Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Guidance for reporting results from lme test?"
2008 Feb 05
How to set working directory to a fixed map?
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2008 Jan 30
How to run interaction between to categoric variables in lme()?
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2008 Feb 07
How to calculate normality of the residuals from a test in R?
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2008 Feb 08
Checking for linearity by ploting residuals against predicted values (lme)?
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2008 Feb 01
Is it possible with two random effects in lme()?
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2008 Feb 14
Does the t.test in R uses Welch procedure or ordinary student t-test?
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2008 Feb 12
How to run one-way anova R?
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2008 Feb 04
How to make reference to R in the method section in a scientific article?
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2008 Feb 14
Levene's test for homogeneity of variances (befor using ANOVA)
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2006 Sep 21
Problems with making a complex graphic
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2007 Oct 03
Change title size in plot(model)?
I want to use the plot(model) function to generate Tukey-anscomb and Q-Q plots of a lm(). I manage to change all labels but the main one which apparently is neither main or sub. So far I have tried as par setting: cex (changes symbol size within the plot), cex.main (no effect), cex.sub (no effect) cex.lab (changes label size), cex.axis (changes axis label size). What I would like to change is the
2007 Sep 25
Create grouping from TukeyHSD (as a duncan test does)?
Hello everybody
1. If there is/ever will be a function to perform "duncan multiple range test" please inform me at once.
2. Is there a way to create a grouping as duncan does from TukeyHSD output? My experimental design contained 62 genotypes, so the pairwise comparison is not that usefull and clear to look at. How would I do that? Is there an other test that does give grouping as
2007 Aug 22
within-subject factors in lme
I don't think, this has been answered:
> I'm trying to run a 3-way within-subject anova in lme with 3
> fixed factors (Trust, Sex, and Freq), but get stuck with handling
> the random effects. As I want to include all the possible random
> effects in the model, it would be something more or less
> equivalent to using aov
> > fit.aov <- aov(Beta ~
2007 Aug 07
GLMM: MEEM error due to dichotomous variables
I am trying to run a GLMM on some binomial data. My fixed factors include 2
dichotomous variables, day, and distance. When I run the model:
I get the error:
iteration 1
Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) :
Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
>From looking at previous help
2008 Jan 29
Random and fixed effect model with a covariate
Dear All,
I wonder if anyone can please offer any advice on a model including 2 fixed effects and 1 random effect, as well as a covariate?
The experimental design is as follows:
I have a two by two factor design, where the two factors, Age (A) and Group size (G), both have 2 levels (old or young, and 1 or 3 respectively), and I am interested in the effect of these factors upon a continuous
2007 Jan 16
nested hierarchical design
Dear R-Helpers,
I would like to know what syntax I need to use to do a nested anova for
1. a continuous variable and 2. count data (x out of y)
1. The first I used to do in SPSS and I would like to be able to do it
in R as well.
This is the hierarchical model I would like to use: a continuous
variable explained by factor A(fixed) + factor B(random) nested in A +
factor C (random) nested in
2006 Oct 05
lmer BIC changes between output and anova
i am using lmer to fit multilevel models and trying to use anova to compare the models. however, whenever i run the anova, the AIC, BIC and loglik are different from the original model output- as below. can someone help me out with why this is happening? (i'm hoping the output assocaited with the anova is right!).
thank you,
> unconditional<-lmer(log50 ~ 1 + (1 |
2004 Jun 18
Barplots and error indicators: Some R-Code
I' ve seen that several people are looking for a function that creates a
barplot with an error indicators (I was one of them myself). Maybe you will
find the following code helpful (There are some examples how to use it at
the end):
# Creates a barplot.
#bar.plot() needs a datavector for the height of bars and a error
#indicator for the interval
#many of the usual R parameters can be set:
2011 Apr 25
Nikon software - Photographer
Hi guys, I'm a photographer and I want to use the software that my camera manufacturer makes. I can install the application like View NX 2 but Nikon trasnfer makes an error. I want to know what information do I have to gather for help or what should I need to correct this erros. If any interested of helping please just reply.
Thank you.
2013 Oct 08
Ejecucion de script cada cierto tiempo
Buenos dias a todos,
Me gustaria genear n muestras de una N(0,1) a determinados intervalos de
tiempo. Asi por ejemplo, si el vector de tiempos es
tiempos <- c(2, 4, 6)
la primera columan debe generarse a los 2 segundos de ejecutado el script,
la 2a columna a los 4 segundos y la ultima a los 6 segundos. Al final el
tiempo total de ejecucion sera aproximadamente 12 segundos para completar