Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "coxme() random effect syntax"
2009 Nov 10
Titles on panel graphs created in zoo
I have a plotted a stacked panel graph (single x axis and multiple y axis)
using the package zoo and would like to add a title for each separate panel.
I am using the script:
z <- with(mydata,zoo(cbind(mydata$Water.level,mydata$Submerged.plants,
2012 Jun 01
Violation of sample independence in Pearson's product-moment correlation
Hi all:
There was a concern raised by reviewers of a manuscript of mine over the
proper execution of a Pearson's correlation. In brief, this was undertaken
in order to determine the relationship between the extent of wheel running
(y axis) and ethanol intake (x axis) across three, separate 10 day periods
in 7 animals.
In the paper, the correlational plots for each 10 day-period had 70 data
2012 Mar 21
Unable to specify order of a factor
Hi all:
I'm attempting to create a faceted plot with ggplot2 and I'm having issues
with a factor's order that is used to define the facet_grid().
The factor (named total.density) has three levels - 8, 16, and 32 - and I
would like them presented in that order. Running
order(levels(total.density)) yields the incorrect order of the facet grid -
2 3 1, corresponding with 16, 32, and 8.
2012 Jun 15
How do anova() and Anova(type="III") handle incomplete designs?
Hello all:
I am confused about the output from a lm() model with an incomplete
design/missing level.
I have two categorical predictors and a continuous covariate (day) that
I am using to model larval mass (l.mass):
leaf.species has three levels - map, syc, and oak
cond.time has two levels - 30 and 150.
There are no response values for Map-150, so that entire, two-way, level
is missing.
2010 Jul 21
Converting Between Character and Numeric Objects
I'm trying to convert a vector of string objects to a numeric object by
initializing the variables with values. I use the function below to scan
through a matrix and create mass action flux relationships:
makeMassActionFluxes = function(sMatrix) {
#Allocate a matrix with identical dimensions as the inputted stoichiometric
temp = matrix(nrow = dim(sMatrix)[1], ncol =
2009 Jul 31
Creating a column based on data in another column
hello all,
I have a data frame and I want to create a column which assigns a letter
based upon the value in another column. The data column has velocities
ranging from 0 to 1000. So for example, for velocities between 0 and 300
I'd like to assign the letter "A" in the new column, for 300-600, "B" and so
on and so forth. How would I do this?
Thank you very much!
2006 Jan 02
boostrap astronomy problem
I am an astronomer and somewhat new to boostrap statistics. I understand
the basic idea of bootstrap resampling, but am uncertain if it would be
useful in my case or not. My problem consists of maximizing a likelihood
function based on the velocities of a number of stars. My assumed
distribution of velocities of these stars is:
2006 Apr 07
Some quick mrtg help
Ok, I'm having a major brain hemorrhage or something. I just can't get
mrtg setup on my box. I've done it before and it's not like it's brain
surgery but there's a mental block or something that I just can't get
around. All I want to do is have a nice, simple graph of the traffic on
the box and the gateway in the standard day/week/month/year thing. I've
got the
2008 Jun 26
Forte Agent windowing problem
Forte Agent newsreader on Wine 1.0 on Mandriva 2008.1.
If I close Agent and then re-open it, its inner newsreader pane becomes
dislodged as a floating section in a scrollable window. The following
image (size 29k) shows what I mean. The top image is before closing and
the lower image is after re-opening.
This happens if it's
2009 Jun 16
Statistically detecting thresholds...
I have some ecological data (stream velocity vs. % cover of submerged
weeds) that shows strong evidence of a thresholding step-function, e.g.
below some velocity, % cover ranges from 0% to 100% (with no apparent
relationship to velocity within this range of velocities), but above a
certain "threshold" velocity, the % cover does not appear to exceed,
say, 10%. There are good
2009 Nov 09
Testing treatment effects on exponential decay models
Hello all:
I would like to test whether there are treatment effects on decomposition
rate, and I would like to inquire about the best, most appropriate means
using R.
I have plant decomposition data that is generally considered to follow an
exponential decay model as follows:
Wt = Wi * exp(-k * t)
Where Wt and Wi are the weights of the plant material at time t and 0,
respectively. k is a
2007 Oct 08
coxph() command design and data setup
Hello all:
I'm attempting to run a Cox proportional hazards function on survival data
from insects and I have a few questions.
My current command that I'm using to call the model is as follows (using
coxph() from the survival library):
coxph(Surv(day, censor) ~ treatment + room + chamber %in% treatment, data =
Day indicates which day a particular observation occurred, and
2010 Oct 29
Uninitialized Constant Wx
Hello again. Another problem...
I installed RVM, and then installed Ruby 1.9.1. After that I used RVM to
make 1.9.1 the default Ruby version, and then I created a new gemset,
and then I told RVM to use that new gemset for Ruby 1.9.1. Then I did
"rvm gem install wxruby-ruby19".
After this, I ran my client script once to test it and it worked just as
well as it was working for 1.8. I
2008 Aug 08
Axes in filled.contour plots
I am attempting to create a contour plot using R with this code:
> contour <- as.matrix(read.csv("contour.csv", row.names=1, header=TRUE))
> library(gplots)
> filled.contour(contour, main="Flume 1 Flow Velocities")
Now this produces the image/plot that I am looking for perfectly. However,
the both axes only go from 0 to 1 instead on of using the row and column
2007 Oct 09
coxph models for insects
You have an interesting problem, and a serious (reliable) consultation would
take more time than I have to give at the moment. Which is to say that you
should take these comments with a grain of salt.
First, I don't think that you have censored data. You have 2 subdistribution
functions F1(t) and F2(t), F1(t) + F2(t) = F(t) = the "time to endpoint"
2003 Mar 01
The Room
definitely special.
| Subject: The Room
| 17-year-old Brian Moore had only a short time to write something for a
| class. The subject was what Heaven was like. "I wowed 'em," he later told
| his father, Bruce. "It's a killer. It's the bomb. It's the best thing I
| ever
| wrote." It also was the last.
| Brian's parents had forgotten about the essay
2012 Sep 06
How to extract p value from the lmekin object obtained by fitting mixed model with function lmekin() in package coxme?
Hi, R experts
I am currently using lmekin() function in coxme package to fit a
mixed effect model for family based genetic data. How can I extract the p
value from a lmekin object? When I print the object in R console, I can
see the p value and Z value are just over there. But I can not extract them
by the coef() function. kinfit$coefficient$fixed (kinfit is the name of the
lmekin object)
2012 Sep 14
Correlation between random effects in the package coxme
Why the correlation between the random effects is negative?
rats1 <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ (1|litter), rats)
random.effects(rats1)[[1]] #one value for each of the 50 litters
rats2 <- lmekin(time ~ (1|litter), rats)
random.effects(rats2)[[1]] #one value for each of the 50 litters
2011 Dec 30
New version of coxme / lmekin
Version 2.2 of coxme has been posted to CRAN, Windows versions and
mirrors should appear in due course. This is a major update with three
features of note:
1. A non-upwardly compatable change:
Extractor functions: beta= fixed effects, b=random effects
nlme lme4 coxme <2.2 coxme 2.2 lmekin 2.2
2012 May 07
predicted values of coxme model
I need to use a coxme model with my data (survival analysis with
right-censoring and hierarchical nesting), but I cant find a way to get
predicted values from a new data table (or even from the original one).
Has anyone had this problem before? I cant find anything about that
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