Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Trouble in creating a list"
2007 Oct 17
Trouble with R CMD INSTALL
Why does R CMD INSTALL work for some packages (e.g., lme4) but not
others (e.g., nlme)?
2006 Jun 28
Problem with package sem
Hi experts,
I just started to learn R today, and tried to work with an add-on
package sem. I have a version of 2.3.1 on MacOS X 10.4.6 with sem put
under /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/library
However when I typed
the following error showed up:
Error in library(sem) : 'sem' is not a valid package -- installed <
Why is this?
2007 Dec 06
Any package for deconvolution?
I want to run deconvolution of a time series by an impulse or point-spread function through Wiener filter, regularized filter, Lucy-Richardson method, or any other approaches. I searched the CRAN website and the mailing list archive, but could not find any package for such a deconvolution analysis. Does anybody know an existing R function for deconvolution?
2008 Feb 28
Collapse an array
Suppose I have a 4-D array X with dimensions (dx, dy, dz, dp). I want
to collapse the first 3 dimensions of X to make a 2-D array Y with
dimensions (dx*dy*dz, dp). Instead of awkward looping, what is a good
way to do this? Is there a similar function like reshape in Matlab?
2008 Jan 17
Trouble receiving messages from the mailing list
For some unknown reason I stopped receiving any messages from the R-
help mailing list. See if this test gets through.
2007 Oct 29
Converting a string
This must be very simple, but I'm stuck. I have a command line in R
defined as a variable of a string of characters. How can I convert
the variable so that I can execute it in R?
Really appreciate any help,
2007 Aug 02
Error message in lmer
I do not think anyone has answered this.
> I'm trying to run a simple one-way ANCOVA with the lmer
> function in R package lme4, but have encountered some
> conceptual problem. The data file MyData.txt is like this:
> Group Subj Cov Resp
> A 1 3.90 4.05
> A 2 4.05 4.25
> A 3 4.25 3.60
> A 4 3.60 4.20
> A 5 4.20 4.05
> A 6 4.05 3.85
2007 Oct 29
How to test combined effects?
Suppose I have a mixed-effects model where yij is the jth sample for
the ith subject:
yij= beta0 + beta1(age) + beta2(age^2) + beta3(age^3) + beta4(IQ) +
beta5(IQ^2) + beta6(age*IQ) + beta7(age^2*IQ) + beta8(age^3 *IQ)
+random intercepti + eij
In R how can I get an F test against the null hypothesis of
beta6=beta7=beta8=0? In SAS I can run something like contrast age*IQ
2011 Apr 05
Help in splitting a list
Dear R users,
Let's say I have a list with components being 'm' matrices (as exemplified
in the "mylist" object below). Now, I'd like to subset this list based on an
index vector, which will partition each matrix 'm' in 2 sub-matrices. My
questions are:
1. Is there an elegant way to have the results shown in mylist2 for an
arbitrary number of matrices in mylist?
2008 Dec 03
changing colnames in dataframes
dear all,
I'm building new dataframes from bigger one's using e.g. columns F76, F83,
JJ<-data.frame( c( as.character(rep( gender,3))) , c( F76,6- F83, F90) )
Looking into JJ one has:
1 w 2
2 w
2012 Aug 08
Saving Splitted Series to Excel via XLConnect
Dear R Discussion List,
I would like to save my data as a xlsx file. But at first
I need to split it and then save each series into a Excel
column. Please take a look at the following code:
dados <- data.frame(matrix(c("2012-01-01","2012-02-01",
2006 Nov 20
g729 registered
Hi guys,
I've registered some g729 licenses, during register process everything
worked fine.
astk2*CLI> show g729
0/0 encoders/decoders of 20 licensed channels are currently in use
But I'm not able to use this codec. I'm trying to use a linksys PAP2 to talk
using g729 but I got this answer from asterisk:
Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here" back from
2007 Jun 20
"xtable" results doesn't correspond to data.frame
Dear useRs,
Am trying to use xtable on the following data.frame and I don't get what I
example.table <- data.frame(rbind(
c("Gender"," "," "," "),
cbind(rep(" ",2),c("Male","Female"),c(3.0,4.0),c(3/7,4/7))
colnames(example.table) <- c(" "," ","number of
2016 Oct 25
Fix sharing ACL
Dear Rowland,
I changed smb.conf as its tip.
I had already read about the ACL's Windows and Posix.
Even changing the smb.conf and using the ACL methods, I still do not write access to the folder.
# mkdir /mnt/data/teste1
# ls -all /mnt/data/teste1
total 12
drwxrws---+ 2 administrator domain admins 6 Out 25 10:05 .
drwxrwxr-x+ 10 root domain admins 4096 Out 25
2009 Jan 21
problem with rbind
Hi All,
I have a problem with rbind.
I have data that consist of weight height .. etc of 1000 patients. I would
like to find the mean and the standard deviation ( for the weight , height
etc) for each gender.
data<-read.table("data.txt", header=T, sep='\t')
for (i in 1:50){
2013 Apr 18
count each answer category in each column
Is it possible that R can calculate each options under each column and
return a summary table?
Suppose I have a table like this:
Gender Age Rate
Female 0-10 Good
Male 0-10 Good
Female 11-20 Bad
Male 11-20 Bad
Male >20 N/A
I want to have a summary table including the information that how many
answers in each category, sth like this:
2008 Oct 02
t.test() on a list
I have a list, myList, with each of its 9 components being a 15X15
matrix. I want to run a t-test across the list for each component in
the matrix. For example, the first t-test is on myList[[1]][1, 1],
myList[[2]][1, 1], ..., myList[[9]][1, 1]; and there are totally 15X15
t-tests. How can I run these t-tests in a simple way?
2009 May 24
Assigning variable names from one object to another object
I have 2 datasets say Data1 and Data2 both are of different dimesions.
120 rows and 6 columns (Varname, Vartype, Labels, Description, ....)
The column Varname has 120 rows which has variable names such id, age,
gender,.....so on
12528 rows and 120 columns
The column names in this case are V1, V2, ......... V120 (which are default
names in R when we say head=F in read.csv)
2012 Jan 22
How to construct a formula
I need to construct a formula programaticly, and pass it to a function
such as the linear mixed model lme. The help says it requires "a
two-sided linear formula object describing the fixed-effects part of the
model" but I do not know how to create this formula. I have tried
various things using formula(x, ...), as.formula(object, env =
parent.frame()) and as.Formula(x, ...)
2007 May 27
Problem while working with SPSS data
Dear all R users,
I got a strange problem while working with SPSS data :
I wrote following :
data.original = as.data.frame(read.spss(file="c:/Program Files/SPSS/Employee
data = as.data.frame(cbind(data.original$MINORITY, data.original$EDUC,
data.original$PREVEXP, data.original$JOBCAT, data.original$GENDER))
colnames(data) = c('MINORITY',