Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Newbie HLM with lme4 questions"
2012 Aug 04
lme4 / HLM question
I'm hoping that this is a relatively easy question for someone familiar with
the lme4 package.
I'm accustomed to using HLM software and writing a simple 2 level [null]
equation like this:
L1 - Yij = b0 + e
L2 - b0 = B00 + u0
The following command in R provides results that are identical to the HLM
results <- lmer( Y ~ 1 |id , PanelData4)
I can't
2008 Jun 23
Simulating Gaussian Mixture Models
Is there any package that I can use to simulate the Gaussian
Mixture Model , which is a mixture modeling method that is widely used
in statistical learning theory.
I know there is a mclust, however, I think it is a little bit
different from my problem.
Thanks very much..
Peng Jiang
Ph.D. Candidate
Antai College of Economics &
2010 Jan 07
faster GLS code
Dear helpers,
I wrote a code which estimates a multi-equation model with generalized
least squares (GLS). I can use GLS because I know the covariance matrix of
the residuals a priori. However, it is a bit slow and I wonder if anybody
would be able to point out a way to make it faster (it is part of a bigger
code and needs to run several times).
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
2011 Jun 12
NLS fit for exponential distribution
Hello there,
I am trying to fit an exponential fit using Least squares to some data.
x <- c(1 ,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)
y <- c(0.033823, 0.014779, 0.004698, 0.001584, -0.002017, -0.003436,
-0.000006, -0.004626, -0.004626, -0.004626, -0.004626)
sub <- data.frame(x,y)
#If model is y = a*exp(-x) + b then
fit <- nls(y ~ a*exp(-x) + b, data = sub, start
2006 Dec 31
zero random effect sizes with binomial lmer
I am fitting models to the responses to a questionnaire that has
seven yes/no questions (Item). For each combination of Subject and
Item, the variable Response is coded as 0 or 1.
I want to include random effects for both Subject and Item. While I
understand that the datasets are fairly small, and there are a lot of
invariant subjects, I do not understand something that is happening
2005 Nov 09
Element-by-element multiplication operator?
Is there an element-by-element multiplication in R, like the .* operator in Matlab?
eg: A (2x3)
B (2x3)
C (2x3)
C = [[a11*b11 a12*b12 a13*b13]; [a21*b21 a22*b22 a23*b23]]
I can't find one...
-Mike Gates
2005 Dec 22
strsplit with dataframes
Hello fellow R people,
I can not figure out a pretty way to use strplit with vectors
Imagine that I got the following data from someone with ID's
representing several factors
ID data
A1-B1-t1 0
A1-B1-t2 1
A1-B2-t1 5
A1-B2-t2 10
A1-B10-t1 0
A1-B10-t2 1
A1-B20-t1 5
A1-B20-t2 10
I would like to turn this dataframe to
station substation time data
A1 B1 t1 0
A1 B1 t2 1
A1 B2 t1 5
2009 May 19
nlrwr package. Error when fitting the optimal Box-Cox transformation with two variables
Dear all:
I'm trying to fit the optimal Box-Cox
transformation related to nls (see the code
below) for the demand of money data in Green (3th
Edition) but in the last step R gives the next
error message.
Error en
`[.data.frame`(eval(object$data), ,
as.character(formula(object)[[2]])[2]) :
undefined columns selected.
?Any idea to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance,
2007 Mar 10
long character string problem
Hi All
I am having 2 very long character strings (550chars) and I want to put them as
expressions together with c(). The problem is that I also get these
double-quotes, as seen below in 'fct'. How can I remove these double-quotes? I
tried as.name() but it did not work (because of size?). These are creating
trouble with subsequent programs, which I tested with strings that for some
2012 Feb 16
how to rbind matrices from different loops
Dear R experts,
I am having difficulty using loops productively and would like to please
ask for advice. I have a dataframe of ids and groups. I would like to
break down the dataframe into groups, find the unique sets of ids, then
reassemble. My thought was to use a loop, but I have been unable to finish
this loop in a logical way. I would like to find the unique ids for group
1, group 2,
2010 Feb 04
Bug in as.character? (PR#14206)
A long formula which is converted using as.character, looses its last
part: ``diagonal = 1e-12)''
Shorter formula is ok though.
