similar to: NAIVE BAYES with 10-fold cross validation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "NAIVE BAYES with 10-fold cross validation"

2009 Jun 30
NaiveBayes fails with one input variable (caret and klarR packages)
Hello, We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classification models and in cases where we have only one input variable NaiveBayes throws an error. Maybe I am mistaken and I shouldn't expect to have a model with only one input variable. We use R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03). We use caret (v4.1.19), but have tested similar code with klaR (v.0.5.8), because caret relies on
2007 Sep 25
10- fold cross validation for naive bayes(e1071)
Hallo! I would need a code for 10-fold cross validation for the classifiers Naive Bayes and svm (e1071) package. Has there already been done something like that? I tried to do it myself by applying the tune function first: library(e1071) tune.control <- tune.control(random =F, nrepeat=1, repeat.aggregate=min.,sampling=c("cross"),sampling.aggregate=mean, cross=10, best.model=T,
2011 Feb 08
Naive Bayes Issue - Can't Predict - Error is "Error in log(sapply(attribs...)
Hey guys, I can't get my Naive Bayes model to predict. Forgive me if its simple... I've tried about everything and can't get it to work. Reproduceable code below. Thank you, Mike -- Michael Schumacher Manager Data & Analytics - ValueClick * Functional Example Code from UCLA:
2012 May 04
weird predict function error when I use naive bayes
Hi, I tried to use naivebayes in package 'e1071'. when I use following parameter, only one predictor, there is an error. > m<- naiveBayes(iris[,1], iris[,5]) > table(predict(m, iris[,1]), iris[,5]) Error in log(sapply(attribs, function(v) { : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function However, when I use two predictors, there is not error any more. > m<-
2010 Nov 03
[klaR package] [NaiveBayes] warning message numerical 0 probability
Hi, I run R 2.10.1 under ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) and klaR version 0.6-4. I compute a model over a 2 classes dataset (composed of 700 examples). To that aim, I use the function NaiveBayes provided in the package klaR. When I then use the prediction function : predict(my_model, new_data). I get the following warning : "In FUN(1:747[[747L]], ...) : Numerical 0 probability with
2012 Jul 05
Different level set when predicting with e1071's Naive Bayes classifier
Hi! I'm using the Naive Bayes classifier provided by the e1071 package ( and I've noticed that the predict function has a different behavior when the level set of the columns used for prediction is different from the ones used for fitting. From inspecting the predict.naiveBayes I came to the conclusion that this is due to the conversion of
2007 Jan 19
naive bayes help
Hello I have a rather simple code and for some reason it produces an error message. If someone can tell me why and how to fix it, I would be very greatful. Thank you in advance. ##### create data set.seed(10) n <- 200 # number of training points n.test <- 200 # number of test points p<-2 # dimension of input space z <-
2012 Aug 02
Naive Bayes in R
I'm developing a naive bayes in R. I have the following data and am trying to predict on returned (class). dat = data.frame(home=c(0,1,1,0,0), gender=c("M","M","F","M","F"), returned=c(0,0,1,1,0)) str(dat) dat$home <- as.factor(dat$home) dat$returned <- as.factor(dat$returned) library(e1071) m <- naiveBayes(returned ~ ., dat) m
2009 May 06
How to do Naive Bayes in R?
