similar to: Listing the data contents of a package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "Listing the data contents of a package"

2008 Mar 14
using nrow to identify one row
Hi fellow R-users, I have run into a problem when trying to identify the number of rows in a matrix. Say we have an arbitrary 5 by 5 matrix called temp: temp <- matrix(norm(25), nrow=5) The problem is that nrow(temp[1,]) returns NULL. I would like it to return 1 because in my larger program I am indexing the rows of large matrices according to another variable and I need to test when the
2010 Sep 10
Is there a bisection method in R?
Dear fellow R-users, Is there a function that does the bisection method? I was unable to find one. Thanks in advance. Gregory [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jun 25
optimization problem in R ... can this be done?
Im trying to ascertain whether or not the facilities of R are sufficient for solving an optimization problem I've come accross. Because of my limited experience with R, I would greatly appreciate some feedback from more frequent users. The problem can be delineated as such: A utility function, we shall call g is a function of x, n ... g(x,n). g has the properties: n > 0, x lies on the
2008 Jan 07
evaluating a vector of characters
Dear R users, I'd like to evaluate a vector of characters. For example, say I have a data frame called Data including the field names x1, x2, x3, and I'd like to a list out of paste("Data$x", 1:3, sep=""). How can I get list to evaluate paste("Data$x", 1:3, sep="") as an R object rather than a string? Thanks in advance for you assistance. Gregory
2008 May 21
how to do pairwise sums in a matrix
I am looking for an efficient way to solve the following problem. I have a large matrix of continuous values with a small proportion of missing values. Columns correspond to variables where each variable has two measurements, call them A and B. The matrix is such that the columns are in sequence with respect to the variables. I would like to sum up the two measurements for each variable and each
2009 Oct 06
Text editors for Sweave (rnw) files
Hi fellow R-users, Are there any text editors that recognize sweave (.rnw) files? I am running Windows Vista and in the past I used Tinn-R for R files but it (surprisingly) doesn't recognize rnw files and does not do any syntax highlighting for them. Thanks in advance, Greg __________________________________________________________________ Make your browsing faster, safer, and
2007 Jul 28
generating symmetric matrices
Greetings, I have a seemingly simple task which I have not been able to solve today. I want to construct a symmetric matrix of arbtriray size w/o using loops. The following I thought would do it: p <- 6 Rmat <- diag(p) dat.cor <- rnorm(p*(p-1)/2) Rmat[outer(1:p, 1:p, "<")] <- Rmat[outer(1:p, 1:p, ">")] <- dat.cor However, the problem is that the matrix
2007 Jul 30
Constructing correlation matrices
Greetings, I have a seemingly simple task which I have not been able to solve today and I checked all of the help archives on this and have been unable to find anything useful. I want to construct a symmetric matrix of arbtriray size w/o using loops. The following I thought would do it: p <- 6 Rmat <- diag(p) dat.cor <- rnorm(p*(p-1)/2) Rmat[outer(1:p, 1:p, "<")] <-
2010 Jan 27
Function for describing segements in sequential data
Dear R-users, Say that I have a sequence of zeroes and ones: x <- c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0) The sequences of ones represent segments and I want to report the starting and endpoints of these segments. For example, in 'x', the first segment starts at location 1 and ends at 3, and the second segment starts at location 8 and ends at location 10. Is there an efficient
2006 Jun 24
getting the smoother matrix from smooth.spline
Can anyone tell me the trick for obtaining the smoother matrix from smooth.spline when there are non-unique values for x. I have the following code but, of course, it only works when all values of x are unique. ## get the smoother matrix (x having unique values smooth.matrix = function(x, df){ n = length(x); A = matrix(0, n, n); for(i in 1:n){ y = rep(0, n); y[i]=1; yi =
2005 Jul 28
using integrate with optimize nested in the integration
