similar to: Drawing a loess line

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2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
For some reason the following code is not plotting as I want it to. I want to plot a "loess" line plotted over a scatter plot. I get a jumble, with lines connecting all the points. I had a similar problem with "lowess". I solved that by dropping "NA" rows from the data columns. Please help. library(stats) attach(gini_pci_wdi_narm) plot(ny_gnp_pcap_pp_kd, si_pov_gini)
2007 Dec 06
Vertical text in a plot
Hi, Consider this simple plot: > plot(1:25,runif(25,0,1),ylab="First Y-axis label",xaxt="n") I want to add an additional axis as > axis(4,at=seq(0.2,1,.2), labels=1:5) I have no idea how to add now the title of the new axis as "Second Y-axis label". I want this text to be vertically directed from bottom to top. I can't find the function in text() to write
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
Dear Anupam Tyagi, You didn't include your data, so it's not possible to see exactly what happened, but I think that you misunderstand the object that loess() returns. It returns a "loess" object with several components, including the original data in x and y. So if pass the object to lines(), you'll simply connect the points, and if x isn't sorted, the points
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
Thanks, John. However, loess.smooth() is producing a very different curve compared to the one that results from applying predict() on a loess(). I am guessing they are using different defaults. Correct? On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 at 20:20, John Fox <jfox at> wrote: > Dear Anupam Tyagi, > > You didn't include your data, so it's not possible to see exactly what >
2008 Feb 15
Controling width of boxes in boxplots
Hi, I want to add boxplots to a scatterplot: plot(x,y, xlim=c(80,120),ylim=c(80,120)) boxplot(y,add=TRUE,at=118) boxplot(x,add=TRUE,at=118,horizontal=TRUE) How can I control the width of the boxes (say, I'd like them to be of width 3 in the variables' scales). I've tried the "width" parameter but failed. Thanks in advance, Marcin
2011 Sep 30
ggplot2 - extracting values of smooth
Suppose that I'm working on Hadley's diamond dataset and I want to review the relationship between price, colour and carat. I might run the following: library(ggplot2) #plot scatter and add some hex binning q<-qplot(carat,price,data=diamonds, geom=c("hex"), main="Variability of Diamond Prices by Carat and Colour") #facet to get one scatter for
2010 Oct 26
anomalies with the loess() function
Hello Masters, I run the loess() function to obtain local weighted regressions, given lowess() can't handle NAs, but I don't improve significantly my situation......, actually loess() performance leave me much puzzled.... I attach my easy experiment below #------SCRIPT---------------------------------------------- #I explore the functionalities of lowess() & loess() #because I have
2010 May 31
What does LOESS stand for?
Dear R-community, maybe someone can help me with this: I've been using the loess() smoother for quite a while now, and for the matter of documentation I'd like to resolve the acronym LOESS. Unfortunately there's no explanation in the help file, and I didn't get anything convincing from google either. I know that the predecessor LOWESS stands for "Locally Weighted
2006 Feb 07
Prediction method for lowess,loess,lokerns,lpepa,ksmooth
Hi Every Body, I don't know why some regression functions have no related prediction function. For example lowess, loess, lokerns, lpridge, lpepa, and ksmooth. What could help? Is there any global or wrapper function so that can help? Regards, Amir Safari --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 22
how to sample lowess/loess into matrix ?
code: x <- rnorm(32) y <- rnorm(32) plot(x,y) lines(lowess(x,y),col='red') Now I need to sample the lowess function into matrix where one series will be X and other will be values of lowess at particular X. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Jun 14
Book on R graphics
Hi all, I am looking for a book from which one could learn a wide range of graphics in R, from the very beginning topics to those advanced (though not necessarily concerned with a particular method or topic). I don't look for a list of such books since this is on R's web page, I am rather interested in your opinion on these books - which you would recommend. The quality of writing and
2008 Sep 04
A ternary graph's scales
Hi all, I am drawing a ternary graph. Everything is fine with both ternaryplot (package vcd) and triangle.plot (package ade4), but I want to present scales in neither percents nor from 0 to 1 (this is actually the only option I found in both functions). I want the scales to be in a natural scale (from 0 to k, k being the number of objects). Is it at all possible? (Descriptions of both functions
2005 Apr 05
future update to loess
Background: I'm a student of Prof. Cleveland at Purdue University. Eventually, we'd like to release a new version of the loess routine in R. For starters, this implementation would have support for local polynomial degree 3, better control over the number of cells in the KD tree, and perhaps a better solution in higher predictor dimension. I see that Prof. Ripley was responsible for
2008 Aug 05
95% CI bands on a Lowess smoother
Hi there, I'm plotting some glass RI values just by plotting plot(x) then I put on my lowess smoother lines(lowess(x)) now I want to put on some 95% Confidence Interval bands of the lowess smoother, but don't know how?? Thanks -- Gareth Campbell PhD Candidate The University of Auckland P +649 815 3670 M +6421 256 3511 E [[alternative
2008 May 30
loess plot
I was trying to plot some data in R. I used the following code to draw a loess fit and got the output as >?lines(lowess(log(abs(t(res))), log(abs(t(synthesised)))), col="red") Error in lowess(log(abs(t(res))), log(abs(t(synthesised)))) :?? NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1) Then I thought to use your Limma package for background correction. Do you think it's a right
2001 Aug 14
loess() v.s. lowess()
Hi there, Just out of curious, is there any difference between loess() and lowess() in R (and Splus in fact). Which one is more often used? Thanks, Ko-Kang Wang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ko-Kang Kevin Wang Statistical Analysis Division Leader Software Developers' Klub (SDK) University of Auckland New Zealand
2012 Apr 24
Scatter plot / LOESS, or LOWESS for more than one parameter
Hi folks. If I have the following in my "data" event pH1 pH2 1 4.0 6.0 2 4.3 5.9 3 4.1 6.1 4 4.0 5.9 and on and on..... for about 400 events Is there a way I can get R to plot event vs. pH1 and event vs. pH2 and then do a loess or lowess line for each?? Thanks in advance David [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 29
Obtaining lattice equivalent smoothed (loess) plot in ggplot
Hello, I have been struggling to do a plot in ggplot(2) that's of lattice equivalent. The following code shows the lattice plot.
2011 Mar 18
Difficulty with 'loess' function
Hi, I am trying to create a loess smooth from hydrologic data. My goal is to create a smooth line that describes discharge at a certain point in time. I have done this using the 'lowess' function and had no problem, but I'm having some difficulty with loess. I am inputting the date ('date') and discharge ('q') values using the 'scan' function, then inputting
2012 Mar 06
LOESS confidence interval
Dear all, I'm trying to construct confidence intervals for a LOWESS estimation (by not using bootstrapping). I have checked previous posts and other material online and I understand that the main procedure is: my.count<- seq(...) fit<- loess (y ~ x, data=z) pred<- pred(fit, my.count, se=TRUE) and then the plotting. However, it's not working; as confidence