similar to: Mixed model Nested ANOVA

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Mixed model Nested ANOVA"

2008 Feb 24
mixed model nested ANOVA (part two)
First of all thank you for the responses. I appreciate the suggestions i have received thus far. Just to reiterate I am trying to analyze a data set that has been collected from a hierarchical sampling design. The model should be a mixed model nested ANOVA. The purpose of my study is to analyze the variability at each spatial scale in my design (random factors, variance components), and say
2008 Apr 26
nested anova and multiple comparisons
Hello R List: My problem is with a nested anova. I have read the r-help and it has answered some of my questions but i still need some help on this one. I have also posted for help on this data set before, so i apologize in advance for any repetition. My design is as follows: response: Quadrat Counts (individuals per quadrat) Explanatory: Region (3 regions) Locations (4
2008 Sep 14
Help please! How to code a mixed-model with 2 within-subject factors using lme or lmer?
Hello, I'm using aov() to analyse changes in brain volume between males and females. For every subject (there are 331 in total) I have 8 volume measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues (grey/white matter)). The data looks like this: Subject Sex Lobe Tissue Volume subect1 1 F g 262374 subect1 1 F w 173758 subect1 1 O g 67155 subect1 1 O w 30067 subect1 1 P g 117981
2007 May 13
Some questions on repeated measures (M)ANOVA & mixed models with lme4
Dear R Masters, I'm an anesthesiology resident trying to make his way through basic statistics. Recently I have been confronted with longitudinal data in a treatment vs. control analysis. My dataframe is in the form of: subj | group | baseline | time | outcome (long) or subj | group | baseline | time1 |...| time6 | (wide) The measured variable is a continuous one. The null hypothesis in
2008 Sep 13
moving from aov() to lmer()
Hello, I've used this command to analyse changes in brain volume: mod1<-aov(Volume~Sex*Lobe*Tissue+Error(Subject/(Lobe*Tissue)),data.vslt) I'm comparing males/females. For every subject I have 8 volume measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues (grey/white matter)). As aov() provides only type I anovas, I would like to use lmer() with type II, however, I have
2010 Nov 04
ANOVA table and lmer
The following output results from fitting models using lmer and lm to data arising from a split-plot experiment (#320 from "Small Data Sets" by Hand et al. 1994). The data is given at the bottom of this message. My question is why is the sum of squares for variety (V) different in the ANOVA table generated from the lmer model fit from that generated by the lm model fit. The
2008 Jul 30
Repeated Measure ANOVA-Old question
Hi R users, I google the website and I found that there are three ways to perform repeated measure ANOVA: aov, lme and lmer. at But the questions are which one is good to use and how to do post-hoc test? I use the example that is provided in the above link and I try > tt<-aov(*time+Error(subject/time),data=P.PA)
2012 Feb 06
multiple comparisons in nested design
Dear professors and collegues I need to perform a analysis of dates from a nested experimental design. From "Bioestatical Analysis" of Zar "Bimetry of Sokal" & Rohlf "Design and Analysis of Experiments" of Montgomery I have: Sum (mean(x)_i - mean(x)_T)2 / (a-1) -> var(epsilon) + n sigma2_B + n b (sum alfa_i)2 / (a-1) Sum (mean(x)_ij - mean(x)_i)2 /
2008 Aug 27
random error with lme for repeated measures anova
Hi, what is the appropriate syntax to get the random error correct when performing repeated measures anova with 'lme'. let's say i have 3 independent variables, with 'aov', i would write something like: aov(dep_var~(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3) + Error(subject/(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3)). With 'lme' however, i can't find the right formula. i tried
2012 Feb 04
Comparaciones múltiples en ANOVA anidadp
Dispongo de un experimento en el que cinco tratamientos ha sido aplicados a cinco grupos de voluntarios. En cada grupo había tres personas y a cada persona se le tomaron 3 medidas, En total dispongo de 45 medidas, pero evidentemente no son independientes entre sí. Si no tomo en cuenta que las medidas de la misma persona son más parecidas entre sí (bloques anidados) estaría incurriendo en
