similar to: p-value for fixed effect in generalized linear mixed model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "p-value for fixed effect in generalized linear mixed model"

2008 Feb 14
Cholmod error `matrix not positive definite'
Dear R-users, I'm new to R, so my apologies if this question doesn't make sense. I've tried the following model in lmer, and it works perfectly: model<-lmer(aphids~densroot+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson) But if I try the exact same model with a different variable, totmas, the model looks as follows: model<-lmer(aphids~totmas+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson)
2010 Mar 18
Please Post Planned Contrasts Example in lme {nlme}
Hi I am running some linear and non-linear mixed effect models and would like to do some planned contrasts (a priori contrasts) I have looked in the help and in many forums and it seems possible to do so but don't understand how to write the function and I couldn't find an example in Pinheiro and Bates. lme {nlme} has a contrasts argument but I can't understand how to code it.
2005 Dec 14
Memory shortage running Repeated Measures (nlme)
Dear group, I tried to run a Repeated Mesures Anova for Mixed effects model and I got a warnning after entering the model specification saying: "Reached total allocation of 254Mb: see help(memory.size)". here is part of the log: *********************************************************** > aphids<-read.table("aphid.txt",header=T) > attach(aphids) > names(aphids)
2008 Nov 07
AIC value in lmer
Dear R Users, May be this message should be directy send to Douglas Bates ... I just want to know if I can use the AIC value given in the output of an lmer model to classify my logistic models. I heard that the AIC value given in GLIMMIX output (SAS) is false because it come from a calculation based on pseudo-likelyhood. Is it the same for lmer ??? thanks, Arnaud Arnaud MOSNIER Biologiste
2009 Sep 23
re peated measures
Hi, I am performing a repeated measures 2-way ANOVA to assess the influence of plant and leaf on aphid fecundity. Fecundity is measured for each aphid on a single leaf. Here is what I typed. wingless <- reshape(Wingless, varying =
2012 Nov 12
R lmer & SAS glimmix
Hi, I am trying to fit a model with lmer in R and proc glimmix in SAS. I have simplified my code but I am surprised to see I get different results from the two softwares. My R code is : lmer(y~age_cat + (1|cat),data=fic,family=binomial(link = "logit"), NaGQ=1) My SAS code is : ods output Glimmix.Glimmix.ParameterEstimates=t_estimates; proc glimmix data=tab_psi method=laplace;
2005 Dec 29
Glimmix and glm
Hello. Some months age an e-mail was posted in which a comparison between Glimmix and glm was discussed. I have not been able to find that e-mail on the R archive. Does anyone recall the date of the above e-mail? Thank you very much. ******************************************* Antonio Paredes USDA- Center for Veterinary Biologics Biometrics Unit 510 South 17th Street, Suite 104 Ames, IA 50010
2017 Aug 31
The aphid package for analysis with profile hidden Markov models
Hi folks, I'm pleased to introduce a new package called ?aphid?, for analysis with profile hidden Markov models in R. The package contains functions for multiple and pairwise sequence alignment for both nucleic acids and proteins (preferably in the DNAbin or AAbin format), model building, parameter optimization (Baum Welch and Viterbi training), plotting, file import & export,
2017 Aug 31
The aphid package for analysis with profile hidden Markov models
Hi folks, I'm pleased to introduce a new package called ?aphid?, for analysis with profile hidden Markov models in R. The package contains functions for multiple and pairwise sequence alignment for both nucleic acids and proteins (preferably in the DNAbin or AAbin format), model building, parameter optimization (Baum Welch and Viterbi training), plotting, file import & export,
2008 Jan 04
GLMMs fitted with lmer (R) & glimmix (SAS)
I'm fitting generalized linear mixed models to using several fixed effects (main effects and a couple of interactions) and a grouping factor (site) to explain the variation in a dichotomous response variable (family=binomial). I wanted to compare the output I obtained using PROC GLIMMIX in SAS with that obtained using lmer in R (version 2.6.1 in Windows). When using lmer I'm specifying
2005 Nov 08
Can someone Help in nls() package
Hello R-Community, we are running aprogram to fit Non-linear differential equations to Aphid population Data and to estimate the birth and death parameters, here is the code: dat<-data.frame(Time=c(0:60),Cur=c(5,6.2,59,39,38,44,20.4,19.4,34.2,35.4,38.2,48.2,55.4,113.2, 97,112,115,126,136.6,140.6,147.2,151.6,157.8,170,202,210.4,221.2,224.4,248.2,266,
2012 Mar 03
interpreting the output of a glm with an ordered categorical predictor.
