similar to: error message + boot library

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "error message + boot library"

2006 Nov 29
R2.4 xyplot + panel.number problem
Hi all; I'm trying to display a 2 panel plot for the Puromycin data from R with 2 different non-linear models fitted to each group. The problem is that as far as I know panel.number doesn't work in the latest version of R. Can anyone give a hint how to solve this? Here is the code that I used before and now doesn't work xyplot(rate ~conc| state,Puromycin,
2016 Apr 02
apply mean function to a subset of data
Dear all; This must have a rather simple answer but haven't been able to figure it out: I have a data frame with say 2 groups (group 1 & 2). I want to select from group 1 say "n" rows and calculate the mean; then select "m" rows from group 2 and calculate the mean as well. So far I've been using a for loop for doing it but when it comes to a large data set is
2004 Mar 12
still spss
hi again, i still cannot open the file in spss :( i type: library(foreign) read.spss("H:\\Desktop\\bd1\\experiencia1") and the error comes: Error in read.spss("H:\\Desktop\\bd1\\experiencia1") : unable to open file can you help me? margarida,portugal
2016 Apr 03
apply mean function to a subset of data
Here are several ways to get there, but your original loop is fine once it is corrected: > for (i in 1:2) smean[i] <- mean(toy$diam[toy$group==i][1:nsel[i]]) > smean [1] 0.271489 1.117015 Using sapply() to hide the loop: > smean <- sapply(1:2, function(x) mean((toy$diam[toy$group==x])[1:nsel[x]])) > smean [1] 0.271489 1.117015 Or use head() > smean <- sapply(1:2,
2016 Apr 02
apply mean function to a subset of data
Hi Pedro, This may not be much of an improvement, but it was a challenge. selvec<-as.vector(matrix(c(nsel,unlist(by(toy$diam,toy$group,length))-nsel), ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)) TFvec<-rep(c(TRUE,FALSE),length.out=length(selvec)) toynsel<-rep(TFvec,selvec) by(toy[toynsel,]$diam,toy[toynsel,]$group,mean) Jim On 4/3/16, Pedro Mardones <mardones.p at> wrote: > Dear all; >
2007 Jun 14
question about formula for lm
Dear all; Is there any way to make this to work?: .x<-rnorm(50,10,3) .y<-.x+rnorm(50,0,1) X<-data.frame(.x,.y) colnames(X)<-c("Xvar","Yvar") Ytext<-"Yvar" lm(Ytext~Xvar,data=X) # doesn't run lm(Yvar~Xvar,data=X) # does run The main idea is to use Ytext as input in a function, so you just type "Yvar" and the model should fit....
2008 Oct 09
YALAQ - Yet Another LApply Question
Hello, Two lapply questions (system info and sample data below): 1) Why does the first form of command1 add the name of y _after_ the str() output rather than before as does the second (preferred) form? # command1 version1 invisible(lapply(ls(pattern='bn'), function(y) cat(y, "\n", str(get(y)), "\n") )) # command1 version2 (preferred output)
2007 May 11
how to get column/row info from a dist object?
Dear R users; Is it possible to get the row and column number of a particular entry in a dist object? Let's say that I want to find the position of the value 1.1837 (the last entry on the dist object below), that is [6,3]. Can I get those values without transforming the object to a matrix?, i.e. working with the dist object only. 1 2 3 2 0.23935864
2011 Sep 20
help in interpreting paired t-test
Dear all; A very basic question. I have the following data: ************************************************************************************ A <- 1/1000*c(347,328,129,122,18,57,105,188,57,257,53,108,336,163, 62,112,334,249,45,244,211,175,174,26,375,346,153,32, 89,32,358,202,123,131,88,36,30,67,96,135,219,122, 89,117,86,169,179,54,48,40,54,568,664,277,91,290,
2010 Apr 03
Using ifelse and grep
Good Morning, I am trying to create a new column of character strings based on the first two letters in a string in another column. I believe that I need to use some combination of ifelse and grep but I am not totally sure how to combine them. I am not totally sure why the command below isn't working. Obviously it isn't finding anything that matches my criteria but I am not sure why. Any
2004 Mar 12
hi, i can?t download a file in access. when i type: > library(foreign) > read.spss("H:\Desktop\bd1\experiencia1") comes the error: Error in read.spss("H:Desktop\bd1experiencia1") : unable to open file do you know what is the problem? can you help me? margarida,porto,portugal
2009 Mar 14
persp plot + plotting grid lines
Dear all; Does anyone know how to add grid lines to a persp plot? I've tried using lines(trans3d..) but the lines of course are superimposed into the actual 3d surface and what I need is something like the plot shown in the following link: I'll appreciate any ideas Thanks PM
2009 Jan 18
don't print object attributes on screen
Dear all; I have a function written in R that returns as a list of values as output that has associated some user defined attributes to it. How can hide these attributes when printing the output on screen? I'm using R-2.8.1 on's like hiding the attr of the output from the scale function.... Thanks in advance PM
2013 Mar 13
calculating column difference in a matrix
Dear R users; Consider the following toy example: a <- matrix(c(2,3,4,NA,NA,5,8,NA,8,NA), 5, 2) b <- cbind(a,apply(a, 1, diff, na.rm = TRUE)) What I would like be able to get is: c <- matrix(c(2,3,4,NA,NA,5,8,NA,8,NA,3,5,-4,8,NA), 5, 3) i.e., for each row if both values (column 1 and 2) are NA then the difference must return NA, but if any of those two values is different from NA
2006 Dec 26
sequential row selection in dataframe
Dear all; I'm wondering if there is any 'efficient' approach for selecting a sample of 'every nth rows' from a dataframe. For example, let's use the dataframe GAGurine in MASS library: > length(GAGurine[,1]) [1] 314 # select an 75% of the dataset, i.e. = 236 rows, every 2 rows starting from row 1 > test<-GAGurine[seq(1,314,2),] > length(test[,1]) [1] 157 #
2008 Apr 08
plot function / par() settings
Dear all; I'm trying to create a 2 x 3 plot (something I know like lattice can do better) using the plot function. However; I'm not sure how to make the width of the plots to be the same on each column. I guess the answer maybe obvious but I haven't been able to figure it out. I'll appreciate any suggestion. Here is the (highly inefficient) code for the first row: par(mfrow =
2007 Nov 06
translating R code to C code
I would like to try to implement a big series of nested loops in a C code and then call it from R; however I'm not familiar with C programming. Does anyone know about some sort of reference I can use that help me to translate my code to C? (I'm thinking on something like to Octave to R reference posted in CRAN) thanks PM
2008 Jun 23
levelplot question
Dear all; I have a data set with 3 groups and 2 response variables, say z1 and z2, and I would like to create a single plot (using the levelplot function) showing on the first row the leveplots for z1 for each group and on the second row levelplots for z2 for the same groups. I tried plot.trellis using the split option and it's OK but what I would like to achieve is something similar to what
2006 Oct 22
least median squares
Does anyone can provide a code to implement least median squares regression in R (not using the lqs function or calling C functions)? Reason: teaching/learning purposes Thanks PM
2012 Sep 16
trying to obtain same nls parameters as in example
Dear R-users; I'm working with a a dataset that was previously used to fit a nonlinear model of the form: Y ~ a * (1 + b * log(1 - c * X^d)) The parameters published elsewhere are: a = 1.758863, b = .217217, c = .99031, and d = .054589 However, there is no way I can replicate this result. I've tried several options (including SAS) w/o success. The data is: X <-