Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Http_proxy settings with autoproxy.php"
2007 Aug 02
Xyplot - adding model lines to plotted points
I have written code to plot an xyplot as follows:
xlab="Age (January 1st)",ylab="Length (cm)",main="Linear models for male
and female cod, by cohort",type='p',
2008 May 13
Bubble plot pie chart map
I am currently trying to show the abundance of two species of
zooplankton within the North Sea as pie chart bubble plots. I followed
Werner Wernersen's advice in R help
(http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp02a/archive/48644.html) and used
Paul Murrell's paper "Integrating Grid Graphics Output with Base
Graphics Output" (in R News) to try and do this (using the gridBase
2006 Feb 08
logLik == -Inf in gls
I am trying to fit a generalised least squares model using gls in the nlme
The model seems to fit very well when I plot the fitted values against the
values, and the model parameters have quite narrow confidence intervals
(all are
significant at p<5%).
The problem is that the log likelihood is always given as -Inf. This
doesn't seem to make sense because the model
2006 Mar 29
Plotting shapefiles on existing maps
Dear All,
This is probably a very basic question but:
I have plotted a map of the Barents Sea and surrounding coastline using:
Next, I imported a shapefile with depth contours for the sea:
contours<-read.shape("D://My Documents/BarentsSea.shp",dbf.data=T)
(This is in
2006 Mar 30
Converting shapefiles to use in contour plots
Dear R-users,
I have imported a shapefile with depth contours for a sea:
depths<-read.shape("D://My Documents/BarentsSea.shp",dbf.data=T)
(This is in mercator projection)
**Is there a way to convert this shapefile into a format that it may be
plotted on a contour plot?**
I wish to add these contours onto a map (already coded using 'maps'
package) to map the sea contours
2006 Feb 15
Rails on Apache
Hi all,
I''m trying to get rails to run under apache and have looked at the
various how-to pages, but don''t seem to see an answer to my basic question:
Can I do this without using mod-rewrite? Do I have to use .htaccess with
various rewrite rules, or can I just do it with a really minimal
.htaccess that only says something about the AddHandler for .cgi?
2007 Jun 08
Question about Running C code from R
Dear R-devel,
Apologies for sending what is probably a very simple question to R-devel: I am definitely missing something very simple and can't work out what it is. I've been trying to find the problem here for about a month and need some help!
I am trying to work out how to run a C program from an R script. Rather than try the C program directly, I'm trying to get a much simpler
2003 Sep 29
colours in dotchart (PR#4343)
Problem: neither fg or bg
nor color work properly in dotchart.
version: R-1.7.1 for windows
code which shows the errors:
x <-
Dr Ian J Wilson
Lecturer in
2002 Jun 19
FW: [R] Problems with url/download and http_proxy (PR#1689)
For the record.
-----Original Message-----
From: ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk [mailto:ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 3:21 PM
To: Warnes, Gregory R
Cc: 'r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch'
Subject: RE: [R] Problems with url/download and http_proxy
The port is not supposed to be required, so rather than fix the docs can
anyone fix the problem?
On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Warnes, Gregory R
2003 Jul 25
R won't use http_proxy (PR#3558)
Full_Name: Michael Watson
Version: 1.7.1
OS: Suse Linux 8.1
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am using Suse Linux 8.1:
IAHC-LINUX03:~ # uname -a
Linux IAHC-LINUX03 2.4.20-64GB-SMP #1 SMP Mon Mar 17 17:56:03 UTC 2003 i686
unknown unknown GNU/Linux
and R 1.7.1:
IAHC-LINUX03:~ # R --version
R 1.7.1 (2003-06-16).
Copyright (C) 2003 R Development Core Team
R is free software and comes with
2002 Jun 19
[R] Problems with url/download and http_proxy
This does seem to fix my problem:
> Sys.getenv("http_proxy")
> url("http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/PACKAGES",'r')
2012 Sep 07
Set http_proxy environment variable for package install?
I''m attempting to use Puppet with Vagrant to setup some boxes.
My desktop is sitting behind a corporate HTTP proxy.
This is my current (rather Spartan) manifests file:
package { "python-pip":
> ensure => "installed"
> }
> package { "build-essential":
> ensure => "installed"
> }
When I do this, Vagrant appears to
2002 Jun 18
Problems with url/download and http_proxy
I would like to use the getBioC.R script from
http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R to install the biobase packages.
Unfortunately, url() and download.file() die when trying to talk to my
> getBioC("exprs")
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to 'gproxy1.pfizer.com'.
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to
2002 Jun 18
Problems with url/download and http_proxy
I would like to use the getBioC.R script from
http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R to install the biobase packages.
Unfortunately, url() and download.file() die when trying to talk to my
> getBioC("exprs")
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to 'gproxy1.pfizer.com'.
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to
2009 Dec 09
Problem with if statement
I am trying to use the value of an ID variable in an if statement and
not getting the results I expected.
# ID values for two school districts
> with(rf, tapply(DistrictID, DistrictName, min) )
Aberdeen School Dist. # 58 Buhl Joint School District
59340 53409
This creates DNAME as I expected ...
2006 Aug 19
SSH scans vs connection ratelimiting
For months now, we're all seeing repeated bruteforce attempts on SSH.
I've configured my pf install to ratelimit TCP connections to port 22
and to automatically add IP-addresses that connect too fast to a table
that's filtered:
table <lamers> { }
block quick from <lamers> to any
pass in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 22
2004 Nov 14
Inbound Virus Alert
A virus has been detected in a message addressed to helpdesk.aberdeen at cnrinternational.com
from r-help at lists.r-project.org.
The subject of the message is Re: Here.
The virus could not be cleaned and the message is held in Dirty Messages
Message from: r-help at lists.r-project.org.
Message subject: Re: Here
Sent to: helpdesk.aberdeen at cnrinternational.com
Dated: Sun, 14 Nov 2004
2018 Feb 16
Competing risks - calibration curve
Dear R users,
I am new to R and wanted to apply competing risk methods in my research work. I used the R code given by Zhang et al in his paper 'Nomogram for survival analysis in the presence of competing risks published in Ann Trans Med 2017:5(20):403.
I am struggling with getting calibration curve thro' internal validation. I am happy to receive suggestion in the coding as well
2006 Nov 01
spatstat symbol referencing error
Sparc Solaris 8
SunStudio 11 compilers
spatstat 1.10-1
R-2.3.1 and spatstat were installed using SunStudio11 compilers on a
Sparc Solaris 8 machine. No errors were reported in the compilations,
however, when I try to load spatstat I get an error:
> library(spatstat)
Loading required package: mgcv
This is mgcv 1.3-20
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
2010 Oct 06
methodology question : is anova appropriate for these data?
Representative small sample of data:
algorithmID <- factor(c(rep('alg1',4),rep('alg2',4),rep('alg3',4)))
threshold <- factor(rep(c(.45,.50,.55,.60),times=3))
score <- c(30,32,31,30,10,12,13,14,22,21,20,24)
d <- data.frame(algorithmID,threshold,score)
AlgorithmID is the name of each algorithm; threshold is the value of a parameter used by the algorithm that