Greetings. I'm a Master's student working on an analysis of herbivore damage on plants. I have a tried running a glm with one categorical predictor (aphid abundance) and a binomial response (presence/absence of herbivore damage). My predictor has four categories: high, medium, low, and none. I used the "ordered" function to sort my categories for a glm. ah <-
2012 Jun 19
Pseudolikelihood Estimation of spatial GLMM using R
Dear R users, I've been trying to find an R package which does the PL estimation of spatial GLMMs especially with the negative binomial model. so it would be something similar to the "proc GLIMMIX" with the PL method in SAS. I've looked up some possible packages related to GLMMs, but it doesn't seem to be anyone using the PL estimation. Thanks for your help! Fei He UCR
2005 Dec 01
Strange Estimates from lmer and glmmPQL
I'm trying to fit a generalized mixed effects model to a data set where each subject has paired categorical responses y (so I'm trying to use a binomial logit link). There are about 183 observations and one explanatory factor x. I'm trying to fit something like: (lmer(y~x+(1|subject))) I also tried fitting the same type of model using glmmPQL from MASS. In both cases, I get a
2017 Nov 21
mystery "158"
This is a simple problem, but a mystery to me. I'm trying to grab $Family "Scelionidae" from one dataframe and put it into another dataframe occupied with NA in $Family. The result is a "158" ends up there instead of Scelionidae. Simply put fam$Family[1] <- least$Family[1] If I have made a mistake here, can somebody point it out. I've included the simple
2003 Mar 12
quasipoisson, glm.nb and AIC values
Dear R users, I am having problems trying to fit quasipoisson and negative binomials glm. My data set contains abundance (counts) of a species under different management regimens. First, I tried to fit a poisson glm: > summary(model.p<-glm(abund~mgmtcat,poisson)) Call: glm(formula = abund ~ mgmtcat, family = poisson) . . . (Dispersion parameter
2010 Sep 12
R-equivalent Stata command: poisson or quasipoisson?
Hello R-help, According to a research article that covers the topic I'm analyzing, in Stata, a Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood (PPML) estimation can be obtained with the command poisson depvar_ij ln(indepvar1_ij) ln(indepvar2_ij) ... ln(indepvarN_ij), robust I looked up Stata help for the command, to understand syntax and such: Which simply says
2010 Sep 11
confidence bands for a quasipoisson glm
Dear all, I have a quasipoisson glm for which I need confidence bands in a graphic: gm6 <- glm(num_leaves ~ b_dist_min_new, family = quasipoisson, data = beva) summary(gm6) library('VIM') b_dist_min_new <- as.numeric(prepare(beva$dist_min, scaling="classical", transformation="logarithm")). My first steps for the solution are following: range(b_dist_min_new)
2009 Aug 13
Fitting a quasipoisson distribution to univariate data
Dear all, I am analyzing counts of seabirds made from line transects at sea. I have been fitting Poisson and negative binomial distributions to the data using the goodfit function from the vcd library. I would also like to evaluate how well a quasi-poisson distribution fits the data. However, none of the potentially suitable functions I have identified (goodfit(vcd), fitdistr(MASS),
2007 Aug 03
extracting dispersion parameter from quasipoisson lmer model
Hi, I would like to obtain the dispersion parameter for a quasipoisson model for later use in calculating QAIC values for model comparison.Can anyone suggest a method of how to go about doing this? The idea I have now is that I could use the residual deviance divided by the residual degrees of freedom to obtain the dispersion parameter. The residual deviance is available in the summary