similar to: using xyplot with groups and panel.linejoin

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "using xyplot with groups and panel.linejoin"

2005 Sep 23
panel.linejoin groups
Dear R community, I am still new to R, but I am attempting to use it for (hopefully) all my plotting needs. I have been using lattice and Hmisc for most plots so far successfully, but I need help creating a plot I desire for some new data I have. This data frame consists of the same type of measurement (Eh) for 27 different locations. I have 8000+ measurements for each location, and my
2007 Jan 02
lattice panel.linejoin type question
Hello R Users! I'm trying to use the panel.linejoin function to draw points and lines (type="o") but it wouldn't do it. Modifying the panel.linejoin function as such (adding type argument to the panel.lines call). *original* panel.lines(vals[xx], yy, col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...) *modified panel.lines(vals[xx], yy, col = col.line, lty
2003 Feb 19
groups of boxplots
Hi, does anyone know how to make pairs of boxplots? E.g. 5 pairs of boxes. I figured a not very elegant way, by inserting a dummy NA field to the list where the data is given. So, where I have the dummy I got more distance between boxes, as a result it looks like groups. But I am having problems with putting the names under the groups, and the thick marks. Any better idea? Thanks, Kati ___
2002 Oct 15
No subject
Hi, I have a coding problem. I have data pairs, and I want to calculate a parameter for the data pairs as a whole data set (so not using the information that thely are pairs) I am looking for bias in that certain parameter so I want to bootstrap these data pairs(!), and than calculate the parameter. I run into a coding problem. How should I define theta in order to resample the pairs, but than
2003 Apr 24
bca ci's and NaN's in boot.out
Dear All, I am trying to use the function on a boot.out object which consists a few NaN's and I want to ignore those NaN's, and get a ci only for the "normal" values. boot.out$t has R number of values for 3000 different statistics, so when I use, index=i) and i happens to be a column in boot.out$t with some NaN's in there I get an error message. I
2024 Sep 14
how to specify point symbols in the key on a lattice dotplot
On Fri, 13 Sept 2024 at 23:36, Christopher W. Ryan <cwr at> wrote: > > For me, Bert's suggestion produces a plot with two black symbols above > the plotting region, a circle and a triangle, both filled, and no text. > > This, in which I specify several features of the symbols in the key, > > dd %>% dotplot( segment ~ transit_time, groups =
2024 Sep 13
how to specify point symbols in the key on a lattice dotplot
For me, Bert's suggestion produces a plot with two black symbols above the plotting region, a circle and a triangle, both filled, and no text. This, in which I specify several features of the symbols in the key, dd %>% dotplot( segment ~ transit_time, groups = impact, data = ., pch = 16:17, col = 1:2, cex = 1.8, scales =
2012 Feb 28
Dotplot edition
Hi everyone, Im very new with R and I would like to change the size text (names) in the ylab in a dotplot. I have checked many webpages and R sites,  but I have not found any help. This is the same structure of the plot in R graph Gallery: thanks in thanks is advance José Mi code is this: ### setup the key k <- simpleKey( c(
2008 Apr 18
Vertical bars with barchart
Hallo, What is the right way to get vertical bars in a barchart? For instance barchart(VADeaths, key=simpleKey(colnames(VADeaths),points=F,rectangles=T)) gives what I need, only I would like the bars to be vertical. But barchart(VADeaths,horizontal=F, key=simpleKey(colnames(VADeaths),points=F,rectangles=T)) does not give what I need, and I do not understand how to change the
2005 Jun 01
font size in the trellis plot
>library(lattice) >dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, groups = year, key = simpleKey(levels(barley$year), space = "right"), xlab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre) ", aspect=0.5, layout = c(1,6), ylab=NULL) and i get the plot whose font overlaps .what parematers should i change.(i do not want to change the size of the plot).
2007 Jan 30
change plotting symbol for groups in trellis graph
Hi, how can I change the plotting symbol for the groups in a trellis panel dotplot. My graph is similar to: library(trellis) dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, groups = year, key = simpleKey(levels(barley$year), space = "right"), xlab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre) ", aspect=0.5, layout = c(1,6), ylab=NULL) I'd like to
2024 Sep 13
how to specify point symbols in the key on a lattice dotplot
I am making a dotplot with lattice, as follows: dd %>% dotplot( segment ~ transit_time, groups = impact, data = ., as.table = TRUE, pch = 16:17, cex = 1.8, scales = list(cex = 1.4), auto.key = TRUE) impact is a factor with two levels. They key shows 2 open circles, one of each color of my two plotting symbols, one
2008 Dec 02
legend idea for latticeExtra
Dear list, I've written a small utility function to add arbitrary legend(s) to a lattice graph (or a combination of them), much like the legend function of base graphics. I though perhaps it could be useful to someone else, or improved by suggestions. I understand this goes against the lattice paradigm somewhat, in that you short-cut the link between group variables and the
2009 Sep 28
xyplot help - colors and break in plot
Dear List, I am new to lattice plots, and am having problems with getting my plot to do what I want. Specifically: 1. I would like the legend to have the same symbols as the plot. I tried simpleKey but can't seem to get it to work with autoKey. Right now my plot has dots (pch=19) and my legend shows circles. 2. I have nine groups but xyplot seems to only be using seven colors, so two
2004 Oct 26
Dear R users, Would need some help. I will compare some results in a dotplot. The picture is very dark(grey) in the background, could I get it ligther? R-code dotplot(LINES~VAL, groups=QQ,key=simpleKey(levels(QQ1),space="top"),xlab="Values",main="Tail-Measure" ) (where LINES,VAL, QQ is vectors)
2008 Aug 05
xyplot key issue - line colors
I have a problem regarding the colors assigned to the lines in the key to an xy plot. I specify the plot like this: xyplot(numbers~sqrt(breaks)|moltype+disttype, groups = type, data = alldata, layout = c(3,2), type = "l" , lwd = 2, col = c("gray", "skyblue"), key = simpleKey(levels(alldata$type), points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2, lwd = 2,
2003 May 23
variance components
Dear All, I need to calculate the variance components in a mixed effect model (one fixed and one random effect) with REML (maximizing the proportion of the likelihood that does not depend on the fixed effects). In S+ there is the varcomp function, but I would like to do it in R. Is there a way to do that? Thanks! Katalin ___ Katalin Csillery Division of Biological Sciences University of
2008 Dec 21
Trouble with 'smooth' using xyplot in lattice
Hello, I am fairly new to R am stumped on how to get the xyplot function in the lattice package to produce a scatter plot of count data versus time, such that the count data represent 8 different groups, and the plot produced has 8 unique "smoothed" lines for the different groups. This is the closest I can get to the desired plot: xyplot(masmean ~ mas, data = Pre96CR.masmeans, groups
2008 Aug 25
lattice : using both strip and strip.left
Dear all, I'm routinely using lattice and ggplot2, I wish to create a lattice theme that looks not too dissimilar to ggplot's defaults so I can include both graphs in a document with a consistent look. To illustrate my questions, consider the following example: > library(ggplot2) > library(lattice) > > # example data > x <- seq(0, 10, len = 100) > y1 <-
2003 Apr 02
Can boot return matrix?
Dear All, I have a function which takes a n x m matrix as an argument and returns an n x n matrix. I want to take bootstrap samples form the input matrix in the way as each row represent a multivariate observation, so each bootstrap sample would be an n x m matrix, and on each sample I want to calculate the n x n matrix. This task can be done with the sample function, but I would like to use