Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "X11 graphics windows under CMD BATCH"
2024 Feb 05
ggarrange & legend
I'm sorry but that is not a working example.
A working example needs to create the plots being used.
For example, stealing some code from
data <https://rdrr.io/r/utils/data.html>("ToothGrowth")df <-
ToothGrowthdf$dose <- as.factor
2024 Feb 05
ggarrange & legend
Dear John Kane
Dear R community
Here my working example
1. Example that is working with legend=?top?. However, as mentioned, the legend is in the middle of the top axis.
mylist<-list(p1, p2)
dev.new(width=28, height=18)
fig1<- ggarrange(plotlist=mylist, common.legend = TRUE, legend="top", labels = c("(A)", "(B)"), font.label = list(size = 18, color =
2013 Jan 28
Adding 95% contours around scatterplot points with ggplot2
Hi all,
I have been looking for means of add a contour around some points in a
scatterplot as a means of representing the center of density for of the
data. I'm imagining something like a 95% confidence estimate drawn around
the data.
So far I have found some code for drawing polygons around the data. These
look nice, but in some cases the polygons are strongly influenced by
outlying points.
2012 Aug 21
Sweave: R chunk inside caption?
Hi Folks,
I'm surprised, but I didn't find this question addressed anywhere. I'd
like to generate a LaTeX caption with R code. I've tried the code
below, but I get the following TeX error:
! Argument of \@caption has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.21 }
Any thoughts? Perhaps I'll have to write the "\caption{}" text with R?
2017 Jun 18
About error bars on barplots
Hi R users,
I have a question about adding uncertainty bars to stacked bar plots.
year A B C Amin Amax Bmin Bmax Cmin Cmax
2009 40 45 15 30 61 23 56 14 17
2010 36 41 23 26 54 22 51 22 24
I use the code below:
DF.refm = melt(subset(DF[,c(1:4)]),id.vars='year',variable_name='Legend')
fig1 =
2008 Jan 18
constrOptim with method SANN
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to minimize a function using constrOptim with
the simulated annealing method SANN.
If I understand constrOptim well, it basically passes most
of its arguments to optim while somehow enforcing the constraints.
My problem is, that since SANN does not need gradients,
when using optim with SANN, the gr argument of optim is
used to specify a function to create the next
2017 Aug 25
about multi-optimal points
Hi R users,
I have some sets of variables and put them into one dataframe, like in the
following. How to choose a specific set of pareto front, such as 10 from
the current datasets (which contains more than 100 sets)? And how to show
the 10 points on one figure with different colors? I can put all the points
on one figure though, and have the code below. I drew two ggplots to show
2012 Dec 02
Problem with figures
I am having problem making ggplot2, tikzDevice, and knitr working together.
I used a very simple example:
qplot(displ, hwy, data = mpg, colour = factor(cyl))
2017 Jun 18
[FORGED] About error bars on barplots
On 18/06/17 12:10, lily li wrote:
> Hi R users,
> I have a question about adding uncertainty bars to stacked bar plots.
> DF:
> year A B C Amin Amax Bmin Bmax Cmin Cmax
> 2009 40 45 15 30 61 23 56 14 17
> 2010 36 41 23 26 54 22 51 22 24
> I use the code below:
2008 Jun 26
Question about Constraint Optimization
Dear All,
I am having trouble in using R function "constrOptim" to do constraint
optimization. It seems that "constrOptim" calls function "optim" when it
does the optimization, and "optim" allows us to set "method" to be "SANN"
if we want to use simulated annealing. In "optim", the function allows us
to set gradient to be
2004 Dec 06
Blank eps output files
Dear all,
The following commands results in a blank graph file,
postscript(file = "C:/Temp/Fig1.eps", height=4.0, width=4.0,
horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special")
x <- c(10,20,30)
y <- c(5, 7, 9)
plot (x,y)
The codes function normally without any error in the command window.
However, the
2017 Aug 26
about multi-optimal points
HI lily,
for the colouring of individual points you can set the colour aesthetic.
The ID is numeric so ggplot applies a colour scale. If we cast ID to a
factor we get the appropriate colouring.
test_df <- data.frame(ID = 1:20, v1 = rnorm(20), v2 = rnorm(20), v3 =
ggplot(data=test_df, aes(x=v1,y=v2, colour = as.factor(ID))) +
geom_point()+ theme_bw()+
xlab('Variable 1')+
2011 May 06
Sweave: no eps fig
Hi everyone,
I'm using R, Latex and Sweave for some years now, but today it confuses me alot:
Running Sweave produces only figures in .pdf format, no .eps figures.
The header looks like this:
<<echo=TRUE, fig=TRUE, label=Fig1>>=
There was no error message.
Does anybody have an idea?
Any changes in the Sweave-package?
Or a missing driver or something like that?
I recently
2005 Feb 23
Problem saving logic regression result equation to disk file
I want to get some "simple" logic regression examples to work before
exploring a hard problem.
I can get results, but I'm having some problems using "cat" to save the
logic regression equation to a disk file.
Consider this:
# Simple Logic Regression Example
# efg, 23 Feb 2005
# Create simulated data with known logic equation:
# "noise"
2000 Feb 14
par(fig) problem
hello R-users,
I'd like to plot four graphics on the same page but with different
sizes. I've tried to use :
but when a figure is plotted, it erase the previous.
I've tried to pass 'new=T' to plot function but it's not possible.
What can I do ? is it a bug ?
I've already reported this a 2 or
2007 Apr 13
Simulated annealing using optim()
I'm preparing some code to compute the optimal geometry of stressed
solids. The core of the calculations is the optimization of elastic energy
using the simulated annealing method implemented in the R optim() rutine.
I've defined a function to compute this "energy" scalar (the fn parameter
for optim) and prepared a list with the arrays defining the geometry and
the elastic
2003 Mar 03
samin and vmmin
I am writing code in C and would like to call R's functions samin and
vmmin (optimization routines: simulated annealing and BFGS)
I do not understand how to create and pass in the function (as well as the
extra arguments it needs) I am optimizing.
I have read the R Extensions manual but it is still unclear to me.
Could you give me some pointers and/or direct me to some example code
2007 Jan 05
help for memory problem with 64-bit machines
I would appreciate *any* ideas on this problem. I'm the maintainer of a
package ("subselect"), which on CRAN's Daily Package Checks is OK on all
flavours of R, except r-devel Linux x86_64, where there is a "memory not
mapped" segfault with the very first example that is tried out (output below).
Additionally, a user with an AMD64 machine has just reported a
2006 Jun 09
Saving dns2.plot as a jpg image
I am using R 2.2.1 with sn 0.4.0 and am trying to save a dns2.plot as a jpg
Here is the latest version of the code I have tried:
x <- seq(0,200,length=200)
y <- seq(0, 35, length=200)
jpeg(filename = "C:/fig1.jpg", width = 5, height = 4,pointsize = 12, quality
= 100, bg = "white", res = NA)
2007 Dec 19
lattice: axes drawn when relation='free' or relation='sliced' but not when relation='same'
I'm using lattice to draw a multi-panel figure: 5 rows, 4 columns. The y-axis for each panel is determined by
yaxs <- list(draw=T
, labels=c(0, '.5', '1', '1.5')
, at=c(0, .5, 1, 1.5)
, tck=c(.4, 0)
, cex=.7
, alternating=2