Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "odd error messages coming from val.prob() {Design}"
2008 Jan 13
Hmisc latex() does not want to work
I seem to have a problem getting latex (Hmisc) to
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
aa <- data.frame(aa=1:10, bb=rnorm(10, 5, 2),
cc=rnorm(10, 20, 4))
rr <- lm(cc~aa+bb, data=aa); rr
> latex(rr)
'latex' is not recognized as an internal or external
operable program or batch file.
Warning messages:
1: In cbind(cx, cxk) :
2008 Feb 01
Accessing the elements of a list
Hi R,
I wanted to know how do we access the elements of a list. In particular,
I want to access all the thirds items of the elements of the list. i.e.,
I want to access the elements, 3,33,333,3333. This can be done through
sapply as:
sapply(v,function(x) x[3])
But I need to access this without using
2009 Jan 29
Question On CrossTable function in gmodels package
Hi R-users,
I have the following problem with CrossTable function within ?gmodels? package: the output of the function (format ?spss? and asresid=T) can not be stored within another object.
For example:
>data(infert, package = "datasets")
> CrossTable(infert$education, infert$induced)->aa # the function prints everything ok on the screen
> aa # works
2008 Nov 14
I was trying to do cross-validation using the crossval function (bootstrap package), with the following code:
theta.fit <- function(x,y){
model <- svm(x,y,kernel = "linear")
theta.predict <- function(fit,x){
prediction <- predict(fit,x)
2008 Apr 17
Error in Design package: dataset not found for options(datadist)
Design isn't strictly an R base package, but maybe someone can explain
the following.
When lrm is called within a function, it can't find the dataset dd:
> library(Design)
> age <- rnorm(30, 50, 10)
> cholesterol <- rnorm(30, 200, 25)
> ch <- cut2(cholesterol, g=5, levels.mean=TRUE)
> fit <- function(ch, age)
+ {
+ d <- data.frame(ch, age)
2008 Apr 03
Lapack error in Design:::ols
I'm trying to use Frank Harrell's Design:::ols function to do regression
of y (numeric) on the interaction of two factors (x1 and x2), but Lapack
throws an error:
> library(Design)
> load(url("http://www.csse.unimelb.edu.au/~gabraham/x"))
> ols(y ~ x1 * x2, data=x)
Error in chol2inv(fit$qr$qr) : 'size' cannot exceed nrow(x) = 20
> traceback()
2012 Nov 22
ROCR package not installing
I have tried installing the package (ROCR) with this command:
And with this command on the command line
R CMD INSTALL ROCR_1.0-4.tar.gz
But both times I get exactly the same error shown below, I don't understand
what is wrong, is this an error in the package code?
Thank you
probinson@bioinform08:/tmp/RtmpO0rFbx/downloaded_packages$ R CMD
2007 Aug 24
problem loading package 'gplots'
Dear R community,
I am using R version 2.4.1 GUI 1.18 on an iBook G4 with OS 10.4.10.
When I try to load package 'gplots' I get the following message:
> library(gplots)
Loading required package: gdata
Attaching package: 'gdata'
The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv :
Loading required package: gtools
Attaching package: 'gtools'
2008 Jan 22
install ncdf package on a 64-bit machine
Dear All,
I recently got a 64bit machine and had netcdf-3.6.2 installed. Then I tried
to install ncdf package but got the following error message when using
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/home/ljin/share/R-2.6.1/include
-I. -I/usr/local/include -fpic -g -O2 -c ncdf2.c -o ncdf2.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/home/ljin/share/R-2.6.1/include
2008 Feb 06
box.Cox.powers() warning
Dear Rlist,
Using an example in box.cox.powers() help, I have the following warning message.
> box.cox.powers(income)
Box-Cox Transformation to Normality
Est.Power Std.Err. Wald(Power=0) Wald(Power=1)
0.1793 0.1108 1.6179 -7.4062
L.R. test, power = 0: 2.7103 df = 1 p = 0.0997
L.R. test, power = 1: 47.261 df = 1 p = 0
2008 Mar 28
How to schedule R scripts?
