Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "Multiple Regression"
2012 Jul 27
Understanding the intercept value in a multiple linear regression with categorical values
I'm failing to understand the value of the intercept value in a
multiple linear regression with categorical values. Taking the
"warpbreaks" data set as an example, when I do:
> lm(breaks ~ wool, data=warpbreaks)
lm(formula = breaks ~ wool, data = warpbreaks)
(Intercept) woolB
31.037 -5.778
I'm able to understand that the value of
2006 Aug 31
Pretty-printing multiple regression models
A few days ago, I had asked this question. Consider this situation:
> x1 <- runif(100); x2 <- runif(100); y <- 2 + 3*x1 - 4*x2 + rnorm(100)
> m1 <- summary(lm(y ~ x1))
> m2 <- summary(lm(y ~ x2))
> m3 <- summary(lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
You have estimated 3 different "competing" models, and suppose you
want to present the set of models in one table. xtable(m1) is
2008 Feb 03
Effect size of comparison of two levels of a factor in multiple linear regression
Dear R users,
I have a linear model of the kind
outcome ~ treatment + covariate
where 'treatment' is a factor with three levels ("0", "1", and "2"),
and the covariate is continuous. Treatments "1" and "2" both have
regression coefficients significantly different from 0 when using
treatment contrasts with treatment "0" as the
2005 Sep 01
Robust Regression - LTS
I am using robust regression, i.e. model.robust<-ltsreg(MXD~ORR,data=DATA).
My question:- is there any way to determine the Robust Multiple R-Squared
(as returned in the summary output in splus)? I found an equivalent model in
the rrcov package which included R-square, residuals etc in it's list of
components, but when I used this package the only results returned were
equivalent to
2010 Sep 24
multivariate multiple regression coefficient
I considered multivariate multiple regression for respons, predictor, each 5
on going process, through
initb <- eigen(temp)$vectors[,1:3]
temp <- vhalf%*%Kproduct(Ir,initb)
(herein 'vhalf' is root for inverse of covariance matrix
and 'Kproduct' is Kronecker product)
and then process regression. However,
I have tried using the
2009 Dec 17
Testing equality of regression model on multiple groups
I'm trying to test for the joint equality of coefficients of the same model across different subsets of the data (ie, is it necessary to estimate the same model on these different populations, or can I just estimate the model once on the whole dataset?).
My plan is to use the F-test on the reduced model and the full model. By full model, I mean a specification that mimics my
2012 Jul 13
Accessing coefficient values in linear regression
Hi everyone,
I am fitting a simple linear regression model in R. My
command is j=lm( Y ~ Sex + begsal + time + int)
lm(formula = Y ~ Sex + begsal + time + int)
(Intercept) Sex begsal time int
191.916 -241.805 3.969 5.003 3.040
Now I wish to access the values of these coefficients for other purposes
2011 Sep 19
regression summary results pvalues and coefficients into a excel
Hi All,
I have run many regression analyses (14000 +) and want to collect the
coefficients and pvalues into an excel file. I can get the statements below
to work up to step 4. I can printout the regressionresults (sample output
So my hope is to run something like step 5 and 6 and put the pvalues (and
then coefficients) into an excel file. Can anyone suggest what I am doing
wrong or a
2009 Jul 14
Interaction term in multiple regression
Hello All, Thank you for taking my question. I am looking for
information on how R handles interaction terms in a multiple regression
using the ?lm? command. I originally noticed something was unusual
when my R output did not match the output from JMP for an identical
test run previously. Both programs give identical results for the main
test and if the models do not contain the interaction
2011 Feb 07
FW: multivariate regression
The test is manova. I tried to use manova() function, I used the code below:fit <- manova(Y ~ X)summary(fit, test="Wilks")but I get p values for intercept and regression coefficient as in anova() function, not for the hull model.
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 00:57:43 -0800
Subject: Re: [R] FW: multivariate regression
From: djmuser@gmail.com
To: denizsigirli@hotmail.com
2006 Jan 11
Obtaining the adjusted r-square given the regression coef ficients
Hello Alexandra,
R2 is only defined for regressions with intercept. See a decent econometrics
textbook for its derivation.
-----Urspr??ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alexandra R. M. de Almeida [mailto:alexandrarma at yahoo.com.br]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2006 03:48
An: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Betreff: [R] Obtaining the adjusted r-square given the regression
2011 Sep 12
Multiple regression intercept
Hi I am having difficulty interpretive the multiple regression output. I
would like to know what it means when one of the factors is assigned as the
In my data I am looking at the relationship between environmental parameters
and biological production.
One of my variables in the analysis is substratum type and gravel is
identified as the intercept and the P-value is significant,...
2006 May 18
how to get coefficients of regression or Anova
Hi R Gurus!
I conducted regression and anova followings :
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.07e-01 5.95e-02 10.19 < 2e-16 ***
nemp 2.87e-06 1.04e-07 27.63 < 2e-16 ***
as.factor(corridor1)A -8.81e-02 2.13e-02 -4.14 3.6e-05 ***
2010 Feb 22
Alternatives to linear regression with multiple variables
I wonder if someone can give some pointers on alternatives to linear
regression (e.g. Loess) when dealing with multiple variables.
Taking any simple table with three variables, you can very easily get the
intercept and coefficients with:
For obvious reasons, the coefficients in a multiple regression are quite
different from what you get if you calculate regressions for
2007 Nov 28
fit linear regression with multiple predictor and constrained intercept
Hi group,
I have this type of data
x(predictor), y(response), factor (grouping x into many groups, with 6-20
I want to fit a linear regression with one common intercept. 'factor'
should only modify the slopes, not the intercept. The intercept is expected
to be >0.
If I use
y~ x + factor, I get a different intercept for each factor level, but one
slope only
if I use
y~ x *
2012 Mar 21
multivariate ordinal probit regression vglm()
Hello, all.
I'm investigating the rate at which skeletal joint surfaces pass
through a series of ordered stages (changes in morphology). Current
statistical methods in this type of research use various logit or
probit regression techniques (e.g., proportional odds logit/probit,
forward/backward continuation ratio, or restricted/unrestricted
cumulative probit). Data typically include the
2012 Mar 16
multivariate regression and lm()
I would like to perform a multivariate regression analysis to model the
relationship between m responses Y1, ... Ym and a single set of predictor
variables X1, ..., Xr. Each response is assumed to follow its own
regression model, and the error terms in each model can be correlated.
Based on my readings of the R help archives and R documentation, the
function lm() should be able to
2007 Feb 08
How to get p-values, seperate vectors of regression coefficients and their s.e. from the "yags" output?
Hello R-users:
I am using "yags" for fitting GEE which is giving me the same result as "Proc GENMOD". Now I have couple of questions related to yags output. (By the way, someone told me to run the geeglm for the same analysis and I did run but did not get the same result as of genmod and don't know how to correct the geeglm codes so that all three will be same!)
2007 Nov 13
logistic regression model specification
I have setup a simple logistic regression model with the glm() function, with
the follow formula:
y ~ a + b
'a' is a continuous variable stratified by
the levels of 'b'
Looking over the manual for model specification, it seems that coefficients
for unordered factors are given 'against' the first level of that factor.
This makes for difficult
2012 Sep 06
Logit regression, I observed different results for glm or lrm (Design) for ordered factor variables
Dear useR's,
I was comparing results for a logistic regression model between different
themodel formula is arranged as follows:
response ~ (intercept) + value + group
glm( response ~ (intercept) + value + group ,
lrm( response ~ (intercept) + value + group )
ROC( from = response ~ (intercept) + value + group ,