Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Fourier Analysis and Curve Fitting in R"
2008 Jan 29
[Fwd: Re: Fourier Analysis and Curve Fitting in R]
well if you want to find the spectral density aka what frequencies
explain most of the variance then I would suggest the spectral
density. This can be implemented with spec.pgram(). This is
conducted with the fast fourier transform algorithm.
a<-ts(data, frequency = 1) #make the time series with 365readings/365days
and you should be able to take it from here
This will
2008 Jan 10
Cycle Regression Analysis in R?
Hello R community,
Does anyone know of a package that will perform cycle regression
analysis? I have searched the R-help archives etc. but have come up with
nothing so far.
If I am unable to find an existing R package to do so, is there anyone
familiar with fitting sine functions to data. My problem is this:
I have a long time-series of daily SWE estimates (SWE = snow water
equivalence, or
2011 May 31
newbie: fourier series for time series data
Hi Guys,
I had a monthly time series's data of land temperature from 1980 to 2008.
After plotting a scatter diagram, it seems that annually, there is a semi
sinusoidal cycle. How do I run Fourier's series to the data so that I can
fit model on it?
I am really sorry for my question sound stupid, but I just don't know where
to start.
I am desperately looking for help from you guys.
2008 Oct 27
Stuck with FFT
Dear all,
Before I can get into serious Fourier analysis of Radon time-series I am
practising with 24hour and 24.8hour sinusoids to assist with my
interpretation of signals ittributed to tidal input to Radon time series.
I am stuck. I have tried researching this to no avail. I am awating a book
that should describe fourier transforms in detail and another one that
should discuss the R
2009 Aug 10
manipulating text to generate different formulas to use in nls()
In doing a series of non-linear estimations of a function which is a sum of a varying number
of sinusoids, I would like to "autogenerate" the arguments needed by nls() depending on that
For example, when there are two sinusoids:
> nls( y ~ mu + A1 * cos(2*pi*f1*x - P1) + A2 * cos(2*pi*f2*x - P2), data = some.xy.data,
start = list( mu=some.value0,
2005 Jan 13
Problem encoding sine wave in 1.1.6 and somewhat in 1.0.4
On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 12:42 -0500, Jean-Marc Valin wrote:
> Le jeudi 13 janvier 2005 ? 10:59 -0500, Jared Whitby a ?crit :
> > Interestingly enough.. I started playing around with preprocessing
> > options in 1.1.6 and happened upon the denoise filter
> > (SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DENOISE). When i run the test tone using that
> > option it is completely filtered out and I
2012 Apr 09
Question on harmonic (Fourier) analysis of sinusoidal time series
I will try to explain the problem, sorry if it will be a little long...
I'm using R to analyze results of cyclic mechanical testing, like this:
- apply quasi-sinusoidal load
- measure quasi-sinusoidal vertical and horizontal deformations
(quasi-sinusoidal load means that load "should be" sinusoidal, but testing
machine puts in some noise...)
I enclose a sample of data at
2009 Feb 10
Fast fourier transformation
here is a practical problem we would like to solve. In a pneumatic post the
acceleration of the capsule is measured and plotted over time. From the
graph achieved we would like to derive some kind of statistic value that
describes the stress the capsule, or what is in it, is exhibited to.
The amount of stress introduced to the capsule will probably depend on two
things, the maximum
2011 Jul 12
Deviance of zeroinfl/hurdle models
Dear list, I'm wondering if anyone can help me calculate the deviance
of either a zeroinfl or hurdle model from package pscl?
Even if someone could point me to the correct formula for calculating
the deviance, I could do the rest on my own.
