Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "S3 and S4 clash"
2006 Oct 18
lmer- why do AIC, BIC, loglik change?
Hi all,
I am having issues comparing models with lmer. As an example, when
I run the code below the model summaries (AIC, BIC, loglik) differ between
the summary() and anova() commands. Can anyone clear up what's wrong?
Thank you!
Darren Ward
fm1<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy)
fm2<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days +
2010 May 18
BIC() in "stats" {was [R-sig-ME] how to extract the BIC value}
>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
>>>>> on Tue, 18 May 2010 12:37:21 +0200 writes:
>>>>> "GaGr" == Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:45:00 -0400 writes:
GaGr> BIC seems like something that would logically go into stats
2012 Jan 10
S4 summary method not being called (VGAM)
The symptom triggering this email is that an S4 summary method sometimes refuses to be invoked, even when a package is explicitly loaded, if the first load of the package is implicit. It may or may not be specific to 'summary' methods and/or the 'VGAM' package. I've sent to R-devel because (i) it looks like some kind of bug to me, but I'm not sure; (ii) it's not
2012 Jul 30
confusion over S3/S4 importing
Can anyone help me figure out the right way to import a method that is
defined as S3 in one package and S4 in another?
profile() is defined as an S3 method in the stats package:
function (fitted, ...)
<bytecode: 0xa4cd6e8>
<environment: namespace:stats>
In stats4 it is defined as an S4 method:
standardGeneric for
2008 Nov 28
AIC function and Step function
I would like to figure out the equations for calculating "AIC" in both
"step() function" and "AIC () function". They are different. Then I
just type "step" in the R console, and found the "AIC" used in "step()
function" is "extractAIC". I went to the R help, and found:
"The criterion used is
AIC = - 2*log L + k *
2006 Jun 05
Calculation of AIC BIC from mle
R 2.3.0, all packages up to date
Linux, SuSE 10.0
I want to calculate AIC or BIC from several results from mle calculation.
I found the AIC function, but it does not seem to work with objects of
class mle -
If I execute the following:
ml1 <- mle(...)
I get the following error messale:
Error in logLik(object) : no applicable method for "logLik"
Therefore I am using the
2007 Apr 03
lmer, CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
I am getting a warning message when I am fitting a generalized linear
mixed model (m1.2 below).
CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
Error in objective(.par, ...) : Cholmod error `matrix not positive
definite' at file:../Supernodal/t_cholmod_super_numeric.c, line 614
Any idea?
Thanks for your help,
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
2012 Feb 26
improved error message when existing implicit S4 generic is not imported?
pkgA's NAMESPACE has
importFrom(graphics, plot)
R/foo.R has
setMethod("plot", "A", function(x, y, ...) {})
During R CMD INSTALL pkgA_1.0.tar.gz we are told
** preparing package for lazy loading
Creating a generic function for 'plot' from package
2012 May 31
anova of lme objects (model1, model2) gives different results depending on order of models
I understand that it's convention, when comparing two models using the
anova function anova(model1, model2), to put the more "complicated" (for
want of a better word) model as the second model. However, I'm using lme
in the nlme package and I've found that the order of the models actually
gives opposite results. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be the case
2014 Jul 06
Depot for S3 to S4 generics (as in stats4)?
Dear developers,
the implementation of S4 generics for existing S3 ones in the base
package is concerned to be a threat to quick startup times [1]. But
since S4 is promoted, and S3/S4 interoperability a pain when package
developing [2], are there efforts to improve the situation? E.g. an S3
free system, etc.
A good thing [2] is the package 'stats4', including some setGeneric
calls (e.g.
2008 Jul 19
Clash between 'Cairo' and 'EBImage' packages on Windows
on Windows XP Pro with R version 2.7.1 Patched (2008-06-27 r46012) the
'Cairo' and the 'EBImage' packages does not play well together.
Loading EBImage before Cairo cause the following to happen:
# Rterm --vanilla
> library(EBImage);
> library(Cairo)
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared library
2008 Apr 18
rzinb (VGAM) and dnbinom in optim
Dear R-help gurus (and T.Yee, the VGAM maintainer) -
I've been banging my head against the keyboard for too long now, hopefully someone can pick up on the errors of my ways...
I am trying to use optim to fit a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution. No matter what I try I can't get optim to recognize my initial parameters. I think the problem is that dnbinom allows either
2005 Apr 18
Why no BIC.default function?
I'm using R 2.0.1.
I looked in the email archives but didn't see anything on this topic.
I've noticed a surprising (to me) difference between AIC and BIC:
> methods("AIC")
[1] AIC.default* AIC.logLik*
> methods("BIC")
[1] BIC.gls* BIC.lm* BIC.lme* BIC.lmList* BIC.logLik* BIC.nls*
The BIC.gls BIC.lm BIC.lme BIC.lmList and BIC.nls functions appear
2006 Dec 30
wrapping mle()
How can we set the environment for the minuslog function in mle()? The
call in this code fails because the "ll" function cannot find the object
'y'. Modifying from the example in ?mle:
ll <- function(ymax=15, xhalf=6) {
-sum(stats::dpois(y, lambda=ymax/(1+x/xhalf), log=TRUE))
fit.mle <- function(FUN, x, y) {
loglik.fun <- match.fun(FUN)
2018 May 02
download.file does not process gz files correctly (truncates them?)
Dear all,
I've noticed by trying to download gz files from here :
At the bottom one can download GSM907811.CEL.gz . If I download this
manually and try
everything works fine. (oligo is a bioConductor package)
However, if I download using
2006 Jan 19
nls profiling with algorithm="port" may violate bounds (PR#8508)
[posted to R-devel, no discussion:
resubmitting it as a bug, just so it gets
logged appropriately]
Sorry to report further difficulties with
nls and profiling and constraints ... the problem
this time (which I didn't check for in my last
round of testing) is that the nls profiler doesn't
seem to respect constraints that have been
set when using the port algorithm.
See test code
2008 Feb 04
extracting AIC scores from lmer and other objects
I have a slight conundrum. I'm attempting to write a scrip that will
take a number of objects (lm, glm, and lmer) and return AIC scores
and weights. I've run into 3 problems, and was wondering if anyone
had any pointers.
1) is there any convenient way to extract the name of the objects?
Simply, if I have a vector of objects c(my.lm, my.lmer) and I want to
get a character
2018 May 24
Creating S3 methods for S4 classes (coming from r-package-devel)
Dear all,
I asked this question on r-package-devel but Martin Maechler pointed out
this was more suited on R-devel. So here it goes:
per the manual, one should create and register both the S3 and a S4 method
if one needs a method for an S4 class for a function using S3 dispatching.
This is cumbersome, and not very optimal.
I was wondering if there's a better way to do this. Currently I
2006 Jun 02
Problem with mle
R 2.3.0
Linux, SuSE 10.0
I have two problems with mle - probably I am using it the wrong way so
please let me know.
I want to fit different distributions to an observed count of seeds and
in the next step use AIC or BIC to identify the best distribution.
But when I run the script below (which is part of my original script), I
get one error message for the first call of mle:
Error in
2007 Jul 29
behavior of L-BFGS-B with trivial function triggers bug in stats4::mle
With the exception of "L-BFGS-B", all of the
other optim() methods return the value of the function
when they are given a trivial function (i.e., one with no
variable arguments) to optimize. I don't think this
is a "bug" in L-BFGS-B (more like a response to
an undefined condition), but it leads to a bug in stats4::mle --
a spurious error saying that a better fit
has been