Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Rank sum in friedman test"
2008 Jan 03
Help needed in Changing default P - value
Dear all,
I'm using friedman rank test in R. I need to know which P value
is used default and procedure to change the threshold P value.
With regards
2005 May 04
rank of a matrix
how do I check the rank of a matrix ?
A= 1 0 0
0 1 0
then rank(A)=2
what is this function?
I did try help.search("rank"), but all the returned help information
seem irrelevant to what I want.
I would like to know how people search for help information like this.
rank(base) Sample Ranks
SignRank(stats) Distribution of the
2005 May 16
Mann-Whitney & Wilcoxon Rank Sum
I am hoping someone could shed some light into the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
for me? In looking through Stats references, the Mann-Whitney U-test and
the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test are statistically equivalent. When using the
following dataset:
m <- c(2.0863,2.1340,2.1008,1.9565,2.0413,NA,NA)
f <- c(1.8938,1.9709,1.8613,2.0836,1.9485,2.0630,1.9143)
and the wilcox.test command as
2011 Oct 26
Performing a non parametric Friedman Test
My data looks like this:
T1 T2 T3
DK 8 5 3
JP 5 4 1
AS 9 7 4
MK 8 4 4
DK, JP, AS, and MK are 4 different people (blocks) I am using.
This is my code
2006 Oct 10
Rank Function
Does anyone know why the two rank functions gives
different results? I need to use the rank function in
a "for" loop, so the sequence to be ranked is given
values in the form of part (1). How can I use
assignment like in part (1) to get correct ranks as in
part (2)?
Thank You
Part (1)
0.68 0.95 -0.99
2010 Apr 05
A questionb about the Wilcoxon signed rank test
Hi guys,
I have two data sets of prices: endprice0, endprice1
I use the Wilcox test:
wilcox.test(endprice0, endprice1, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = T, conf.level = 0.9)
The result is with V = 1819, p-value = 0.8812.
Then I calculated the z-value of the test: z-value = -2.661263. The corresponding p-value is: p-value = 0.003892, which is different from
2006 Oct 10
How to assign a rank to a range of values..
>From the following:
basin.map <- readAsciiGrid("c:/temp/area.asc", colname="area")
I have a SpatialGridDataFrame which has the x and y cordinate of a cell, and
the drainage area of that cell. There are many cells with a low drainage
area (in my case, 33000 with an area of 37.16) and one cell with the highest
drainage area (again, in my case, a drainage area of of
2007 Aug 06
rank in decreasing order
Hi All,
I want to give ranks to elements in a column so I used:
total_list$field1.rank <- rank(total_list$field1,ties.method="min")
But this gives me the rank in increasing order. How do I get the ranks in decreasing order? I know decreasing = FALSE is not a legal argument here.
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2007 Aug 17
problem using "rank"
Hi All,
I had 12766 elements in a column, 12566 are values and 200 are "NA"s. I used the following line to get the ranks:
total_list$MB.rank <- rank(-total_list$MB,ties.method="min",na.last=NA)
but I got an error message:
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "BCRP_PW_F.rank", value = c(3949, 6182, :
replacement has 12199 rows, data has 12766
2010 Feb 11
Question about rank() function
I am trying to get the 'rank' function to work for me, but not sure what I
am doing wrong. Please help.
I ran the following commands:
data = read.table("test1.csv", head=T, as.is=T, na.string=".", row.nam=NULL)
X1 = as.factor(data[[3]])
X2 = as.factor(data[[4]])
X3 = as.factor(data[[5]])
Y = data[[2]]
model = lm(Y ~ X1*X2*X3, na.action = na.exclude)
fmodel =
2003 Jul 22
rank with ties
Is there a function like rank but that solves the ties by randomly assigning
a value (doesn't average ranks of ties).
This is what I actually need:
I want to make NA all elements of each column in an array that are ranked in
a position larger that rankmax for each column.
# Say I've got an array b:
#> b
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] 1 1
2002 May 06
Spearman rank-order correlation matrix
I"ve got a data frame with a selection of columns I want to compute a
rank-order correlation matrix from without disturbing the original
data frame.
What I wanted to do, intuitively, was:
> cor(rank(foo[,c("a","b","d","f","g")]))
but rank in that context
2001 Nov 28
Problems with rank()
If you enter the following values for x and y:
x: 2.2 3.7 2.1 0.4 2.8 0.3 0.4 1.4 5.4 6.0
y: 6.0 8.1 1.8 1.3 5.2 0.6 1.0 1.9 6.8 6.5
and do rank(abs(y-x)),
you should get two ties, one at 0.3 and one at 0.5.
R, and S-Plus5 by that matter recognise the tie at 0.5 and give
it rank 3.5, but gives one of the two 0.3 values rank 1 and one of
them 2, whereas they should boh be 1.5.
Any suggestions?
2010 Sep 27
Sample size estimation for non-inferiority log-rank and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests
Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to conduct a couple of power analyses and was hoping someone might be able to help. I want to estimate the sample size that would be necessary to adequately power a couple of non-inferiority tests. The first would be a log-rank test and the second would be a Wilcoxon rank-sum test. I want to be able to determine the sample size that would be necessary to test for a
2012 Feb 22
rank with uniform count for each rank
What is the best way to get ranks for a vector of values, limit the range
of rank values and create equal count in each group? I call this uniform
ranking...uniform count/number in each group.
Here is an example using three groups:
Say I have values:
x = c(3, 2, -3, 1, 0, 5, 10, 30, -1, 4)
names(x) = letters[1:10]
> x
a b c d e f g h i j
3 2 -3 1 0 5 10 30 -1 4
2009 Sep 08
Unexpected behavior in friedman.test and ks.test
I have to start by saying that I am new to R, so I might miss something crucial here. It seems to me that the results of friedman.test and ks.test are "wrong". Now, obviously, the first thing which crossed my mind was "it can't be, this is a package used by so many, someone should have observed", but I can't figure out what it might be.
Problem: let's start with
2007 Jun 28
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.
I'm using R software to evaluate Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and I' getting one
Warning message as this:
> C1dea_com
[1] 1.000 0.345 0.200 0.208 0.508 0.480 0.545 0.563 0.451 0.683 0.380 0.913
1.000 0.506
> C1dea_sem
[1] 1.000 0.665 0.284 0.394 0.509 0.721 0.545 0.898 0.744 0.683 0.382 0.913
1.000 0.970
> wilcox.test(C1dea_sem,C1dea_com, paired = TRUE, alternative =
2011 Apr 13
Wilcoxon rank sum in unbalanced design
Hi everyone!
I need to perform a Wilcoxon rank sum test, but I have some ties and the
groups have different size also. When I deal with ties I use the
wilcox.exact function, how can I solve the different size problem using this
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Wilcoxon-rank-sum-in-unbalanced-design-tp3447400p3447400.html
Sent from the R help
2005 May 11
rank (PR#7850)
Full_Name: Stella David
Version: 2.1.0
OS: mingw32
Submission from: (NULL) (
It seems that rank doesn't work right on vectors containing negative values.
If the negative value is the first component or there are only two components,
it works, but if the negative value is somewhere in the middle there's a
Here are my examples:
> # wrong:
> x<-
2004 Mar 30
rank() vs SAS proc rank
SAS proc rank has ties options of high and low that would allow
producing ranks of the type found in the sports pages, e.g.,
rank (c(1,1,2,2,2,2,3)) == 1 1 3 3 3 3 7
Could R support these ties.methods?