Browse[2]> formula.str
y ~ -1 + b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + b6 + b7 + b8 + b9 + b10 + b11 +
b12 + b13 + b14 + b15 + b16 + b17 + b18 + b19 + b20 + b21 +
b22 + b23 + b24 + b25 + b26 + b27 + b28 + b29 + b30 + b31 +
b32 +
2008 Nov 29
Reading mixed tables
Dear R buddies,
This weekend I became interested in solving Google Code Jam problems
using R. I guess R may work very well in this kind of contests but the
input of file has been a problem for me. Take this case for example
the files are usually of the form:
A(number of lines for group 1)
a11 a12 a13
2008 Jun 14
restricted coefficient and factor in linear regression.
my data set is data.frame(id, yr, y, l, e, k).
I would like to estimate Lee and Schmidts (1993, OUP) model in R.
My colleague wrote SAS code as follows:
** procedures for creating dummy variables are omitted **
** di# and dt# are dummy variables for industry and time **
data a2; merge a1 a2 a; by id yr;
proc sysnlin maxit=100 outest=beta2;
endogenous y;
exogenous l e k
2006 Apr 07
setIs and method dispatch in S4 classes
Dear all,
I have a question regarding setIs and method dispatch in S4 classes:
Consider the following example:
## A02 "contains" A01 by setIs:
setClass("A01", representation(a="numeric",b="numeric"))
setClass("A02", representation(a="numeric",d="numeric"))
2008 Jun 15
R vs SAS and HLM on multilevel analysis- basic question
Hi R users!
I am trying to learn some multilevel analysis, but unfortunately i am now very confused. The reason: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/hlm/seminars/hlm_mlm/mlm_hlm_seminar.htm
MlmSoftRev. pdf from mlmRev package.
>From what i see, the first two links seem to declare the level one variable as a random part (i
2011 Jan 27
HLM Model
I am trying to convert SAS codes to R, but some of the result are quite
different from SAS.
When I ran proc mixed, I have an option ddfm=bw followed by the model. How
can I show this method in R?(I am thinking that this maybe the reason that I
can't get the similar results)
below is my SAS codes:
proc mixed data=test covtest empirical;
class pair grade team school;
model score = trt
2011 Feb 01
Lmer binomial distribution x HLM Bernoulli distribution
Dear R-users,
I'm running a lmer model using the lme4 package. My dependent variable is
dichotomous and I'm using the "binomial" family. The results
are slightly different from the HLM results based on a Bernoulli
distribution. I read that a Bernoulli distribution is an extension of a
binomial distribution. Is that right? If so, how can I adapt my R model to a
2017 Aug 16
{nlme} Question about modeling Level two heteroscedasticity in HLM
Hello dear uesRs,
I am working on modeling both level one and level two
heteroscedasticity in HLM. In my model, both error variance and
variance of random intercept / random slope are affected by some level
two variables.
I found that nlme is able to model heteroscedasticity. I learned how
to use it for level one heteroscedasticity but don't know how to use
it to model the level
2011 Dec 06
Sequential Sum in R
I am trying to code the following excel formula in R.
a b c Result Formula
1 10 0.1 #N/A
2 20 0.2 0.2
3 30 0.3 0.5
4 40
2004 Aug 09
Need help on this problem!
Hi everyone,
I have posted a similar question to this list, but I don't
get a reply. I really want to solve this problem, so I
post it again...
I am trying to use R to fit some mixed-effects models for
a nested data. The data is a simulated data with 111
subjects. Each subject has 6 waves' data. Below are the
first two subjects' data :
> simu1[1:12,]
Grouped Data: gf ~ age |