in rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, Inf)) : NA in probability vector > rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, NA)) Error in rmultinom(1,
2016 Mar 10
rmultinom.c error probability not sum to 1
Hi all, I should have given a better explanation of my problem. Here it is. I extracted from my code the bit that gives the error. Place this in a file called test.c #include <math.h> #include <R.h> #include <Rmath.h> #include <float.h> #include <R_ext/Print.h> int main(){ double prob[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; double prob_tot = 0.; prob[0] = 0.3*dnorm(2, 0,
2010 Sep 08
problem with outer
Hello, i wrote this function guete and now i want to plot it: but i get this error message. i hope someone can help me. Error in dim(robj) <- c(dX, dY) : dims [product 16] do not match the length of object [1] p_11=seq(0,0.3,0.1) p_12=seq(0.1,0.4,0.1) guete = function(p_11,p_12) { set.seed(1000) S_vek=matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=1) for(i in 1:N) { X_0=rmultinom(q-1,size=1,prob=p_0)
2016 Mar 10
rmultinom.c error probability not sum to 1
Dear all, I have a questions regarding using the c function rmultinom.c. I got the following error message "rbinom: probability sum should be 1, but is 0.999264" Which is thrown by: if(fabs((double)(p_tot - 1.)) > 1e-7) MATHLIB_ERROR(_("rbinom: probability sum should be 1, but is %g"), (double) p_tot); I understand my probabilities do not sum to one close enough. I
2008 Mar 05
Question on "assign(paste.."
Hello, I'm having trouble in using "assign(paste ..." command . I could create several dataframes following trinomial distribution using it but it could not be used to check their row means of the created dataframe. For example, the following works: probTrt=matrix(0,4,3); probTrt; #malf, death, normal probTrt[1,]=c(0.064,0.119,0.817);#for Trt 1 probTrt[2,]=c(0.053,0.125,0.823);#for
2006 Dec 09
Error in rmultinom(n, size, prob) : too few positive probabilities
// R 2.3.1 Can someone please explain why this error returns? > y=numeric(100) > x=matrix(runif(16),4,4) > for(i in 2:100) + { + y[i]=which(rmultinom(1, size = 1, prob = x[y[i-1], ])==1) + } Error in rmultinom(n, size, prob) : too few positive probabilities thx much ej
2010 Nov 08
How to rbind list of vectors with unequal vector lengths?
Hi, How to rbind these vectors from a list?: > l <- list(a = c(1, 2), b = c(1, 2, 3)) > l $a [1] 1 2 $b [1] 1 2 3 >, l) [,1] [,2] [,3] a 1 2 1 b 1 2 3 Warning message: In function (..., deparse.level = 1) : number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1) > -J
2007 Mar 30
faster computation of cumulative multinomial distribution
Dear list members, I have a series of /unequal/ probabilities [p1,p2,...,pk], describing mutually exclusive events, and a "remainder" class with a probability p0=1-p1-p2-....-pk, and need to calculate, for a given number of trials t>=k, the combined probability that each of the classes 1...k contains at least 1 "event" (the remainder class may be empty). To me this reaks
2008 May 16
Integer / floating point question
Dear R-help - I have thought about this question for a bit, and come up with no satisfactory answer. Say I have the numeric vector t1, given as t1 <- c(1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0) I simply want to reliably extract the unique integers from t1, i.e., the vector c(1, 2, 3). This is of course superficially simple to carry out. However, my question is related to R FAQ 7.31, "Why
2011 Nov 07
Sampling with conditions
Hey everyone, I am at best, an amateur user of R, but I am stuck on how to set-up the following situation. I am trying to select a random sample of numbers from 0 to 10 and insert them into the first column of a matrix (which will used later in a loop). However, I need to have those numbers add up to 10. How can I set those conditions? So far I have: n<-matrix(0,nr=5,ncol=10) for(i in
2009 Aug 31
Offtopic, HT vs. HH in coin flips
Dear R-help, Could someone please try to explain this paradox to me? What is more likely to show up first in a string of coin tosses, "Heads then Tails", or "Heads then Heads"? ##generate 2500 strings of random coin flips ht <- replicate(2500, paste(sample(c("H", "T"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse =
2008 Jul 02
Hmisc latex function with longtable option
Hello - I'm trying to use Hmisc's latex function to produce a postscript file of a data.frame, using the longtable = TRUE option. When I run, for example, ## sample R code dvips(latex(data.frame(a = rnorm(100), b = rnorm(100)), longtable = TRUE), file = "") latex runs successfully and a file is produced. However, I see the following in the
2010 May 23
creating a reverse geometric sequence
Hello, Can anyone think of a non-iterative way to generate a decreasing geometric sequence in R? For example, for a hypothetical function dg, I would like: > dg(20) [1] 20 10 5 2 1 where I am using integer division by 2 to get each subsequent value in the sequence. There is of course: dg <- function(x) { res <- integer() while(x >= 1) { res <- c(res, x) x
2012 Jun 28
R help, using R to build choropleth
Hi guys i need some help to build choropleth. Basically i am trying to colour regions on the map by population. I possess the shape file of the country, and also the population data, however, i am having trouble to create the plot, below is my code: population=read.csv("nz2.csv") population names(population) nz=readShapeSpatial((sprintf('nz-geodetic-marks',tmp_dir)))