Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Quadratic programming"
2007 Dec 14
Quadratic Programming
Hi all!
I have a little question concerning quadprog. To make it simple I'll start by stating the problem:
I want to minimize
h(d,delta)=0.5d^T B d +nabla(f(x))^T d +rho*delta^2
With respect to d\in R^n and delta \in R. I obviously have constraints (depending on both d and delta).
Solve.QP does give me a good result for d but I cannot obtain anything for delta. Simce dim(Dmat)=n and
2007 Dec 06
Hi there,
I have a major problem (major for me that is) with solve.QP and I'm new at this. You see, to solve my quadratic program I need to have the lagrange multipliers after each iteration. Solve.QP gives me the solution, the unconstrained solution aswell as the optimal value. Does anybody have an idea for how I could extract the multipliers?
"Beatus qui prodest quibus
2006 Jun 06
Problems using quadprog for solving quadratic programming problem
I'm using the package quadprog to solve the following quadratic programming problem.
I want to minimize the function
by the following constraints b_i, i=1,...,4:
In my opinion the solution should be b_1=b_2=0.2 und b_3=b_4=0.8.
Unfortunately R doesn't find
2010 Dec 04
Quadratic programming with semi-definite matrix
I'm trying to solve a quadratic programming problem of the form min
||Hx - y||^2 s.t. x >= 0 and x <= t using solve.QP in the quadprog
package but I'm having problems with Dmat not being positive definite,
which is kinda okay since I expect it to be numerically semi-definite
in most cases. As far as I'm aware the problem arises because the
Goldfarb and Idnani method first
2007 Dec 22
using solve.qp without a quadratic term
I was playing around with a simple example using solve.qp ( function is in the quadprog package ) and the code is below. ( I'm not even sure there if there is a reasonable solution because I made the problem up ).
But, when I try to use solve.QP to solve it, I get the error that D in the quadratic function is not positive
definite. This is because Dmat is zero
because I don't have a
2007 Jul 11
Some questions about quadratic programming (QP)
Dear R Users ,
As a beginner in QP, I'm trying to solve a Support Vector Machine problem by a QP. In particulare I am using the quadprog package.
My questions are here:
1- In the document for the package (The quadprog Package), the inequality constraint is mentioned with >= , however in a standard QP, this usaully is written with <= . This constraint should be multiplied by a
2009 Apr 24
Help with for/if loop
I have a set of data that includes various data columns. One if the survival
time and another if a continuous variable of ages. I want to put the ages
into intervals so that I can then perform the Kalpan Meier test. I am trying
to use the following code to build a column with the age group numbers in
agecatagory<-c( )
for (i in 1:137)
if(age[i]<=46) {agecat[i]<-1}
2009 Dec 04
Solve linear program without objective function
Dear R-users,
i try to solve to following linear programm in R
0 * x_1 + 2/3 * x_2 + 1/3 * x_3 + 1/3 * x_4 = 0.3
x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 = 1
x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 > 0,
x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 < 1
as you can see i have no objective function here besides that i use the
following code.
2003 Jun 02
Help with factorized argument in solve.QP
I'm having problems getting the "factorized" argument in solve.QP (part
of the quadprog library) to work as expected. The helpfile states that
when the factorized argument is set to TRUE, then the function requires
the inverse of a square-root factor of the Hessian instead of the
Hessian itself. That is, when factorized=TRUE, the Dmat argument should
be a matrix R^(-1), such
2005 Jan 13
how to use solve.QP
At the risk of ridicule for my deficient linear algebra skills, I ask
for help using the solve.QP function to do portfolio optimization. I
am trying to following a textbook example and need help converting the
problem into the format required by solve.QP. Below is my sample code
if anyone is willing to go through it. This problem will not solve
because it is not set up properly. I hope I
2010 Feb 19
Quadprog help
I am having some problems using Quadprog in R. I want to minimize the
objective function :
Subject to a set of constrains including not only the variables P1, P2, P3,
P4, P5, P6, but also the variables X1, X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9.
