similar to: using image to show RGB image data ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "using image to show RGB image data ?"

2008 Feb 21
jpeg() creating empty files with qplot() in a loop
Hello all, I'm stuck with a strange issue with writing jpegs of plots to a folder in a loop. This works: for (step in 1:length(steps)) { jpeg(filename=paste("frame_",sprintf("%05d",step),".jpg",sep="")) plot(steps[[step]]) } But if I use qplot to generate the plot (which is my aim): for (step in 1:length(steps)) {
2008 May 12
Converting qqplot2 qplot() to grammar?
Hello all, I've been using the following qplot command: qplot(pixX,pixY, data=som, geom="tile", fill=rgb) + scale_fill_identity() + opts(aspect.ratio = .75) + facet_grid(unitX ~ unitY) Now I would like to convert it into the explicit ggplot grammar, so I can remove the extras: axes, labels, background, borders, facet labels, and extra white-space around the plot. (If anyone has
2007 Oct 22
How to format data for time-series analysis
Hello all, I'm using R to visualize and explore the data produced by a software system. The software generates logs for many types of events. The software runs for days on end, and can possibly generate multiple events per second. What is the appropriate time format for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond? that R can properly interpret (using zoo? or ITS?) I'll have
2008 Jan 11
How to calculate the mean of all values in a list or dataframe
Hello all, I've scoured the archives and google and I can't figure out how to amalgamate a set of vectors of differing lengths in such a way as I can calculate the mean easily. The following dummy example contains vectors of length 1, but my data has vectors of various lengths. R> test = list(); for(i in 1:5) {test = append(test, i)} R> test [[1]] [1] 1 [[2]] [1] 2 [[3]] [1] 3
2007 Nov 05
its does not recognize POSIXct w/ both time and Date?
Hello all, I'm getting much further with my time-series work, but still getting into some problems. I'm using POSIXct time format with both date and time. I'd like to use that in an its object but It seems its only processes the date part of the POSIX time stamps: BMU_its_data <- its(data[BMUindex,2-4],dates=data[BMUindex,1]) Error in `row.names<`(`*tmp*`,
2005 Dec 05
unified meta-data handling ogg/theora/vorbis
Hey all, I'm working on a media-database art project that basically stores a bunch of sound and video files, which are then navigated based on meta-data. I'm not sure where to start asking these, questions, here seemed like a good start. So I was thinking I should use an open format, like ogg/vorbis/theora. I also thought, will all that coll meta-data stuff in ogg I should be able to
2011 Jul 28
ggplot2 help/suggestions needed
Hello, I have written a version of the Kohenen Self Organizing Map (in R) and wish to use ggplot2 for the visualization. My results are RGB values in a matrix [x,y,1:3] where x and y comprise the first two dimensions and the third dimension is the RGB vector. I am not sure whether to use geom_tile or geom_hex as there really is no binning at the finest granularity. For testing, the matrix is
2008 Sep 17
ggplot2 - deprecated guide= argument in
In the help for scale_fill_identity, it is written ## Not run: colour <- c("red","green","blue","yellow") qplot(1:4, 1:4, fill=colour, geom="tile") qplot(1:4, 1:4, fill=colour, geom="tile") + scale_fill_identity() # To get a legend, you also need to supply the labels to # be used
2008 Apr 29
ggplot2: labels and breaks order does not match and I can't use scale_fill_identity
Hi, I'm plotting a bar chart like this: ggplot() + geom_bar(data=res,aes(fill=f1,x=f2,y=y),stat="identity",position="dodge") f1 contains quite a few levels and the plot is really quite difficult to read when the order of bars on the graph and on the legend does not match. This problem has been discussed recently here:
2011 Dec 09
ggplot with geom_tile
Dear R-users, I am trying to make a plot with ggplot-geom_tile(), but cannot remove some unwanted (white) lines through my plot. Below a reproducible example: ##### library(ggplot2),50,5),each=21)) names(tot)="precip" temp=rep(seq(-5,5,0.5),21) tot$temp=temp disc=array(dim=c(21,21)) for(i in 1:21){ for(y in 1:21){ temp<-
