similar to: contingency table on data frame

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "contingency table on data frame"

2008 Feb 18
tabulation on dataframe question
I have a data frame with data similar to this: NameA GrpA NameB GrpB Dist A Alpha B Alpha 0.2 A Alpha C Beta 0.2 A Alpha D Beta 0.4 B Alpha C Beta 0.2 B Alpha D Beta 0.1 C Beta D Beta 0.3 Dist is a distance measure between two entities. The table displays all to all distances, but the
2007 Oct 01
"continuous" boxplot?
I have two vectors x and y, which I would like to plot against each other. I am also displaying other data in this plot. However, I have about 1 million points to plot, and just plotting them x againt y is not very informative. What I'd like to do is to do sort of a continuous box plot. My x values goes from -1 to 1 and my y values from 0 to 1, so I?d like to plot the median and quantiles,
2005 Sep 23
multifigure question
I would like to put three figures next to each other in a figure. I have been reading the introduction to R, section 12 several times now, and I still can't make heads or tails out of it. Lets say that I have three dataframes a, b, c, and I want to plot a$V1, b$V1 and c$V1 in separate plots simply using plot(), how do I put them next to each other? I am sorry if this is a FAQ, but I cannot
2005 Sep 27
graphics guide?
I am trying to create some graphs with R and it seems to be able to do what I need. However, I have so far not been able to find any sort of explanation of how the graphics system works. I am for instance trying to create a multiple figure, and I seem to have to call before every new plot command, I have however not found any explanation of what this actually does. ? does give
2005 Sep 23
multi-class histogram?
I am new to R, and I couldn't find the answers to my question in a faq. This could however be because I didn't know what to look for...:) I have three classes of data, data for bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. I wish to display these in a histogram where all of the values are used to calculate each column. But, I want each column split in three, where the size of each coloured area
2008 Feb 26
combine vector and data frame on field?
I have managed to create a data frame like this: > tsus_same_mean[1:10,] PID Grp Dist PercAln PercId 1 12638 Acidobacteria 0.000000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 2 87 Actinobacteria 0.000000000 0.9700000 0.9700000 3 92 Actinobacteria 0.008902000 1.0000000 0.9910000 4 94 Actinobacteria 0.000000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 5 189 Actinobacteria 0.005876733
2005 Oct 04
boxplot statistics
I have read and reread the boxplot and the boxplot stats page, and I still cannot understand how and what boxplot shows. I realize that this might be due to me not knowing enough statistics, but anyway... First, how does boxplot determine the size of the box? And is the line inside the box the mean or the median (or something completely different?) And how does it determine how long out the
2005 Oct 26
horizontal violin plots?
I am trying to make horizontal violin plots. I have tried both vioplot and simple.violinplot, but both of them seem to not be willing to take the horizontal option. Is this correct, or am I just bungling it somehow? For instance, for vioplot (from the example shown, with the horizontal modification): > vioplot(bimodal,uniform,normal, horizontal=TRUE) Error in median(data) : need numeric data
2008 Apr 22
cloud plot has white(transparent?) background
I am using the code example from the R graph gallery to look at a cloud plot: require(lattice) data(iris) print(cloud(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Petal.Width, data = iris, groups = Species, screen = list(z = 20, x = -70), perspective = FALSE, key = list(title = "Iris Data", x = .15, y=.85, corner = c(0,1), border = TRUE,
2005 Sep 28
boxplot and xlim confusion?
I have some code as shown below. Basically, I would like three boxplots to be set next to each other with no ylabels on the two "inner" plots, and I want the same x axis range on all three. However, it seems like boxplot does not respect the xlim setting. I've tried the various ways I thought would work (par, boxplot(...xlim=)) but none of them seem to work. I then tried plot.window,
2007 Sep 19
function on factors - how best to proceed
Sorry about this one being long, and I apologise beforehand if there is something obvious here that I have missed. I am new to creating my own functions in R, and I am uncertain of how they work. I have a data set that I have read into a data frame: > gctable[1:5,] refseq geometry X60_origin X60_terminus length kingdom 1 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 2
2008 Mar 10
hclust graphics - plotting many points
Hello. I have a distance matrix with lots of distances that I use hclust to organise. I then plot the results using the plot method of hclust. However, the plot itself takes around 20 mins to make due to there being ~700 things in the matrix that I have distances for. I thus would like to dump this to some graphics format which will let me examine this further. I tried dumping it to postscript:
2009 Apr 15
performing function on data frame
Hi! First, pardon me if this is a faq. I think I should be using some sort of apply, but I am not managing to figure those out. I have a data frame similar to this: > d <- data.frame(x = LETTERS[1:5], y = rnorm(5), z = rnorm(5)) > d x y z 1 A 0.1605464 -0.2719820 2 B -0.9258660 1.2623117 3 C -0.3602656 1.5470351 4 D 1.2621797 1.2996500 5 E 0.6021728 0.5027095
2006 May 29
variation on vioplot?
I have been using the package vioplot to make boxplot/densityplots. Now I am looking for a variation of this, and I was wondering if someone could give me any tips on how to do what I want. I have nine groups of values, each group containing two sets of numbers which show the difference between two values, such as this: Start dev Stop dev -1 10 5 -2 0
2007 Oct 11
creating summary functions for data frame
I have a data frame that looks like this: > gctablechromonly[1:5,] refseq geometry gccontent X60_origin X60_terminus length kingdom 1 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 2 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 3 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria 4 NC_009484 cir 0.6799
2008 May 21
problems with data frames, factors and lists
I have a function that creates a list based on some clustered data: mix <- function(Y, pid) { hc = gethc(Y,pid) maxheight = max(hc$height) noingrp = processhc(hc) one = noingrp$one two = noingrp$two twoisone = "one" if (two != 1) twoisone = "more" out = list(pid = pid,one = noingrp$one, two = noingrp$two, diff = maxheight, noseqs = length(hc$labels), twogrp = twoisone)
2007 Sep 25
Am I misunderstanding the ifelse construction?
I have a function like this: changedir <- function(dataframe) { dir <- dataframe$dir gc_content <- dataframe$gc_content d <- ifelse(dir == "-", gc_content <- -gc_content,gc_content <- gc_content) return(d) } The goal of this function is to be able to input a data frame like this: > lala dir gc_content 1 + 0.5 2 - 0.5 3 +
2005 Nov 14
bug/feature with barplot?
I have found a bug/feature with barplot that at least to me shows undesireable behaviour. When using barplot and plotting fewer groups/levels/factors(I am unsure what they are called) than the number of colors stated in a col statement, the colors wrap around such that the colors are not fixed to one group. This is mostly problematic when I make R figures using scripts, since I sometimes have
2008 Jan 25
accessing the indices of outliers in a data frame boxplot
I have a data frame containing columns which are factors. I use this to make boxplots for the data, with one box per factor. I would now like to get at the data in the data frame which corresponds to the outliers. I have so far found the $out, which gives "the values of any data points which lie beyond the extremes of the whiskers", but I haven't found anything which will let me get
2007 Sep 27
problem loading hexbin associated package colorspace
I have lots of data that I need to display, and I think hexbin would be good for it. However, I cannot load one of the requried packages associated with the hexbin package: > library(hexbin) Loading required package: colorspace Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source = keep.source) : in 'colorspace' methods for export not found: [, coords, plot