Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1600 matches similar to: "hierarchical mixed model"
2007 Oct 01
non-linear model parameterization
Dear all,
I would like to fit a non-linear model of the form:
with nls().
However this model is somehow overparameterized and I get the error message about
singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates.
What I am interested in is to make inference about parameters b and g, so this has to be taken into account in the model formulation.
What options do I have?
Also, how is
2007 Jun 21
meta-analysis in R
I would like to combine time-series data to test for correlations and
interactions using random and fixed effects meta-analysis.
So, I am looking for the right packages and documentation.
I know about meta and rmeta packages of R.
Are there any more? What are the diffrences in brief?
Can you please suggest some references that could be used as a guide for
meta-analysis in R (or S-plus)?
2007 Oct 09
continue for loop in case of erros
Dear all,
I have a for loop which includes nls model estimation.
The loop breaks after the first non-convergence error.
How can I make the loop continue and try to estimate all models?
I suppose it should be sth like: if(...) { next }
but I have no idea how to setup the arguements...
Thank you!
2008 Feb 18
mean and variance of ratio
Hi all!
I try to estimate a statistic of the form: (x1-x2)/(y1-y2), where
x1,x2,y1,y2 represent variable means, so each has an estimate and
standard error associated with it.
How is it possible to estimate the mean and the variance of this ratio?
Thank you!
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2008 Feb 19
regression with error in predictor
Hi all!
I am trying to run a regression where the predictor values are not real
data but each is estimated from a different model. So, for each value I
have a mean and variance.
Which package/function should I use in this case?
Thank you!
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2008 May 02
points size in plots
Dear list,
I would like to produce a plot of variables where the size of the points
will be indicative of their standard errors.
How is that possible?
Thank you!
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2007 Sep 30
Perl example of using termitrator?
I'm having trouble translating from C++ to perl objects.
The TermIterator class looks like to get a set of terms in a document
you might have C++ code like:
Enquire::TermIterator termIt =enquire->get_matching_terms_begin(id);
for(;termIt != enquire->get_matching_terms_end(id);termIt++) {
string term = *termIt;
Or something similar. However when I attempt to translate that
2005 Jun 24
Gini with frequencies
Hi there,
I am trying to compute Gini coefficients for vectors containing income classes. The data I possess look loke this:
yit <- c(135, 164, 234, 369)
piit <- c(367, 884, 341, 74 )
where yit is the vector of income classes, and fit is the vector of associated frequencies.(This data is from Rustichini, Ichino and Checci (Journal of Public Economics, 1999) ). In ineq pacakge, Gini( )
2007 Feb 15
simpleR or usingR package by Verzani
I am a new R user and so I thought I could start with "Using R for
Introductory statistics" by Verzani.
In order to use some of the functions and datasets I have to install the
simpleR package which is is now inside the UsingR package. I did so
>install.packages("UsingR"). However, the functions such as
"simple.freqpoly.R" do not work.
I also tried to
2017 May 05
tabs ignored in here document
On 5/5/2017 1:41 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> I just did a test where I created a file, xit, with the here document
> in it and ran it with ./xit
> This way, the tabs remained. So the 'problem' is when I am pasting
> the same lines (with tabs) into the terminal window. There bash is
> interpreting the tabs and not feeding them into the here doc processing.
2007 Nov 07
mixed model testing
Is there a formal way to prove the need of a mixed model, apart from e.g. comparing the intervals estimated by lmList fit?
For example, should I compare (with AIC ML?) a model with seperately (unpooled) estimated fixed slopes (i.e.using an index for each group) with a model that treats this parameter as a random effect (both models treat the remaining parameters as random)?
Thank you!
2007 Oct 15
coef se in lme
Hi all!
How is it possible to estimate standard errors for coef obtained from lme?
Is there sth like se.coef() for lmer or what is the anaytical solution?
Thank you!
2007 Oct 07
constructing a self-starting non-linear model
Dear all,
I am trying to define a selfStart function for a non-linear model, which is a log-transformed SSmicmen model with multiplicative errors and so it is required to make them additive:
Any ideas about how to use the "peeling" method to derive the "initial" argument and get the initial values?
Thank you for being always there!:)
2007 Nov 28
interaction of continuous terms
Hi all!
this is a rather statistical question:
is it meaningful to consider an interaction effect between 2 continuous covariates?
for example: lm(y~x1+x2+x1:x2)
Should one of continuous x1, x2 be "transformed" to a categorical variable, i.e. be classified into groups?
Is it easier to interpret the effect if 1 or both are centered to the mean or z-transformed?
Thank you!
2008 May 08
acf function
Dear all,
I have an annual time-series of population numbers and I would like to
estimate the auto-correlation. Can I use acf() function and judge
whether auto-correlation is significant by the plots? The acf array, eg:
Autocorrelations of series 'x$log.s.r', by lag
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
1.000 0.031 -0.171
2011 Mar 17
fitting gamm with interaction term
Hi all,
I would like to fit a gamm model of the form:
Where f is the smooth function and
With random effects on X and on the intercept.
So, I try to write it like this:
gam.lme<- gamm(Y~ s(z, by=X) +X, random=list(groups=pdDiag(~1+X)) )
but I get the error message :
Error in MEestimate(lmeSt, grps) :
Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
2002 Jun 18
Executing an windows application installer that check for wi ndow s version?
Hi All
Andrily, Thanks for the information. I've tried setting the config file. YIt doesn't work. I've checked with the application support. According to them, the OS check is done by InstallShield product functionality. Anyone has any idea how Installshiled detects the version of os ( can't find such info on their website!) and how we can workaround it.
Thanks again
2006 Oct 30
Random intercept-slope correlation (nlme)
Dear list members,
I am working with a multilevel growth curve, that in its simplest form goes
like follows:
Yit = Ai + Bi t + eit (the error term is assumed to follow an AR(1)
autorregressive process)
One major topic in my research is the convergence in the values of Y over
time. Thus, I am interested in the relationship between the random effects
for the intercept and the slope, and I
2013 Aug 21
Perl interface isn't working in 1.2.x
At least it isn't working the way it used to.
$db = Search::Xapian::Database->new( $dx );
my $qp = Search::Xapian::QueryParser->new();
my $dbSize=$db->get_doccount();
# $qp->set_stemmer(new Search::Xapian::Stem("english"));
# $qp->set_stemming_strategy(STEM_SOME);
# $qp->set_default_op($defaultop);
my $par =
2008 Sep 07
an error to call 'gee' function in R
Dear List:
I found an error when I called the 'gee' function. I cannot solve and explain it. There are no errors when I used the 'geeglm' function. Both functions fit the gee model. The project supervisor recommends me to use the 'gee' function. But I cannot explain to him why this error happens. Would you help me solve this problem? I appreciate your help.