similar to: Generating these matrices going backwards

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Generating these matrices going backwards"

2008 Oct 03
suggestions for plotting 5000 data points
Dear all, I have a collection of 5000 entries which represent the evolutionary rates of 3 animals. I would like to show the differences between the rates of all 3 animals and have tried using the function parallel (from the lattice package) and pairs() function. The parallel function would have been perfect save for the large number of data (5000). The pairs() function doesn't show
2009 Sep 09
Matrix multiplication and random numbers
Dear All I new to using R and am struggling with some matrix multiplication. I have two matrices, one containing random numbers, these are multiplied together to get another matrix which is different each time. When I put in another for loop to repeat this process a multiple times the matrices are all the same. I?m sure there is a way to keep the randomness of the different matrices but I think
2007 Nov 16
expand.grid overflows?
>cbn<-as.matrix(expand.grid( rep( list(0:1), 50))) Error in,, nx)), orep) : invalid 'times' value In addition: Warning message: In,, nx)), orep) : NAs introduced by coercion But I'm only interested in cbn matrix rows where: cbn<- cbn[rowSums(cbn)==5,] Is there a way to evaluate it
2010 Mar 29
Need help on matrix manipulation
Dear all, Ket say I have 3 matrices : mat1 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4) mat2 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4) mat3 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4) Now I want to merge those three matrices to a single one with dimension 4*3=12 and 4 wherein on resulting matrix, row 1,4,7,10 will be row-1,2,3,4 of "mat1", row 2,5,8,11 will be row-1,2,3,4 of "mat2" and row 3,6,8,12 will be row-1,2,3,4 of
2013 Feb 01
Nested loop and output help
Hello Everyone, My name is Thomas and I have been using R for one week. I recently found your site and have been able to search the archives of posts. This has given me some great information that has allowed me to craft an initial design to an inquiry I would like to make into the breakdown of McNemar's test. I have read an intro to R manual and the posting guides and hope I am not violating
2005 Apr 29
Hi, I had the following code: testp <- rcorr(t(datcm1),type = "pearson") mat1 <- testp[[1]][,] > 0.6 mat2 <- testp[[3]][,] < 0.05 mat3 <- mat1 + mat2 The resulting mat3 (smaller version) matrix looks like: NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 NA 0 0 NA 2 0 0 2 NA To get to the number of times a '2' appears in the rows, I was
2008 Aug 29
Newbie: Examples on functions callling a library etc.
Hello R is pretty new to me. I need to write a function that returns three matrices of different dimensions. In addition, I need to call a function from a contributed package with the function. I have browsed several manuals and docs but the examples on them are either very simple or extremely hard to follow. Many thanks Ed [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 13
date and matrices
Hi Elisa, Try this: date1<-format(seq.Date(as.Date("1991.1.1",format="%Y.%m.%d"),as.Date("1996.12.31",format="%Y.%m.%d"),by="day"),"%Y.%m.%d") ?length(date1) #[1] 2192 mat1<-matrix(c(.314,.314,.273,.273,.236,.236,.236,.236,.273,.314,.403,.314),ncol=1) res1<-
2010 Jan 27
How to sort data.frame
Dear R heleprs   Suppose I have following data   Scenarios combination_names     series1    series2 Sc1 MAT2 GAU1 7.26554 8.409778 Sc2 MAT2 GAU2 7.438128 8.130275 Sc3 MAT3 GAU1 8.058422 8.06457 Sc4 MAT1 GAU2 8.179855 8.022071 Sc5 MAT3 GAU2 8.184033 8.191831 Sc6 MAT3 GAU2 7.50312 8.232425 Sc7 MAT1 GAU2 7.603291 8.200993 Sc8 MAT1 GAU1 8.221755 8.380097 Sc9 MAT3 GAU2 7.904908
2009 May 19
how to calculate means of matrix elements
useR's, I have several matrices of size 4x4 that I want to calculate means of their respective positions with. For example, consider I have 3 matrices given by the code: mat1 <- matrix(sample(1:20,16,replace=T),4,4) mat2 <- matrix(sample(-5:15,16,replace=T),4,4) mat3 <- matrix(sample(5:25,16,replace=T),4,4) The result I want is one matrix of size 4x4 in which position [1,1] is the
2010 Jan 29
Simple question on replace a matrix row
