similar to: Behavior of ordered factors in glm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Behavior of ordered factors in glm"

2011 Feb 18
Using Weights in R
I am new to R. I have a data set like this (given below is a fictional dataset): AgeCat FINWT 1 98 2 62 1 75 3 39 4 28 2 47 2 66 4 83 1 19 3 50 I need to calculate the weighted distribution of the variable AgeCat. In SAS i can do: proc freq data=ageval; tables agecat; weight finwt; run; What or is there an equivalent in R? TIA, Krishnan -- Krishnan Viswanathan 1101 High Meadow Dr
2009 Apr 24
Help with for/if loop
I have a set of data that includes various data columns. One if the survival time and another if a continuous variable of ages. I want to put the ages into intervals so that I can then perform the Kalpan Meier test. I am trying to use the following code to build a column with the age group numbers in agecatagory<-c( ) for (i in 1:137) { { if(age[i]<=46) {agecat[i]<-1} if(age[i]>46
2011 Jan 03
Inverse Gaussian Distribution
Dear, I want to fit an inverse gaussion distribution to a data set. The predictor variables are gender, area and agecategory. For each of these variables I've defined a baseline e.g. #agecat: baseline is 3 data<-transform(data, agecat=C(factor(agecat,ordered=TRUE), contr.treatment(n=6,base=3))) The variable 'area' goes from A to F (6 areas: A,B,C,D,E,F) How can i
2012 Aug 10
Direct Method Age-Adjustment to Complex Survey Data
Hi everyone, my apologies in advance if I'm overlooking something simple in this question. I am trying to use R's survey package to make a direct method age-adjustment to some complex survey data. I have played with postStratify, calibrate, rake, and simply multiplying the base weights by the correct proportions - nothing seems to hit the published numbers on the nose. I am trying to
2009 Aug 14
post hoc test after lme
Hi! I am quiet new with R and I have some problems to perform a posthoc test with an lme model. My model is the following: >lme1<-lme(eexp~meal+time, random=~1|id,na.action=na.omit) and then i try to get a post hoc test: >summary(glht(lme1,linfct=mcp(meal="Tukey))) but I get a warning message: Erreur dans as.vector(x, mode) : argument 'mode' incorrect Thank you for your
2009 Dec 30
glm error: cannot correct step size
R 2.8.1 windows XP I am getting an error message that I don't understand when I try to run GLM. The error only occurs when I have all independent variables in the model. When I drop one independent variable, the model runs fine. Can anyone help me understand what the error means and how I can correct it? Thank you, John > fit11<-glm(AAMTCARE~BMI+BMIsq+SEX+jPHI+jMEDICAID+factor(AgeCat)+
2011 Aug 10
igraph - designing graph plot by attributes
Hi, I'm working on some social networks and I managed to create the graphs with labels and edges weight, but I would also like to change the size of the vertices according to the age of the persons in the network and the shape according to the gender. Now for the age, I have people with ages between 20 and 78, and I would like to have 4 categories (sizes): 20-35, 36-50, 50-65, >65. I have
2010 Mar 13
(no subject)
Dear Colleagues, We are attempting to create trees using R with our Ruby on Rails application. However, we are running into a problem involving the creation of the graphic. We would like them to be in either jpg or png format so that users can save, but due to a lack of control over our sever we are unable to start X11 server. Is there a way to create these images without using X11 server?
2003 Jun 26
I am doing group wise plots by using the following commands; it shows errors that I do not know how to fix it. Please help. xyplot( ~ agecat| mco.cms.ind, neuro, panel = function(x,y){ + panel.grid() + panel.xyplot(x,y) + panel.loess(x,y, span =1)}) Error: couldn't find function "xyplot" [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jun 14
How to interactively create manually guided Decision Tree
I am new in using R. I want to know all about building decision tree model in R. Few options which I searched are rpart and rattle to build a decision tree.Both the functions are giving me splits which are statistically appropriate. But I am not able to figure out how to change those splits as per my business requirement. for example : the automatic split of Age by using rattle is > 30 and
2005 Dec 26
Hello R-experts, I have a set of data as follows: age time 1 28 1 2 53 2 3 53 3 4 36 4 5 54 4 6 46 4 7 45 5 8 31 6 9 53 7 10 35 7 11 62 8 12 19 8 13 43 2 14 51 3 15 45 0 16 48 2 17 49 3 18 57 2 19 45 3 20 27 10 21 33 12 22 29 14 23 46 16 24 45 19 25 43 2 26 28 6 27 50 7 28 28 4
2008 Jun 13
Help with stat.table in Epi package,
R Fans-- I am having problems with the following code. It worked under R 2.6.0 but not in 2.7.0. > library(Epi) > df <- read.table( "c:/Documents and Settings/Troy S/My Documents/debug_chisq_080613b.txt") > summary(df) cvd agecat Min. :0.0000 (0,40] :1 1st Qu.:0.0000 (40,60]:2 Median :0.0000 Mean :0.3333 3rd
2013 Feb 15
Ho w Do I Get Cox Model Convergence After Multiple Imputation
Due to missing data with some of my predictor variables I first do multiple imputation as follows: library(foreign) library(Amelia) library(norm) set.seed(666) M=10 impdat <-
2006 Sep 28
complex plots using layout()
Dear r-help, I am trying to plot several scatter plots with marginal histograms on one page. Ideally, a page is equally divided into 4 figure regions. Within each figure region, a scatter plot with marginal histograms will be plotted. I followed Dr. Paul Murrell's code released online to successfully plot the scatter plot with marginal histograms. The code applies "layout()" to
2003 Apr 14
categorical variables
Dear helpers I constructed a data frame with this structure > str(dados1) `data.frame': 485 obs. of 16 variables: $ Emissor : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ Marisca.Rio : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ Per?odo : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ Reproducao : int 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ... $ Estacao : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... $ X30cm : int
2007 Jun 05
logit model interpretation
Hello everyone I appologize for my lack of experience in statistical methods. I am an R user begginer and I am running a logit model using "zelig" and "pcse" packages. I will go to the point and is that Im having problems with interpreting the results of my models.. It is really simple (I guess for the most advanced scholars) however I really dont understand how to interpret
2010 Apr 07
question about fold function
Dear all, I'm trying to use the fold function as described here: Page9 It does say that you can use this when you have more than one time varying covariate: in the description of the argument cov it says: "cov: A vector giving the column numbers of the time-dependent covariate in data, or a list of
2006 Jul 03
could i change the ouput style on summary?
Dear friends, summary() doesn't give a good ouput style,e.g.: grass soiltem airtem gheight humidity altitude diluo :38 Min. :15.90 Min. :17.70 Min. : 8.00 Min. : 0.2360 high: 43 huanghuacai:32 1st Qu.:19.32 1st Qu.:22.60 1st Qu.:40.00 1st Qu.: 0.3190 low :119 hucao :46 Median :20.20 Median :25.30 Median :60.00
2008 Dec 19
svyglm and sandwich estimator of variance
Hi, I would like to estimate coefficients using poisson regression and then get standard errors that are adjusted for heteroskedasticity, using a complex sample survey data. Then I will calculate prevalence ratio and confidence intervals. Can sandwich estimator of variance be used when observations aren?t independent? In my case, observations are independent across groups (clusters), but
2006 Jul 31
CESA-2006:0611 Critical CentOS 4 ia64 thunderbird - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2006:0611 The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: files: updates/ia64/RPMS/thunderbird- -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at - Top-postings silently ignored -------------- next part -------------- A