As the set of variables X's are not
2009 Feb 16
solve.QP with box and equality constraints
Dear list,
I am trying to follow an example that estimates a 2x2 markov transition
matrix across several periods from aggregate data using restricted least
I seem to be making headway using solve.QP(quadprog) as the unrestricted
solution matches the example I am following, and I can specify simple
equality and inequality constraints. However, I cannot correctly specify a
2007 Sep 03
The quadprog package
Hi everybody,
I'm using Windows XP Prof, R 2.5.1 and a Pentium 4 Processor.
Now, I want to solve a quadratic optimization program (Portfolio Selection) with the quadprog package
I want to minimize (\omega'%*%\Sigma%*%\omega)
Subject to
(1) \iota' %*% \omega = 1 (full investment)
(2) R'%*%\omega = \mu (predefined expectation value)
(3) \omega \ge 0 (no short sales).
2007 Jul 02
relocation error in grDevices.so
(Warning: I'm not an R guy. I'm a Python guy trying to get the
R-Python interface working again after some upgrades.)
I'm trying to upgrade our numpy/rpy/matplotlib environment (Solaris
10/Intel, Python 2.4). In the process I found I needed to rebuild R
(2.1.1) because it was compiled with gcc 3.3.2 and we have since
migrated to gcc 3.4.1. I'm using this configure setup:
2004 Mar 16
multiple summation
I have to compute a multiple summation (not an integration because the
independent variables a
are discrete) for all the values of a function of several variables f
(x_1,...,x_n), that is
sum ... sum f(x_1,...,x_n)
x_1 x_n
have you some suggestion? Is it possible?
I know that for multiple integration there is the function adapt, but it has at
most n=20. In my case n depends on the
2003 Feb 19
fitting a curve according to a custom loss function
Dear R-Users,
I need to find a smooth function f() and coefficients a_i that give the best
fit to
y ~ a_0 + a_1*f(x_1) + a_2*f(x_2)
Note that it is the same non-linear transformation f() that is applied to
both x_1 and x_2.
So my first question is how can I do it in R?
A more general question is this: suppose I have a utility function U(a_i,
f()), where f() is say a spline. Is there a general
2004 May 21
Help with Plotting Function
Dear List:
I cannot seem to find a way to plot my data correctly. I have a small data frame with 6 total variables (x_1 ... x_6).
I am trying to plot x_1 against x_2 and x_3.
I have tried
plot(x_2, x_1) #obviously works fine
plot(x_3, x_1, add=TRUE) # Does not work. I keep getting error messages.
I would also like to add ablines to this plot.
I have experimented with a number of other
2008 Aug 04
Multivariate Regression with Weights
Hi all,
I'd like to fit a multivariate regression with the variance of the error term porportional to the predictors, like the WLS in the univariate case.
How can I specify this in R? Is there a corresponding function to the univariate specification lm(y~x,weights=x)??
2006 Jun 08
panel.abline and xyplot
Dear All,
I am wondering on how to use the abline.xyplot with xyplot such that I will have different vertical lines for each panel. More sepcifically, suppose that the xyplot generates 4 panels defined by the combination of two binary variables: X_1 and X_2. i.e.
xyplot(Y ~ Z | X_1*X_2, data = df)
I want something like:
abline(v = 5) if X_1=0 and X_2 = 0
abline(v =
2009 Jun 11
Optimization Question
Hi All
Apologies if this is not the correct list for this question.
The Rglpk package offers the following example in its documentation
## Simple mixed integer linear program.
## maximize: 3 x_1 + 1 x_2 + 3 x_3
## subject to: -1 x_1 + 2 x_2 + x_3 <= 4
## 4 x_2 - 3 x_3 <= 2
## x_1 - 3 x_2 + 2 x_3 <= 3
## x_1, x_3 are non-negative integers
## x_2 is a non-negative real