Hello, I have a matrix mat1 of dim [1,8] and mat2 of dim[30,8], I want to replace the first row of mat2 with mat1, this is what I do: mat2[1,]<-mat1 but it transforms mat2 in a list I don't understand, I want it to stay a matrix... ----- Anna Lippel -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2009 Sep 17
generating unordered combinations
Hi, I am trying to generate all unordered combinations of a set of numbers / characters, and I can only find a (very) clumsy way of doing this using expand.grid. For example, all unordered combinations of the numbers 0, 1, 2 are: 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1 0, 0, 2 0, 1, 1 0, 1, 2 0, 2, 2 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 2 1, 2, 2 2, 2, 2 (I have not included, for example, 1, 0, 0, since it is equivalent to 0, 0, 1). I have
2010 Oct 14
rbind ing matrices and resetting column numbers
Sorry for the verbose example. I want to row bind two matrices, and all works except I want the column labelled "row" to be sequential in the new matrix, shown as "mat3" here, i.e. needs to be 1:6 and not 1:3 repeated twice. Any suggestions? Thanks J > colnm1 <- c("row","ti","counti") > colnm2 <-
2003 Sep 15
Persp and color
How can I control de "wrap-around" color behaviour in the persp function ? I am using something like : persp(bb[1:100,2:97], col= rainbow(8,start=0.1, end=0.8))) Depending on the rainbow length value I get several "wrap-around" blocks of the selected color range...something that I wanted to avoid... My idea is to use the color in order to make a separation from a certain
2010 Mar 02
turn character string into unevaluated R object
Hi, How to turn a character string into an unevaluated R object? I want to load some files in a directory into data matrix R objects. I could do this with read.table and assign (see below). Then, I want to turn the character string representing a file name (the evaluated expression of i) into an unevaluated R object. Basically, I want to create matrices whose names are the same as the related file
2007 Oct 19
conduct pairwise column comparisons without comparing a column to itself
# Hello # I have a question regarding pairwise calculations of a matrix using a "for-loop." # Below I have a matrix "X" with 8 columns. These are genotypic data so Column1 & Column2 is # a unit, Column3 & Column4 is a unit, Column5 & Column6 is a unit, and Coulmn7 & 8 is a unit. # I have a loop designed to calculate the number of times an individual in
2012 Nov 12
Matrix to data frame conversion
I have a matrix which I wanted to convert to a data frame. As I could not succeed and resorted to export to csv and reimport it again. Why did I fail in the attempt and how can I achieve what I wanted without this roundabouts? The original matrix: > str(comb_model0) num [1:90, 1:4] 3.5938 0.0274 0.0342 0.0135 0.0207 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : chr [1:90]
2011 Nov 23
Corosync init-script broken on CentOS6
Hello all, I am trying to create a corosync/pacemaker cluster using CentOS 6.0. However, I'm having a great deal of difficulty doing so. Corosync has a valid configuration file and an authkey has been generated. When I run /etc/init.d/corosync I see that only corosync is started. >From experience working with corosync/pacemaker before, I know that this is not enough to have a functioning
2013 Jan 04
Working with Matrix
Hello again, Let say I have 2 matrices which equal number of columns but different number of rows like: Mat1 <- matrix(1:20, 4, 5) Mat2 <- matrix(1:25, 5, 5) Now for each column 1-to-5 I need to fetch the corresponding columns of these 2 matrices and add the corresponding elements (ignoring NA values if any). Therefore for the 1st column I need to do: (1+1), (2+2),...,(4+4), (NA+5) and
2006 Jul 20
Timing benefits of mapply() vs. for loop was: Wrap a loop inside a function
List: Thank you for the replies to my post yesterday. Gabor and Phil also gave useful replies on how to improve the function by relying on mapply rather than the explicit for loop. In general, I try and use the family of apply functions rather than the looping constructs such as for, while etc as a matter of practice. However, it seems the mapply function in this case is slower (in terms of CPU