Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Idioms for a timeseries operation - moving window"
2009 Jul 25
how to smooth timeseries without the lagging?
Hi all,
If I use a moving average, it will smooth the choppy time series, but
it will lead to lagging...
How do I smooth timeseries without the lagging effect?
2012 Mar 03
Sliding a Window in R
Dear all,
I am having a vector of around 300.000 elements and I Want to slide fast a window from the first element until the last-Windowsize
what I have so far is the following for statement:
for (i in 1:(length(data[,1]) - windowSize)) {
out[i] <- mean(data[i:(i + windowSize - 1), ])
elements[i]<-length(i:(i + windowSize - 1))
but this of course takes ages to
2008 Feb 13
rolling sum (like in Rmetrics package)
Hello, I'm new to R and would like to know how to create a vector of "rolling
sums". (I have seen the Rmetrics package and the rollMean function and I
would like to do the same thing except Sum instead of Mean.) I imagine
someone has done this, I just can't find it anywhere.
x <- somevector #where x is 'n' entries long
#what I would like to do is:
2011 Apr 04
moving mean and moving variance functions
Lets say as an example I have a dataframe with the following attributes:
rownum(1:405), colnum(1:287), year(2000:2009), daily(rownum x colnum x year)
and foragePotential (0:1, by 0.01). The data is actually stored in a netcdf
file and I'm trying to provide a conceptual version of the data.
Ok. I need to calculate a moving mean and a moving variance for each cell on
the following
2011 Jun 07
Packages for R-CRAN (organizing aspects)
I have some ideas for packages that I want to provide on R-CRAN.
One package alreads is working, but I have some warnings in
when compiling. Also I don't know if the libraries in use are only
working on Unix/Linux.
So I have some general questions:
- If I'm not sure if the code would also work on windows
(needing some ceratain libraries or tools),
would it be better to
2007 Nov 04
Help about exception handling in r-project.
Respected Sir,
I am working on something in R. I am getting the following error.
Warning messages:1: the standard deviation is zero in: cor(x, y, na.method, method == "kendall")
I like to handle this error.
I like to know how to do error handling in R.
I want to write the WARNING MESSAGES to a text file and exit R. Please help me with a solution.
My mailid is
2011 Mar 22
Accelerating the calculation of the moving average
Dear List,
I have a data frame with approximately 500000 rows that looks like this:
?Date??? time??? value
19.07.1956????????? 12:00:00?????????????? 4.84
19.07.1956????????? 13:00:00?????????????? 4.85
19.07.1956????????? 14:00:00?????????????? 4.89
19.07.1956????????? 15:00:00?????????????? 4.94
19.07.1956????????? 16:00:00?????????????? 4.99
19.07.1956????????? 17:00:00?????????????? 5.01
2007 Oct 06
help_R2.5 updating
I run windows vista ultimate in my laptop and run R 2.5
I am trying to update the packages but it comes up with an error message
""Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib' is not writable
Error in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, :
2009 Dec 10
Moving Averages in ggplot2
Hello all,
Have some time series data stored in a data.frame, and am plotting it with
ggplot2 (which is totally awesome). I have explored the documentation and
mailing list archives, and I can't see any way to plot a 'smoother' that is
just the K-step moving average.
For example, imagine I had a data.frame called 'sleep' with 'date' as the
date (from as.Date()) and
2008 Jan 27
titles with superscript and variale value
Hi everyone,
I am trying to write a title for a plot which has a superscript like D^2 and a value of a variable stored in that variable..... i am not sure if i am clear so i will try an example:
Suppose i want my title to be like: Family: Gaussian; D^2 = 0.45
where i have the value 0.45 stored in variable d2 (which comes from some previous calculations, and depending which actual variables
2005 Apr 02
Survey of "moving window" statistical functions - still looking f or fast mad function
First, let me thank Jaroslaw for making this survey. I find it quite
Now the questions:
* the #1 solution below (based on cumsum) is numerically unstable.
Specifically if you do the runmean on a positive vector you can easily
get negative numbers due to rounding errors. Does anyone see a
modification which is free of this deficiency?
* is it possible to optimize the
2006 Jul 26
Moving Average
Dear R-Users,
How can I compute simple moving averages from a time series in R?
Note that I do not want to estimate a MA model, just compute the MA's
given a lenght (as excel does).
Ricardo Gonçalves Silva, M. Sc.
Apoio aos Processos de Modelagem Matemática
Econometria & Inadimplência
Serasa S.A.
(11) - 6847-8889
2008 Feb 25
RWinEdt Install issue
Dear RUsers,
I just upgraded from 2.6.0 to 2.6.2 and tried to reinstall the RWinEdt patch to work with WinEdt so that I can continue function as I always have but I have run into problems that I don't understand how to fix. Any help would be great. Essentially, I downloaded the latest RWinEdt zip folder from the CRAN website and tried calling the library. I tried re-installing it a bunch of
2008 Mar 07
Problem getting Java Runtime Environment installed into OpenOffice
I'm having trouble getting my new install of OpenOffice 2.31 to find my newly installed Java Runtime Environment version jre1.6.0_04 (downloaded from Sun). I tried installing it via Tools>Options>Java (am using OpenOffice Calc to try to set it up). The options dialog box is finding the Free Software Foundation version 1.4.2, but it won't find the new JRE file.
I tried
2013 Jan 28
incorrect import?
Dear all,
I'm not getting what I'm doing wrong. The line below from my read.fsa.bin function throws an error when just loading my AFLP package and disappears when I load the zoo package as well.
#the line that throws the error
Index <- which(Peak == rollmax(Peak, k = 1 + 2 * floor((min(diff(SizeStandard)) * Fs - 1) / 2), fill = -Inf))
#the error
Error in UseMethod("rollmax")
2011 Apr 13
Overcoming warning in package zoo
Dear R users,I have a long program that I am trying to run--I am using RStudio as my interface with R. The pieces of the program run well individually but when I try to run everything in sequence it bogs down because of a warning after using rollmax from package zoo. Here is the warning:
"In rollmax.zoo(zoo(Pmat), 7, na.pad = FALSE, align = "right") : na.pad is deprecated. Use
2011 Jun 25
Moving average in a data table
I'm trying to figure out common approach on calculating MA on a dataset
that contains column "time".
After digging around, I believe functions rollmean and rollaply should
be used.
However I don't quite understand the requirements for the underlying data.
Should it be zoo object type? Formatted in a special way?
As an example, I'm looking to get calculated
2008 Aug 21
max and min with the indexes in a zoo object (or anything else that could solve the problem)
t1 <- chron("1/1/2006", "00:00:00")
t2 <- chron("1/31/2006", "23:45:00")
deltat <- times("00:15:00")
tt <- seq(t1, t2, by = times("00:15:00"))
d <- sample(33:700, 2976, replace=TRUE)
sin.zoo <- zoo(d,tt)
#there are ninety six reading in a day
d.max <- rollapply(sin.zoo, width=96, FUN=max)
2008 Jan 07
moving or running average
Hi all R users,
Can anyone please let me know how to do the moving average with R?
With regards,
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2009 Feb 26
Moving Average
I am looking for some help at removing low-frequency components from a signal, through Moving Average on a sliding window.
I understand thiis is a smoothing procedure that I never done in my life before .. sigh.
I searched R archives and found "rollmean", "MovingAverages {TTR}", "SymmetricMA".
None of the above mantioned functions seems to accept the smoothing