similar to: moving average and NA values

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "moving average and NA values"

2008 Jan 31
how to customize boxplot
Dear List, I'd like to make boxplots of a large number of observations (+/- 20.000), which are distributed log-normal and right skewed. The problem is that with standard boxplots a too large number of observations are displayed as outliers. I also tried to display the log of the observations, but even then there are to may outliers to my taste. So I'd like to change the standard IQR box
2006 Dec 23
complex barplot enquiry
Hello, I was hoping for some advice to resolve a problem I am having trouble with. The data consists of a series of pre and post variables, in a dataframe called 'offend'. I am interested in graphically depicting the pre & post values for a factor variable called 'decision' which has 4 values : nusm, fit, unsound & unfit. An example of a pre and post variable is:
2013 Feb 18
How to calculate the moving average for binary files?
I have 12 binary (raster) files . I would like to calculate the moving average for the 12 values for each pixel in the 12 files. For a simple vector we can get a moving average by using this : x <- c(1,2,3,NA,NA,4,6,5,6,4,2,5) movingmean <- rollapply(x, 3, FUN = mean, na.rm = T,fill=NA) now
2018 Mar 25
Take average of previous weeks
Dear all, I have weekly data by city (variable citycode). I would like to take the average of the previous two, three, four weeks (without the current week) of the variable called value. This is what I have tried to compute the average of the two previous weeks; df = df %>% mutate(value.lag1 = lag(value, n = 1)) %>% mutate(value .2.previous = rollapply(data = value.lag1,
2011 Dec 02
Moving column averaging
# need zoo to use rollapply() # your data (I called df) df <- structure(list(a = 1:2, b = 2:3, c = c(5L, 9L), d = c(9L, 6L), e = c(1L, 5L), f = c(4, 7)), .Names = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L)) # transpose and make a zoo object df2 <- zoo(t(df)) #rollapply to get
2010 Jun 03
moving average on irregular time series
Hi all, I wonder if there is any way to calculate a moving average on an irregular time series, or use the rollapply function in zoo? I have a set of dates where I want to check if there has been an event 14 days prior to each time point in order to mark these timepoints for removal, and can't figure out a good way to do it. Many thanks in advance! Gustaf Example data:
2007 Apr 24
exclude the unfit data from the iteration
Dear List, Trying to explain my situation as simply as possible for me: I am running a series of iteration on coxph model on simulated data (newly generated data on each iteration to run under coxph; in my example below- is the generated data). However, sometimes i get warning messages like "Ran out of iterations and did not converge" or "Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) :
2013 Jun 27
using "rollapply" to calculate a moving sum or running sum?
#using "rollapply" to calculate a moving sum or running sum? #I am tryign to use rollapply to calcualte a moving sum? #I tried rollapply and get the error message #"Error in seq.default(, NROW(data), by = by) : # wrong sign in 'by' argument" #example: mymatrix <- ( matrix(data=1:100, nrow=5, ncol=20) ) mymatrix_cumsum <- ( matrix(data=NA, nrow=5,
2009 Mar 23
performance: zoo's rollapply() vs inline
zoo's rollapply() function appears to be extremely useful for plugging in a function on-the-fly to run over a window. With inline, there is a lot more coding and room for error, and the code is less portable because the user has to have R compiling set up or it won't work. However, rollapply() seems to be really slow. Several orders of magnitude slower than inline, in fact. I don't
2010 Apr 09
"fill in" values between rollapply
Hi, Sorry ahead of time for not including data with this question. Using rollapply to calculate mean values for 5 day blocks, I'd use this: Roll5mean <- rollapply(data, 5, mean, by=5, align = c("left")) My question is, can someone tell me how to fill in the days between each of these means with the previously calculated mean? If this doesn't make sense, I will clarify and
2011 Jun 25
Moving average in a data table
Hi, I'm trying to figure out common approach on calculating MA on a dataset that contains column "time". After digging around, I believe functions rollmean and rollaply should be used. However I don't quite understand the requirements for the underlying data. Should it be zoo object type? Formatted in a special way? As an example, I'm looking to get calculated
2018 Mar 25
Take average of previous weeks
I am sure that this sort of thing has been asked and answered before, so in case my suggestions don't work for you, just search the archives a bit more. I am also sure that it can be handled directly by numerous functions in numerous packages, e.g. via time series methods or by calculating running means of suitably shifted series. However, as it seems to be a straightforward task, I'll
2012 Jul 08
How to replace a column in a data frame with another one with a different size
Hello everyone, I have a dataframe with 1 column and I'd like to replace that column with a moving average. Example: > library('zoo') > mydat <- seq_len(10) > mydat [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > df <- data.frame("V1" = mydat) > df V1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 > df[df$V1 <- rollapply(df$V1, 3, mean)]
2010 Jan 13
Hi I would like to understand how to extend the function (FUN) I am using in rollapply below. ###################################### With the following simplified data, test1 yields parameters for a rolling regression data = data.frame(Xvar=c(70.67,70.54,69.87,69.51,70.69,72.66,72.65,73.36), Yvar =c(78.01,77.07,77.35,76.72,77.49,78.70,77.78,79.58)) data.z = zoo(d) test1 =
2010 Jul 13
Zoo - bug ???
Hi folks, I am confused whether the following is a bug or it is fine Here is the explanation a <- zoo(c(NA,1:9),1:10) Now If I do rollapply(a,FUN=mean,width=3,align="right") I get > rollapply(a,FUN=mean,width=3,align="right") 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA But I shouldn't be getting NA right ? i.e for index 10 I should get (1/3)*(9+8+7)
2008 Jul 31
rollapply() to portions of a matrix
Hi everyone, I have a rollapply statement that applies a function, in steps, over a data matrix as follows: #Code start testm<-rollapply(mat, 100, by=100, min, na.rm=F) #Code end This moves down matrix 'mat' and calculates the minimum value over a 100 row range, every 100 rows (i.e. no overlaps). NAs are not removed. I want to modify this statement somehow so that the rollapply()
2009 Jul 07
Error in Rolling window of function - rollapply
Dear Colleagues, I have faced with the problem that function rollaply with rolling window for calculation of volatility doesn't give the all results of calculations. I have run the rolling window for calculation in Excel and obtained that the number of outputs for Excel is 36 and for R is 18. The total number of observations is 37. In the attachment you can find pdf of the Excel and Excel
2018 Mar 26
Take average of previous weeks
Dear Bert, Thank you very much.This works. I was wondering if the fact that I want to create new variables (sorry for not stating that fact) makes any difference? Thank you again. Sincerely, Milu On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 10:05 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > I am sure that this sort of thing has been asked and answered before, > so in case my suggestions
2011 Apr 09
Yearly aggregates and matrices
Hi, I need to perform calculations on subsets of a data frame: DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" A B C D E F 1 a 1995 0 4 1 2 a 1997 1 1 3 3 b 1995 3 7 0 4 b 1996 1 2 3 5 b 1997 1 2 3 6 b 1998 6 0 0 7 b 1999 3 7 0 8 c 1997 1 2 3 9 c 1998 1 2 3 10 c 1999 6 0 0 11 d 1999 3 7 0 12 e 1995 1 2 3 13 e 1998 1 2 3 14 e 1999 6
2009 Feb 26
Moving Average
I am looking for some help at removing low-frequency components from a signal, through Moving Average on a sliding window. I understand thiis is a smoothing procedure that I never done in my life before .. sigh. I searched R archives and found "rollmean", "MovingAverages {TTR}", "SymmetricMA". None of the above mantioned functions seems to accept the smoothing