2008 Oct 15
Problems with R memory usage on Linux
Hello all, I'm working with a large data-set, and upgraded my RAM to 4GB to help with the mem use. I've got a 32bit kernel with 64GB memory support compiled in. gnome-system-monitor and free both show the full 4GB as being available. In R I was doing some processing and I got the following message (when collecting 100 307200*8 dataframes into a single data-frame (for plotting): Error:
2010 Nov 20
Merge two ggplots
Hello everyone. I am using ggplot and I need some help to merge these two plots into one. plot_CR<-function(x,y,agentid,CRagent){   library(ggplot2)     agent<-CRagent[[agentid]] # To make following expression shorter   ggplot((data.frame(x=CRX,y=CRY,sr=agent$sr)))+   geom_point(aes(x,y,colour=cut(sr,c(0,-10,-20,-30,-40,-50,-60,-70,-80))))+   geom_text(aes(x,y,color=cut(sr,
2007 Dec 13
use ggplot in a function to which a column name is given
Hi everyone, Hi ggplot users in particular, ggplot makes it very easy to plot things given their names when you use it interactively (and therefore can provide the names of the columns). qplot(x,foo,data=A) where A has columns (x,y,foo,bar) for example but I would like to use this from inside a function to which the name of the column is given. I cannot find an elegant way to make this
2011 Aug 31
ggplot2 to create a "square" plot
Dear all, I am using ggplot with geom_tile to print as an image a matrix  I have. My matrix is a squared one of 512*512 cells.  The code that does that is written below > print(v + geom_tile(aes(fill=dB))+ opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(size=20),axis.text.y=theme_text(size=20), axis.title.x=theme_text(size=25) , axis.title.y=theme_text(size=25), legend.title=theme_text(size=25,hjust=-0.4) ,
2008 Mar 23
ggplot2 - legend for fill coulours
Dear All, I am trying to build a stacked bar plot, where I define the colours to use. I have asked this before, and I was using a solution in (thanks, Thierry). However, it looks this works only when the data are in the sequence of the levels in the factor defining the fill colours. When the sequence is different, the
2012 Jul 10
RGB components of plot() colours
A quick question: Is there anywhere a listing of the RGB components of the named colours listed by colors()? For example, where would I find the RGB for "orange1" or "salmon"? When I look at an EPS file from R where I have used these colours, it seems that for: "salmon": 0.9804 0.5020 0.4471 rgb "orange1": 1 0.6471 0 rgb However, this is a tedious way
2004 Sep 17
Confused about specifying plot colors as RGB values
Based on reading 'rgb' documentation, I would have thought the following would have produced identical results. Can someone explain how to make this happen? I need to be able to specify an array of rgb values for the 'col' parameter. colnames.col <- c("black", "red", "blue", "green") colnames.rgb <- apply(as.matrix(colnames.col), 1,
2000 Dec 15
Colour to RGB value?
There are a lot of ways to specify colours in R plot functions (number from the palette, by name, etc.). I'd like to pass a colour from an R function to an external function, and I'd like it to have the same flexibility. To avoid having to interpret all possible colour specifications myself, I need a function to convert a general colour specification into a standard form (e.g. r,g,b
2007 Jul 13
Choosing the number of colour breaks in ggplot2
A seemingly simple problem has me stumped. Is it possible to choose the number of colour breaks for a gradient scale in the current version of ggplot2? Here is a simple example: --------------------------------------------- x=-10:10 y=-10:10 dat=expand.grid(x=x,y=y) dat$z=dat$x^2+dat$y^2-100 ggplot(dat, mapping=aes(x=x, y=y, fill=z)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_gradient2()
2007 Mar 08
alpha parameter in function rgb to specify color
Hi All, In function "rgb", alpha parameter is supposed to set the transparency value. But in my following two examples, it didn't work: plot(1,col = rgb(1,0,0,alpha =0.8)) # as long as alpha < 1, there is no point in the plot. plot(1,col = rgb(0,0,255, alpha=254, maxColorValue=255)) # as long as alpha < 255, there is no point in the plot. Do I use it in the right way? Any