Is there a way to schedule R scripts? I would like to run certain
scripts three times a day. I'm running R on Windows XP.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03)
attached base packages:
[1] splines grid stats
2008 Nov 03
Help with 'annotation' in GOHyperGParamsClass
Dear cateGOry experts,
hyperGTest documentation states that YEAST cannot be used as 'annotation'
when evaluating gene ontology representation status for a given set of
Because I am using a custom print I believe I need to create my own data
package to use as the annotation file for 'annotation'. Can someone please
describe how to make a data package that will
2008 Mar 27
Recode factors
I know this comes up, but I didn't see my exact issue in the archives. I
have variables in a dataframe that need to be recoded. Here is what I'm
dealing with
I have a factor called aa
> class(aa)
[1] "factor"
> table(aa)
* 0 1 2 3 A B C D L N T
0 0 1908 725 2089 0 0 67 0 0 2 1 6
I need to recode
2009 Sep 17
Error message in Design library
This was working a few weeks ago, but perhaps the package has been updated since then.
model.1 <- lrm(response ~ p_value, data=c_abl_oncogene_1_RTK)
When I run the following command . . . .
prediction.1 <- predict(model.1, type=c("fitted"))
I get the following error message. . . .
Error in predictDesign(object, ..., type = "lp", se.fit = FALSE) :
could not find
2008 Sep 26
issue with varSel.svm.rfe in package MCRestimate
Hello all,
I would like to perform SVM-RFE (Guyon et al. 2002) in R and have only found
one implementation of this algorithm. The function belongs
to the MCRestimate package but when I try to use it I encounter a problem
- the function appears to be missing a required package or other function
that I simply cannot find available anywhere.
Here is my session info followed by a simple example
2008 Mar 07
confused about CORREP cor.LRtest
After some struggling with the data format, non-standard in
BioConductor, I have gotten cor.balance in package CORREP to work. My
desire was to obtain maximum-likelihood p-values from the same data
object using cor.LRtest, but it appears that this function wants
something different, which I can't figure out from the documentation.
Briefly, my dataset consists of 36 samples from 12
2007 Oct 09
00LOCK error on site-library
I am experiencing an OOLOCK error when attempting to update packages to
my site-library. I have an identical setup on my local Linux machine,
but this problem on the remote Linux machine (PPC cluster) started about
3 weeks ago and is present whether I used R-devel or R-2.6.0 or R-2.5.1.
Also, of course I manually remove the 00LOCK folder after each failed
Below is my error output,
2008 Jan 23
writeBin doesn't "send" until readBin executed
Hi all -
I'm playing around with an attempt to do some serial communication from
within R to a microcontroller board. I open a connection:
zz = file("/dev/ttyUSB0",open="a+") ## text mode
... when I execute
I know the board receives the "0" because the board's serial comm LEDs light
up when submit the command at the R
2008 Apr 16
Don't understand error-message (from lattice, I think)
> mypal <- trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col[1:2]
> mycol <- mypal[1]
> trellis.par.set(list(dot.symbol = list(pch = 16, cex = 1.5)))
> dotplot(1:6 ~ audRating, data = txtA.ci,
+ scales = list(y = list(at = 1:6, labels = txtA.ci$pitchAud, col =
'black', cex = 1.1)),
+ ylab = '', aspect = 1.2, xlab = 'rated duration', ylim = c(0.5,
2010 Aug 13
val.prob in the Design package - Calibrated Brier Score
I am using the val.prob function in the Design package. I understand how
the Brier quadratic error score is calculated, but I do not know how the
Brier score computed on the calibrated rather than raw predicted
probabilities (B cal) is calculated. My question is: how are the calibrated
probabilities calculated? Any explanation of this, or references to
explanations of this, would be