I am trying to calculate a pseudo-R-squared measure based on the
R^{2}_{DEV} of [1], so I need to be able to calculate the deviance of
the full and null
2008 Mar 05
Replace values in data.frame conditional on another data.frame
Dear List,
I am looking for an efficient method for replacing values in a
data.frame conditional on the values of a separate data.frame. Here is
my scenario:
I have a data.frame (A) with say 1000 columns, and 365 rows. Each cell
in the data.frame has either valid value, or NA. I have an additional
data.frame (B) with the same number of rows and columns, with valid
values in all cells. What I
2010 Jun 17
plotting radial dendrograms
Dear list,
I am trying to plot a radial dendrogram using the ape package, which
requires my data to be of class 'phylo'. Currently I have my
dendrogram stored as an object of class 'dendrogram' which was
produced from an outside bit of C code, but was made into an object of
class 'igraph.eigenc' and converted to a dendrogram using
'as.dendrogram()' from the igraph
2011 Feb 28
mixture models/latent class regression comparison
Dear list,
I have been comparing the outputs of two packages for latent class
regression, namely 'flexmix', and 'mmlcr'. What I have noticed is that
the flexmix package appears to come up with a much better fit than the
mmlcr package (based on logLik, AIC, BIC, and visual inspection). Has
anyone else observed such behaviour? Has anyone else been successful
in using the mmlcr
2011 Apr 14
Identify period length of time series automatically?
Hash: SHA1
I have 10.000 simulations for a sensitivity analysis. I have done a few
sensitivity analysis for different response variables already,
but now, as most of the simulations (if not all) show some cyclic
behaviour, see how the independent input parameter influence the
frequency of the cyclic changes and "how cyclic" they actually are.
2005 Jan 13
Problem encoding sine wave in 1.1.6 and somewhat in 1.0.4
Interestingly enough.. I started playing around with preprocessing
options in 1.1.6 and happened upon the denoise filter
(SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DENOISE). When i run the test tone using that
option it is completely filtered out and I just get (complete)
silence. When the test tone is intermixed with regular voice I only
get the voice. So while i still don't quite understand why the test
2007 Sep 22
Echo Cancellation Problem -- with sound sample
Hello all,
I am trying out the echo cancellation of Speex (1.2beta2) on Windows XP. I use the Windows Media API (i.e. waveInOpen, waveOutOpen etc) for playback and capture, but I cannot make echo cancellation works in my use case. Here is a description of what I tried: (the sound is in 8kHz and 16 bits per sample, the frame size is 240, tail_length is long enough to cover the far end to near end
2012 Nov 09
Breakpoints and non linear regression
I have done some research about breakpoints (I am not a statistician) and I
found out about the breakpoint, strucchange and segmented packages in R
allowing to find breakpoints assuming linear model.
However, I would like to fit a periodic time series with a non linear
(periodic) model, and I was wondering how I could find breakpoints for this
model in R. Is it even possible ?
My model
2009 Mar 05
Fast Fourier Transform w.r.t. CreditRisk+
Dear R Helpers,
Is there any literaure available (including R code) on Fast Fourier Transform being used in CreditRisk+? I need to learn how to apply the Fast Fourier Transform. I agree I am too vaue in my question and sincerely apologize for the same, but I am not able to understand as to where do I start for this particular assignment. I tried to search google for CRAN and Fast Fourier
2009 Mar 13
Fourier Analysis Help
Dear R-help members,
To whom it may concern, our research group is conducting a study to evaluate the predictive
value of 24 hour blood pressure variability.
We are looking for an R routine that performs a fast Fourier transform spectral analysis
(with an output of the approximation function of the Fourier and estimates the validity
of the model for the various harmonics).
2012 Jun 05
Fourier descriptors created in a loop
Hi All,
Here is the problem: I'm trying to generate a number of Fourier Descriptors
figures for an experiment.
All I need is that they are created within a loop and saved with sequential
names (e.g., s1_1.png, s1_2.png etc..) in my directory.
I created a nested loop with a counter for the different amplitudes for the
actual shapes and a counter for the file names.
This script:
2011 Feb 13
calculate phase/amplitude of fourier transform function in R
I did a fourier transform on a function in time domain to get the following
functions in frequency domain (in latex):
$Y_1[\omega] = \frac{1}{1-\phi_1 e^{-jw}}$
$Y_2[\omega] = \frac{1}{1-(\phi_1 + \phi_2)e^{-jw} +\phi_1\phi_2e^{-2jw}}$
How do I find the spectrum of this function for given $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$
coefficients and in the discretization interval $w = [-\pi:.1*\pi: \pi]$?
Then, how