Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Axis value as percentage"
2007 Oct 10
Setting qplot default options
is there a possibility to set default options to qplot?
I need to draw a lot of graphs and would like to have all of them as point
plot but with a greater size and a fixed color for all dots.
Thanks for help.
2007 Oct 08
Specify plot size
I have another (possibly easy) question:
How to specify the size of a plot? When I draw a plot, I can freely change
the size of the window, which is nice for single plots to find the best
height/width ratio, but as I need a lot of plots in my work, I want to look
them all the same, so I need to specify the size in advance.
Thanks for help,
2017 Oct 12
dual y-axis for ggplot
To my knowledge, an excellent of ggplot with a second y-axis is
In this example, the author uses two colors for the two lines, but the
line shapes are the same -- both are solid. Could each line have its own
color as well as its own shape? For example, can I make the red line with
the linetype "twodash", while the blue line with the
2017 Oct 17
ggplot / second axis / just a notation problem
I have a question on ggplot2 with the second axis, but I don't think one
needs to know ggplot2 package in order to answer this question.
In this example,
since the transformation of the second axis is given by y1=y2*5,
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*5, name = "Relative
humidity [%]"))
2017 Oct 12
dual y-axis for ggplot
Sorry let me clarify.
If I modify the line
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = air_temp, colour = "Temperature"))
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = air_temp, colour = "Temperature", linetype
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = rel_hum/5, colour = "Humidity"))
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = rel_hum/5, colour = "Humidity",
2017 Oct 12
dual y-axis for ggplot
Hi John,
You can try the following:
p <- ggplot(obs, aes(x = Timestamp))
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = air_temp, colour = "Temperature", linetype
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = rel_hum/5, colour = "Humidity",
p <- p +
2017 Oct 17
ggplot / second axis / just a notation problem
Hi John,
Why not just try both and see which one makes sense?
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 12:24 PM, John <miaojpm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question on ggplot2 with the second axis, but I don't think one
> needs to know ggplot2 package in order to answer this question.
> In this example,
> https://rpubs.com/MarkusLoew/226759
> since the
2012 Mar 16
ggplot axis limit
This is probably an easy one, but I am new to ggplot2 and cannot find an
answer online.
I am bar plotting values of 10 groups. These values are all within a 90-100
range, so I would like leave out the area of the bars below 90. If I say
"graph + scale_y_continuous(limit=c(90, 100))", it does limit the axis but
the bars disappear completely. Any solution here?
Thanks a lot!
2023 Nov 24
ggplot adjust two y-axis
Dear R-users
Is it possible to adjust two y-axis in a ggplot differently?
- First y axis (0-60)
- Second y axis (0-2500)
### Figure 1
scale_y_continuous(name="First Axis", sec.axis=sec_axis(trans=~.*50,
name="Second Axis"))+
2023 Nov 24
ggplot adjust two y-axis
Hi Sibylle,
For that kind of data with two different scales, I generally use two graphs
that I name gg1 and gg2 and join them using gridExtra::grid.arrange(gg1,
gg2). This way, the red part of your graph is easier to interpret.
Have a nice day,
-----Message d'origine-----
De?: R-help <r-help-bounces at r-project.org> De la part de
sibylle.stoeckli at gmx.ch
2023 Jun 16
Issue with crammed Y axis
I have a data frame like this:
> dput(df)
structure(list(ID = 1:8, Type = c("gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -ntomp 1 -s
benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 10000 -resethway",
"gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -ntomp 1 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 10000 -resethway",
"gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 4000 -resetstep 3000",
"gmx mdrun -ntmpi 8 -s benchPEP.tpr -nsteps 4000 -resetstep
2012 Sep 19
ggplot formato dígitos en ggplot2
Hola de nuevo.
Resulta que al actualizar a la versión 0.9.2 de ggplot2 , ahora en mi
eje continuo y , los valores se etiquetan en formato científico , cuando
antes era normal. Es decir, mis valores máximos están sobre 300000, pero
en el eje ahora pone 3e+05 y no he encontrado como cambiarlo.
He visto que se puede cambiar utilizando el paquete scales y utilizando
por ejemplo , siendo p un
2005 Jan 20
glm and percentage data with many zero values
Dear all,
I am interested in correctly testing effects of continuous environmental
variables and ordered factors on bacterial abundance. Bacterial
abundance is derived from counts and expressed as percentage. My problem
is that the abundance data contain many zero values:
Bacteria <-
2012 Oct 19
Axis Breaks with ggplot2
R-help -
I'm trying to create axis breaks similar to this :
Is there a way to do this in R? Here's my code thus far:
structure(list(condition = structure(c(2L, 1L, 3L), .Label = c("con",
"exp", "unedit"), class = "factor"), trial.avg = c(4.04583333333333,
2011 Jun 21
qplot/ggplot2 Questions
I took some data from an online poll about which R GUI people used most and I
am messing around with it to learn how to use qplot. Specifically I am
making a horizontal bar graph and I have two questions.
1. The categories are ordered in rather strange way at least to me. It is
not alphabetical or ascending/descending order of votes cast so i had to
manually state the order I wanted which is
2007 Jul 12
ggplot2 / histogram / y-axis
Is there a way in ggplot to make a histogram with the left-hand y-axis
label as frequency, and a right-hand y-axis label as percentage?
2010 Jun 24
Displaying additional values on the Y-axis ggplot2
I am running the following code:
mfg0 <- ggplot(aes(x=Grade,y=Math,colour=RiskStatic45678),data=math.f)
mfg1 <- mfg0 + geom_smooth(method="lm", formula=y ~ ns(x,2),size=1) +
geom_smooth(aes(y=nalt.math,color="NALT"),size=1,data=nalt) +
scale_colour_brewer("Risk Status", pal="Set1") + coord_cartesian(ylim =
c(175, 245))
And when I specify
2007 Nov 13
ggplot2: changing axis labels in ggplot()
Hi all,
For various reasons, I need to use ggplot instead of qplot for a complex
figure. Everything is working fine, except I cannot figure out how to rename
the axis labels in ggplot. I have pasted a simple example below. Any ideas
on what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.
##create data
2011 Jan 14
bug in qplot (library ggplot2)
this following code give a nice png:
i <- 1
png(file=paste('test ',i,'.png',sep=''))
qplot(carat, data=diamonds,
I would like to get more files, but the following code doesn't make any
for (i in 1:2) {
2007 Jul 25
Ggplot2 equivalent of axis and problem with log scale
Dear useRs,
Recently I've discorved ggplot2 and I must say that I really like it,
although the documentation still is a working in progress.
My first question: How can I change the position of the labels and the
text of the labels? With a basic plot I would use axis(2, at =
position.of.the.ticks, labels = text.at.the.ticks). Could someone
provide me with an example of how to do this with