similar to: sampsize in Random Forests

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "sampsize in Random Forests"

2006 Nov 13
random forest regression
Dear all, I am doing a regression in ramdomForest, using the option "sampsize" reduce the number of records used to produce the randomForest object. The manual says "For classification, if sampsize is a vector of the length the number of strata, then sampling is stratified by strata, and the elements of sampsize indicate the numbers to be drawn from the strata". I need my
2005 Oct 27
Repost: Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" i n randomForest?
"classwt" in the current version of the randomForest package doesn't work too well. (It's what was in version 3.x of the original Fortran code by Breiman and Cutler, not the one in the new Fortran code.) I'd advise against using it. "sampsize" and "strata" can be use in conjunction. If "strata" is not specified, the class labels will be used.
2005 Oct 27
Repost: Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" in randomForest?
Sorry for the repost, but I've really been looking, and can't find any syntax direction on this issue... Just browsing the documentation, and searching the list came up short... I have some unbalanced data and was wondering if, in a "0" v "1" classification forest, some combo of these options might yield better predictions when the proportion of one class is low (less
2007 Dec 18
Random forests
Dear all, I would like to use a tree regression method to analyze my dataset. I am interested in the fact that random forests creates in-bag and out-of-bag datasets, but I also need an estimate of support for each split. That seems hard to do in random forests since each tree is grown using a subset of the predictor variables. I was thinking of setting mtry = number of predictor variables,
2007 Jan 29
comparing random forests and classification trees
Hi, I have done an analysis using 'rpart' to construct a Classification Tree. I am wanting to retain the output in tree form so that it is easily interpretable. However, I am wanting to compare the 'accuracy' of the tree to a Random Forest to estimate how much predictive ability is lost by using one simple tree. My understanding is that the error automatically displayed by the two
2013 Feb 13
CARET: Any way to access other tuning parameters?
The documentation for caret::train shows a list of parameters that one can tune for each method classification/regression method. For example, for the method randomForest one can tune mtry in the call to train. But the function call to train random forests in the original package has many other parameters, e.g. sampsize, maxnodes, etc. Is there **any** way to access these parameters using train
2011 Sep 13
class weights with Random Forest
Hi All, I am looking for a reference that explains how the randomForest function in the randomForest package uses the classwt parameter. Here: Andy Liaw suggests not using classwt. And according to: it has "not been implemented" as of 2007.
2006 Jan 25
imbalanced classes
Hi Andy, I know this topic has been discussed before on the R-help, but I was wondering if you could offer some advice specific to my application. I'm using the R random forest package to compare two classes of data, the number of cases in each class relatively low, 28 in class 1 and 9 in class 2. I'd really like to use R environment to analyze this data, however I'm finding it
2010 Jul 20
Random Forest - Strata
Hi all, Had struggled in getting "Strata" in randomForest to work on this. Can I get randomForest for each of its TREE, to get ALL sample from some strata to build tree, while leaving some strata TOTALLY untouched as oob? e.g. in below, how I can tell RF to, - for tree 1 in the forest, to use only Site A and B to build the tree, while using the WHOLE Site C data for the oob error
2005 Oct 25
Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" in randomForest?
Just browsing the documentation, and searching the list came up short... I have some unbalance data and was wondering if, in a "0" v "1" classification forest, if these options might yield better predictions when the proportion of one class is low (less than 10% in a sample of 2,000 observations). Not sure how to specify these terms... from the docs, we have: classwt: Priors
2009 Sep 24
pipe data from plot(). was: ROCR.plot methods, cross validation averaging
All, I'm trying again with a slightly more generic version of my first question. I can extract the plotted values from hist(), boxplot(), and even plot.randomForest(). Observe: # get some data dat <- rnorm(100) # grab histogram data hdat <- hist(dat) hdat #provides details of the hist output #grab boxplot data bdat <- boxplot(dat) bdat #provides details of the boxplot
2011 Dec 15
Random Forest Reading N/A's, I don't see them
After checking the original data in Excel for blanks and running Summary(cm3) to identify any null values in my data, I'm unable to identify an instances. Yet when I attempted to use the data in Random Forest, I get the following error. Is there something that Random Forest is reading as null which is not actually null? Is there a better way to check for this? > library(randomForest) >
2009 Mar 20
Hi! I am dealing with random forest using R. Is there a way to sample a fixed no.of rows from a dataset for use with different trees in random Forest. To be more clear, my data set contains 1500 rows, and I am growing 500 trees in Random Forest Is it possible to sample only 500 rows of data from the data set and use it for different trees in the forest. I mean each tree of the forest should use
2007 Jan 28
help with RandomForest classwt option
Hello there, I am working on an extremely unbalanced two class classification problems. I wanna use "classwt" with "down sampling" together. By checking the rfNews() in R, it looks that classwt is not working yet. Then I looked at the software from Salford. I did not find the down sampling option. I am wondering if you have any experience to deal with this problem. Do you
2012 May 05
No Data in randomForest predict
I would like to ask a general question about the randomForest predict function and how it handles No Data values. I understand that you can omit No Data values while developing the randomForest object, but how does it handle No Data in the prediction phase? I would like the output to be NA if any (not just all) of the input data have an NA value. It is not clear to me if this is the default or
2012 Dec 03
How do I make R randomForest model size smaller?
I've been training randomForest models on 7 million rows of data (41 features). Here's an example call: myModel <- randomForest(RESPONSE~., data=mydata, ntree=50, maxnodes=30) I thought surely with only 50 trees and 30 terminal nodes that the memory footprint of "myModel" would be small. But it's 65 megs in a dump file. The object seems to be holding all sorts of
2011 Mar 07
use "caret" to rank predictors by random forest model
Hi, I'm using package "caret" to rank predictors using random forest model and draw predictors importance plot. I used below commands:<-randomForest(x,y,ntree=500,importance=TRUE) ## "x" is matrix whose columns are predictors, "y" is a binary resonse vector ## Then I got the ranked predictors by ranking
2005 Sep 08
Re-evaluating the tree in the random forest
Dear mailinglist members, I was wondering if there was a way to re-evaluate the instances of a tree (in the forest) again after I have manually changed a splitpoint (or split variable) of a decision node. Here's an illustration: library("randomForest") forest.rf <- randomForest(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris, do.trace = TRUE, ntree = 3, mtry = 2, norm.votes = FALSE) # I am
2004 Jan 20
random forest question
Hi, here are three results of random forest (version 4.0-1). The results seem to be more or less the same which is strange because I changed the classwt. I hoped that for example classwt=c(0.45,0.1,0.45) would result in fewer cases classified as class 2. Did I understand something wrong? Christian x1rf <- randomForest([cvtrain,]),
2010 Dec 11
randomForest: help with combine() function
I've built two RF objects (RF1 and RF2) and have tried to combine them, but I get the following error: Error in rf$votes + ifelse([[i]]$votes), 0, rflist[[i]]$votes) : non-conformable arrays In addition: Warning message: In rf$oob.times + rflist[[i]]$oob.times : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length Both RF models use the same variables, although