Hi guys im having a problem getting R to numerically integrate for some function, say f(bhat)*optimize(G(bhat)), over bhat. Where id like to integrate this over some finite range, so that here as we integrate over bhat optimize would return a different optimum. For instance consider this simple example for which I cannot get R to return the desired result: f <- function(bhat) exp(bhat) g
2008 Mar 10
How can I sample from a two-dimensional grid of points
Hi everyone, My goal is to sample from a two-dimensional grid. Consider the following example of code: n.grid <- 500 muA.grid <- seq(-4,4, length=n.grid) muB.grid <- seq(-4,4, length=n.grid) mu.p <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.grid, ncol=n.grid) for(i in 1:n.grid){ for(j in 1:n.grid){ mu.p[i,j] <- dnorm(muA.grid[i], 0, 1)*dnorm(muB.grid[j], 0, 0.5) } } mu.p <-
2007 Nov 21
matrix elementwise average with NA's
Hello fellow R users, I have a matrix computation that I imagine should be relatively easy to do, however I cannot figure out a nice way to do it. I have two matrices, for example mat1 <- matrix(c(1:5,rep(NA,5), 6:10), nrow=3, byrow=T) mat2 <- matrix(c(2:6, 6:10, rep(NA,5)), nrow=3, byrow=T) I'd like to compute the element-wise average for non-NA entries. Of course (mat1+mat2)/2
2007 Dec 06
relationship between two factors
I have a dataset with two variables that are factors: 1) Decision Making Satisfaction (DMS), values = A - Completely, B - Mostly, C - Partly, D - Not at all 2) IT Satisfaction values (ITS), values = A - Completely, B - Mostly, C - Partly, D - Not at all I would like to produce a table (matrix) and a chart of the factors, with counts at the cross sections: A B C D A B
2010 Jul 02
Producing residual plots by time for lme object
Fellow R-users, I have a longitudinal data set with missing values in it. I would like to produce a residual plot for each time using panel.xyplot function but I get an error message. Here's a simple example, library(nlme) set.seed(1544) longdata <- data.frame(ID=gl(10,1,50), y=rnorm(50), time = as.numeric(gl(5,10,50)), x = rnorm(50)) longdata$y[5] <- NA longdata$x[35] <- NA
2006 Dec 19
nonparametric significance test for one sample
Hello, Gurus: I tried to test if the sample mean of a dataset is zero. The data has 1500 numbers with a lot of zeros and some small positive numbers. The data range on [0,1] but the distribution is unknown. It is zero inflated anyway. I tried to use the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. But I read from this website that it does assume the population pdf is symmetric.
2005 Nov 30
strange plots with type = "h" option
Hello, With the new version 2.2.0, I get strange plots when using the histogram-like option in plot(). For example, a plot of binomial probabilities: > plot(0:10,dbinom(0:10,10,.1), type = "h", lwd = 30) gives me weird fat cirular bars, with mass out at values with low probability. What is the issue here? This never happened with earlier versions. R on Windows XP SP 2 Intel
2006 Oct 31
Put a normal curve on plot
I would like to be able to place a normal distribution surrounding the predicted values at various places on a plot. Below is some toy code that creates a scatterplot and plots a regression line through the data. library(MASS) mu <- c(0,1) Sigma <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1), ncol=2) set.seed(123) x <- mvrnorm(50,mu,Sigma) plot(x) abline(lm(x[,2] ~ x[,1])) Say I want to add a normal
2008 Mar 20
little subplot in corner
I want to draw a little subplot ("overview") into my detailed plot. It should be placed in say the top right corner and have the size of some legend (like legend(x="topright", inset=0.03, ...) #main plot plot(rnorm(100)) #give little density in corner plot(seq(-2,2,length=300),dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=300)),type="l") I don't want something like par(mfrow=c(1,2)) as
2007 Mar 02
plot with fixed axis proportion
I want to plot something (eg a circle) with a fixed ratio of the x and y axis, or (even better) with a fixed size when I print it. Output should then be a circle (actually it'll be someting more complicated) with radius 5cm and not an ellipse. I'm _sure_ this is not new, but after looking 45min for a solution, I post here... Thanks for help Thomas