Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "mulitmodal distributions"
2007 Nov 20
try FlexMix RE: mulitmodal distributions
Hi, Marion,
I believe the package FlexMix provides a more generalized version of
finite mixture modeling than is found in mclust/mclust02.
Please see:
Karen M. Green, Ph.D.
Research Investigator
Drug Design Group
Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals
-----Original Message-----
2008 May 08
Replicating Rows
I have a data matrix in which there are 1000 rows by 30 columns. The first
column of each row is a numeric indicating the number of trips taken to a
particular location with location attributes in the following column entries for
that row.
I want to repeat each row based on the number of trips taken (as indicated by
the number in the first column)...i.e., if 1,1 indicates 4 trips, I want
2008 Jan 07
Help with flexmix
I am using the package "flexmix", specifically the function "stepFlexmix"
and was hoping for some assistance:
Here is my input:
fit <-
And I recieve the following error message:
*Error in FLXfit(model = model, concomitant = concomitant, control =
2005 Sep 23
Alternative to nlm()
I am using the nlm function in a minimization exercise but have
consistently received the code: "last global step failed to locate a point
lower than 'estimate'...."
So it seems that this function is only finding a local minimum, not
necessarily a global minimum.
Does anyone have a suggestion or recommendation for an alternative package
or function within R
2008 Apr 28
Label Rotation when Plotting with Factors
Sorry if this is a repeat, having trouble finding what I need on archive and am
a novice with graphics in R!
I have plotted the results of a logit regression by factor, where "city" is the
factor set name. The problem is city names are too long and I need to rotate
them 90 degrees along the xaxis. This is what I've tried...
plot(city, predicted.probability, xlab =
2018 Feb 05
pulling recessions out of a hydrograph
Dear R community,
I'm hoping someone out there has perhaps done this and can share their code
and/or expertise with me.
I need to pull recession periods out of a hydrograph - can anyone help me
with this?
I want to create a subset from streamflow data that consists of just the
recession curves - the decreasing runoff after the passage of a peak flow.
would really appreciate any help on
2009 Nov 29
Convergence problem with zeroinfl() and hurdle() when interaction term added
I have a data frame with 1425 observations, 539 of which are zeros. I
am trying to fit the following ZINB:
f3<-formula(Nbr_Abs~ Zone * Year + Source)
ZINB2<-zeroinfl(f3, dist="negbin", link= "logit", data=TheData,
offset=log(trans.area), trace=TRUE)
Zone is a factor with 4 levels, Year a factor with 27 levels, and
Source a factor with 3 levels. Nbr_Abs is counts
2010 Sep 16
advice on writing/maintaining an R package with a version control system
Dear all,
As I resume my dissertation work next month, I'd like to actually
start an R package this time around. I haven't done so because I
update my code very often (still in development phase), so running the
skeleton function, running checks, building, and re-installing the
package onto the system seemed like a long and tedious process.
I would like to hear your experience on how
2009 Jun 15
altering a global variable
I'm working on a program that loads several large data files. I'm
using ddply (plyr is really awesome) but I want to minimize the amount
of times a large data file is read in. One solution is to keep track
of which data file is open with a global variable and then change the
currently open data file globally as needed. However, I'm unclear on
how to alter a global variable
2005 Feb 02
anova.glm (PR#7624)
There may be a bug in the anova.glm function.
deathstar[32] R
R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.0.1 (2004-11-15), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project
2006 Jun 27
compositional time series
Dear R users,
i am wondering if anyone has some hints for this problem (i have not found a clear answer after searching the R-mailing list archive, 'help.search' in R, and R-Wiki, and the like...):
let's assume that i have 4 periods compositional time series data:
t=1, A=0.1; B=0.5; C=0.4
t=2, A=0.2; B=0.4; C=0.4
t=3, A=0.5; B=0.3; C=0.2
t=4, A=0.4; B=0.3;
2007 Oct 20
pairs, par("plt")
I'm having some confusion over the coordinate system after using
pairs. I'm not interested in the content of the actual pairs plot,
although the number of pairs seems to matter a bit. I'm purely
interested in knowing where my points will be plotted on the device.
However, after using pairs, the par information (omd, fig, plt, and
usr) don't reflect what points does. For example:
2007 Oct 29
pairs, par
I posted over at R-help, and didn't get a response, but perhaps that
was the wrong forum for this question. I'm having some confusion over
the coordinate system after using pairs. I'm not interested in the
content of the actual pairs plot, although the number of pairs seems
to matter a bit. I'm purely interested in knowing where subsequent
points will be plotted on the
2007 Sep 20
Superimposing vector polygons over raster grid in a plot
I would like to superimpose vector polygons (state outlines) from a
Shape file on top of a satellite image,
imported into a SpatialGridDataFrame from GEOTIFF via gdal_translate and
When I plot polygon and point shape files in R, into
SpatialPointDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame,
the two feature sets line up geographically, so it seems logical that a
2010 Jul 21
how to unsubscribe
I need to unsubcribe this email to the R help mailing list because I need to
create an email only for this mailing list. My email account doesn't have
that much space anymore and I don't have access to this every day.
How can I do that?
Thanks a lot
Bárbara H. Costa
Marine Biologist Researcher
SCIAENA - Marine Sciences and Cooperation
2010 Jul 14
count - help
I have a data frame with several factors and I want to count the occurrences
of an event resulting from an interaction of some factors.
I tried to do several tables (and then converting to d.f and then merge them
by one factor and the freq
Tab1 <- merge (BPorAmost,BPorSector,by=c('Sample','Freq'))
Tab1 <- merge (Tab1,BPorDist,by=c('Sample','Freq'))
2010 Aug 20
Package repository on Linux machine and upgrading R
Dear list,
I remember running into a thread on this topic in one of the R mailing
lists before but I can't seem to find it now. Basically, I remember a
discussion on how one can set up where R packages can be installed so
that when we upgrade the R version on the machine, the packages are
still accessible. One can back up this package location as well and
bring it to a new computer. I
2010 Jan 17
enty-wise closest element
Dear R-users,
i have a simple problem maybe, but i don't see the solution. i want to
find the entry-wise closest element of an vector compared with another.
for (i in length(ind2):1)
for ind2[3] it should be ind1[3] 10, for ind2[2] it should be ind1[2] 4
and for ind2[1] it should be ind1[1] 1. but with the
2006 Mar 13
relationship woes
I have two tables:
class PgmUpdate < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :pgm_visits, :foreign_key => ''pgm_update_fk''
class PgmVisit < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :pgm_update, :foreign_key =>
''pgm_update_fk'', :dependent => true
According to the has_many docs (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/
2009 Sep 28
Bubble Plot
I am using the bubble plot and have been able to overlay two different data sets on the same graphic successfully. I would like to do the following and cannot:
1) suppress the zero values such that there is no representation of them on my plot (i.e., the "zeroes" show up as the smallest dot size, and I can't change this)
2) Give values to y or x axes with values, and