I am wondering if anybody here have a simple example in R for Naive Bayes. For example, I can do k-means clustering on the "iris" data - data(iris) cl <- kmeans(iris[,1:4], 3) cl$cluster cbind(1:150,iris$Species) =========== But how to do Naive Bayes classification in the same "iris" data? Many thanks! -- View this message in context:
2010 Aug 30
Regarding naive baysian classifier in R
Hi, I have a small doubt regarding naive Bayes. I am able to classify the data's properly but i am just stuck up with how to get the probability values for naive bayes. In the case of SVM we have "attr" function that helps in displaying the probability values. Is there any function similar to "attr" in naive Bayes that can be used for displaying the attribute values. my
2006 Jul 24
RandomForest vs. bayes & svm classification performance
Hi This is a question regarding classification performance using different methods. So far I've tried NaiveBayes (klaR package), svm (e1071) package and randomForest (randomForest). What has puzzled me is that randomForest seems to perform far better (32% classification error) than svm and NaiveBayes, which have similar classification errors (45%, 48% respectively). A similar difference in
2011 Feb 25
e1071's Naive Bayes with Weighted Data
Hello fellow R programmers, I'm trying to use package e1071's naiveBayes function to create a model with weighted data. See example below, variable "d" is a count variable that provides the # of records for the given observation combination. Is anyone aware of a "weight" argument to this method? I've been unsuccessful in my research. Thanks, Mike
2012 Nov 23
caret train and trainControl
I am used to packages like e1071 where you have a tune step and then pass your tunings to train. It seems with caret, tuning and training are both handled by train. I am using train and trainControl to find my hyper parameters like so: MyTrainControl=trainControl( method = "cv", number=5, returnResamp = "all", classProbs = TRUE ) rbfSVM <- train(label~., data =
2012 Feb 09
Tr: Re: how to pass weka classifier options with a meta classifier in RWeka?
Le jeudi 09 f?vrier 2012 ? 15:31 +0200, Kari Ruohonen a ?crit : > Hi, > I am trying to replicate a training of AttributeSelectedClassifier with > CFsSubsetEval, BestFirst and NaiveBayes that I have initially done with > Weka. Now, I am trying to use RWeka in R. > > I have a problem of passing arguments to the CfsSubsetEval, BestFirst > and NaiveBayes. I have first created an
2009 Jun 08
caret package
Hi all I am using the caret package and having difficulty in obtaining the results using regression, I used the glmnet to model and trying to get the coefficients and the model parameters I am trying to use the extractPrediction to obtain a confusion matrix and it seems to be giving me errors. x<-read.csv("x.csv", header=TRUE); y<-read.csv("y.csv", header=TRUE);
2011 Jan 24
Train error:: subscript out of bonds
Hi, I am trying to construct a svmpoly model using the "caret" package (please see code below). Using the same data, without changing any setting, I am just changing the seed value. Sometimes it constructs the model successfully, and sometimes I get an ?Error in indexes[[j]] : subscript out of bounds?. For example when I set seed to 357 following code produced result only for 8
2012 Feb 07
predict.naiveBayes() bug in e1071 package
Hi, I'm currently using the R package e1071 to train naive bayes classifiers and came across a bug: When the posterior probabilities of all classes are small, the result from the predict.naiveBayes function become NaNs. This is an issue with the treatment of the log-transformed probabilities inside the predict.naiveBayes function. Here is an example to demonstrate the problem (you might need
2010 Jun 30
how to tabulate the prediction value using table function for naive baiyes in R
Hi, I have written a code in R for classifying microarray data using naive bayes, the code is given below: library(e1071) train<-read.table("Z:/Documents/train.txt",header=T); test<-read.table("Z:/Documents/test.txt",header=T); cl <- c(c(rep("ALL",10), rep("AML",10))); cl <- factor(cl) model <- naiveBayes(train,cl);
2012 May 15
caret: Error when using rpart and CV != LOOCV
Hy, I got the following problem when trying to build a rpart model and using everything but LOOCV. Originally, I wanted to used k-fold partitioning, but every partitioning except LOOCV throws the following warning: ---- Warning message: In nominalTrainWorkflow(dat = trainData, info = trainInfo, method = method, : There were missing values in resampled performance measures. ----- Below are some
2012 Jul 12
Caret: Use timingSamps leads to error
I want to use the caret package and found out about the timingSamps obtion to obtain the time which is needed to predict results. But, as soon as I set a value for this option, the whole model generation fails. Check this example: ------------------------- library(caret) tc=trainControl(method='LGOCV', timingSamps=10) tcWithout=trainControl(method='LGOCV')