2005 Nov 30
Random Effects for One-Way Anova
Hello to All. I'd want to use a one-way ANOVA. This means that I have only one factor, with, lets say, 5 levels. I made a dataframe, called "DATA", with two Columns: A, that is my response, and it is "class numerical". B, that defines the different levels of my factor, and it is "class factor". If I want to use a fixed effect model, I know that the formula I have
2006 Feb 27
repeated measures ANOVA
Dear list members: I have the following data: group <- rep(rep(1:2, c(5,5)), 3) time <- rep(1:3, rep(10,3)) subject <- rep(1:10, 3) <- c(92, 44, 49, 52, 41, 34, 32, 65, 47, 58, 94, 82, 48, 60, 47, 46, 41, 73, 60, 69, 95, 53, 44, 66, 62, 46, 53, 73, 84, 79) P.PA <- data.frame(subject, group, time, The ten subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups and measured
2011 Sep 29
How to Code Random Nested Variables within Two-way Fixed Model in lmer or lme
Hi All, I am frustrated by mixed-effects model! I have searched the web for hours, and found lots on the nested anova, but nothing useful on my specific case, which is: a random factor (C) is nested within one of the fixed-factors (A), and a second fixed factor (B) is crossed with the first fixed factor: C/A A B A x B My question: I have a functioning model using the aov command (see
2008 Oct 16
lmer for two models followed by anova to compare the two models
Dear Colleagues, I run this model: mod1 <- lmer(x~category+subcomp+category*subcomp+(1|id),data=impchiefsrm) obtain this summary result: Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Formula: x ~ category + subcomp + category * subcomp + (1 | id) Data: impchiefsrm AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance 4102 4670 -1954 3665 3908 Random effects: Groups Name Variance
2010 Aug 27
Nestad ANOVA with random Factors
Hi, I need a help. I am new in R and I need to run a nested anova with fixed and random factors (Mixed Model). I have a design with three factors: Day, Area and Plot and the dependent variable is density. The factors Day and Area are fixed while Plot is random, factor Area is nested in factor Day, and factor Plot is nested in Area. I can do it using aov by: mod1<-aov(density~ day +
2011 Jan 07
anova vs aov commands for anova with repeated measures
Dear all, I need to understand a thing in the beheaviour of the two functions aov and anova in the following case involving an analysis of ANOVA with repeated measures: If I use the folowing command I don´t get any problem: >aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)), >data=scrd) > summary(aov1) Instead if I try to fit the same model for the
2009 Jan 12
help on nested mixed effects ANOVA
Hello, I am trying to run a mixed effects nested ANOVA but none of my codes are giving me any meaningful results and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am a new user on R and would appreciate some help. The experimental design is that I have some frogs that have been exposed to three acoustic Treatments and I am measuring neural activity (egr), in 12 brain regions. Some frogs also called
2005 Jul 18
Nested ANOVA with a random nested factor (how to use the lme function?)
Hi, I am having trouble using the lme function to perform a nested ANOVA with a random nested factor. My design is as follows: Location (n=6) (Random) Site nested within each Location (n=12) (2 Sites nested within each Location) (Random) Dependent variable: sp (species abundance) By using the aov function I can generate a nested ANOVA, however this assumes that my nested
2006 May 18
Nested design
Dear list members, I'd like to perform a glm analysis with a hierarchically nested design. In particular, I have one fixed factor ("Land Use Classes") with three levels and a random factor ("quadrat") nested within Land Use Classes with different levels per classes (class artificial = 1 quadrat; class crops = 67 quadrats; and class seminatural = 30 quadrats). I have four
2006 Aug 09
nested ANOVA using lme
I have an ANOVA model with 2 factors "Environment" and "Site", "Diameter" is the response variable. Site should be nested within Environment. Site is also a random factor while Environment is fixed. I can do this analysis using the "aov" function by using these commands: >model<-aov(Diam~Env+Error(Env%in%Site),data=environ) >summary(model)