Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Expressions in factor labels on postscript plots"
2011 May 13
Embedding R's math expressions fonts for graphics generated by pdf() and postscript()
Dear list,
First, I am not writing to ask about embedding Computer Modern font in
graphics produced by R.
I am generating plots to be saved using pdf() and postscript() in R,
and I make use of some math expressions that are provided by R,
namely, some greek letters. My question is, do I need to embed the
fonts that include these math symbols (say, if they are going out for
publication, to have
2009 Aug 03
boxplot( ) headers with Greek letters, values, and text
Hi -
I've been using the option
main=bquote(paste(mu==.(mu),", ",lambda==.(lambda),", ",truncation==.(truncation),", ",N[T]==.(n)))
to produce a title when using the "plot" command - a title which includes variable names (two Greek)
along with their values.
The above option, however, does not work within the "boxplot" command.
2011 Jun 17
Factor labels
Please, can you help me with the following? I want to include a Greek letter
as part of a factor label that I need to use as factor on a xyplot. Probably
this was already solved so can I get the place where I can look for?
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1999 Apr 19
math mode in box plots
Here is another of those 'is it a bug or am I using it wrong'
questions: I'd be very grateful if someone could help.
I am doing a lot of graphs for a thesis at the minute, many of which need
(ideally) greek letters in xlab and ylab.
This works:
>plot(c(1,2,3,4),c(1,2,3,4),xlab=expression( alpha * "-1-m"))
This does not:
2010 Nov 29
Troubles in plotting to a postscript file (not to png)
Dear R users,
I am trying to produce some plots in a postscript file, but I am
experiencing some issues. I open the device with
postscript (file='gs_mcmc_dust.ps',width=5*3,height=5*3,horizontal =
FALSE, paper = "special",family =
"ComputerModern",encoding="TeXtext.enc")#, onefile = FALSE
1999 May 05
mathematical expressions in main
I've tried and tried and I presume it is very simple but .....
I want some varying titles for plots using greek symbols
eg using an expression like
for (true in c(0:5))
plot(...,main = expression(paste(phi," = ",true,sigma)),...)
where phi and sigma are greek symbols. Instead of \phi=2\sigma I get
\phi=true\sigma as true is taken as a text string - not a variable.
2006 Jul 25
greek letters, text, and values in labels
I want to have a title that will look something like:
"Results for \theta=2.1", given that I have a variable theta=2.1, and
\theta should show on the screen like the greek letter.
I've tried a lot of things:
theta <- 2.1
plot(1:10, main=expression(paste("Results for", theta, "=", eval(theta))))
or using bquote
plot(1:10, main=paste("Results for
2004 Aug 13
Question from Newbie on PostScript and Multiple Plots
As I'm pretty new to R I hope this question isn't too basic.
I am currently looping through my dataset and for each iteration am
producing three separate plots. When I output these plots to the screen
they are nicely grouped as three plots per page, however, when I try to send
it to a PostScript file I get one page for each plot. I have adjusted my
postscript options so that my
2003 Sep 12
Getting greek letters in plot labels and title
Does any one knows how to include greek letters in plot labels and plot
titles ?
Thanks a lot
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2004 May 19
greek letters in plots
I want to write in x axis label "fitted value of lambda" (lambda in greek
xlab=expression(lambda) gives the "lambda", I tryed things like xlab=paste
("fitted value of ", expression(lambda)) but I didn't get the greek letter.
Thanks in advance for any hint.
Antonio Olinto
WebMail Bignet - O seu
2011 Jun 02
plotmath: paste string and expression [from a vector of expressions]
Dear all,
I have a vector of expressions and would like to "paste" some string to it before using it in a plot:
vars <- vector("expression", 2)
vars[1] <- expression(alpha)
vars[2] <- expression(beta)
plot(0, 0, main=substitute(bold("Foo" ~~ VAR), list(VAR=vars[2]) ))
Although I tried hard, I just can't figure out how to solve this. The title should be
2017 Jul 30
greek letters do not work in expression
> On Jul 30, 2017, at 8:25 AM, Uwe Ligges <ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de> wrote:
> On 30.07.2017 17:22, Milan Cisty wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I appreciate suggestions for following problem. I wrote to RStudio:
>> plot(c(1,20),c(1,20), xlab = expression(paste(alfa)))
>> or the same happen when I wrote:
>> plot(c(1,20),c(1,20), xlab =
2007 Jul 23
persp and greek symbols in the axes labels
I am plotting a 3D function using persp and I would like to use greek
symbols in the axes labels.
I have found examples like this one on the web:
this works well with plot but not with persp:
with the command
persp(M,theta = -20,phi =
2008 Feb 22
How to Include greek symbol in axis label?
Hi, I'm fairly new to R, so hopefully this is an easy question...
On a plot, I would like to have the y label read: "Response(phi)" with phi = the greek character. From old posts I've found this:
title(ylab=expression(paste("Response (", phi, ")")))
This displays nicely, but in the default font. I would like to use font=6 (which is the font of the other
2011 Jun 30
Italicized greek symbols in PDF plots
I know that this has been asked before in other variations but I just can't
seem to figure out my particular application from previous posts. My
apologies if I have missed the answer to this question somewhere in the
archives. I have indeed looked.
I am running Ubuntu 11.04, with R 2.12.1 and ESS+Emacs.
For journal formatting requirements, I need to italicize all the greek
letters in any
2005 Nov 01
Greek letters in plots
Hi, all. I know that this is probably something that others have asked,
but I can't find a reference in either the FAQ or the help pages.
I'm trying to find a way to put Greek letters as a label of the plot
*with* a value from the data. Previously I've used pasted and the word
* paste("rho=", cor2[i])
will produce a label of
1999 Feb 18
[Q] use of expression() in plot() vs. hist()
In plot() I can get greek symbols into text items without trouble.
However, some of the same commands don't work as I would expect with
hist(). See the example below.
> plot(1:10, 2:11, xlab=expression(paste("scaled", rho)))
---- works as expected, ie. prints the greek rho
> hist(c(0,0,0,0,4,5,6,6,6,8), xlab=expression(paste("scaled", rho)))
Error: Object
2004 Mar 28
Greek symbols not generated on quartz device (PR#6708)
Full_Name: Mark St. John
Version: 1.8.1
OS: Macintosh 10.3.3
Submission from: (NULL) (
After upgrading from Mac OS 10.2.8 to 10.3.3 a program I wrote to generate plots
will no longer display annotated Greek symbols. I'm using parse() and
expression() to convert variable text in to symbols and it would appear that
both functions work reasonably well except that Greek characters
2011 Jun 28
Axes labels, greek letters and spaces
Hello all,
I can't seem to figure how to use a greek character in expression() in
plot() labels without adding a space. So for example below when plotting
this out
plot(x,x^2, xlab=expression(Chlorophyll~italic(a)~mu~g~cm^-2))
the axis label read as μ g cm^-2 because I have space there with a tilda.
But if I remove the tilda then my units are mug cm^-2.
Can anyone recommend a
2011 Jun 08
How to suppress factor labels
I am using ggplot2 to make a boxplot that overlays a scatterplot:
pp = qplot(time, error, data=times, size=I(1), geom="jitter", main=title,
ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10),
pp2 = pp + with(times, facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2))
print(pp2 + geom_boxplot(alpha=.5,