Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rug() colors"
2007 Jul 11
RWeka control parameters classifiers interface
I have some trouble in achieving the desired parametrisation
for the weka classifier functions, using the package RWeka.
The problem is, that the functions
result=classifier(formula, data, subset, na.action, control = Weka_control(mycontrol))
do not seem to be manipulated by the mycontrol- arguments
Perhaps this should be resepected via the handlers- argument ,
but the
2007 Jul 17
multiple rugs on a single plot
I could only find some discussion on this wrt lattice graphics (which I'm
not using). Apologies if I'm missing something obvious.
I'd like to produce 3 rug plots under a kernel density plot for a
population. The population is subdivided into 3 subpopulations, which I'd
like the rug plots to highlight. Naturally, when I do 3 rug plots, they all
plot over each other.
2009 Apr 24
Terminology: Multiple Regression versus multivariate Regression
Hello R-Members,
can anyone explain the difference between
multiple and multivariate regression to me
in terms of the terminology and eventually
its respect to the mathematical foundation
respectively ?
Is multiple regression perhaps more related to GLM
and multivariate Regression rather applied,
if there are no explizit numeric factor levels ?
Thanks for elucidations on that topic.
2010 Dec 15
Problems drawing a colored 'rug' in the Lattice 'densityplot'
Hi All,
I'm trying to add a 'rug' representation of my data to a plot created
with densityplot(). While I can do this in the simple case, I can't do
it properly when I include the "groups" argument. I have an example
below. I am running a reasonably new version of R.
R version 2.12.0 Patched (2010-11-07 r53537)
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu
2007 Jul 28
text() and vector arguments like adj
I remarked that the function
## Default S3 method:
text (x, y = NULL, labels = seq(along = x), adj = NULL,pos = NULL, offset = 0.5, vfont = NULL,cex = 1, col = NULL, font = NULL, ...)
accepts vectors of arguments (of the same length) except for the parameter adj.
When passing a vector of information for adjusting the labels, only the first value
is taken.
Any special reason for this ?
2009 Mar 30
How do I add a rug to a 3d 'persp' plot?
Hi all,
I have a (hopefully quick) question. I've got a fascinating set of fitted
surfaces in three dimensions corresponding to local linear multiple
regressions. I'd like to add rugs to the X and Y axes (corresponding to my
independent variables) in order to get a sense for how many data points I'm
working with to graph various portions of the surfaces. The trouble is, I
2002 Apr 08
user coordinates and rug plots in lattice graphics
Dear R list members,
I'd like to produce rug plots at the bottom of panels in a trellis display
(using the lattice package), but par("usr") doesn't return user coordinates
for panels, and consequently rug fails, as the following example (suggested
to me by Georges Monette) illustrates:
> x <- rnorm(50)
> y <- rnorm(50)
> f <-
2001 Nov 29
rug(x) clip warning incorrect if par("xlog")==TRUE (PR#1188)
To wit:
> plot(1:2,1:2,log="x")
> rug(1:2) # should not warn
Warning message:
some values will be clipped in: rug(1:2)
> plot(1:2,1:2,log="x")
> rug(c(0,.1,.2)) # should warn, but does not
I believe this fixes the problem:
% diff -c /tmp/orig.rug.R /tmp/cberry.rug.R
*** /tmp/orig.rug.R Thu Nov 29 12:59:00 2001
--- /tmp/cberry.rug.R Thu Nov 29
2004 Jun 04
hist, lines, rug
I'm trying to plot a historgram with a density plot superimposed:
hist(x, seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1), prob = T, col = "blue")
lines(density(x, bw = 0.1))
I don't want to add rug(x) but the histogram will not be plotted unless
rug(x) is there. It does not work if the "hist" line alone is present.
Can you help?
[[alternative HTML version
2007 Oct 27
Unwanted axis labels when rug() has POSIXlt argument (PR#10380)
rug() may add integer axis labels when called with a POSIXlt object
as argument.
dtimes <- c("09/29/2007 12:54", "09/30/2007 00:14", "10/01/2007
"10/02/2007 00:14", "10/03/2007 00:14", "10/04/2007
"10/05/2007 00:14", "10/06/2007 00:14", "10/07/2007
2007 Oct 10
transparent colors
Dear R graphics experts,
Do you know of any way of plotting semi-transparent points in R ?
I face this problem any time I want to e.g. plot thousands of points
that belong to two or three classes which I color code.
With the default opaque colors, the plotting order matters and
basically the points I plot last completely dominate the picture. I
would much rather have the overlaying points
2011 Oct 04
Rug plot curve reversal
Dear R-help
Can anyone tell me why my curve appears the wrong way round on a rug plot?
I am using the same code as on pg 596 of the Crawley R-book.
I've tried swapping xv and yv around but no luck.
2012 Apr 11
Lattice densityplot with semitransparent filled regions
I'm doing some graphics for a paper and a need customize such with filled
region above the density curve. My attempts I get something very near what
I need, but I don't solve the problem of use semitransparent filled. Below
a minimal reproducible code. Someone has any idea?
# toy data...
dt <- expand.grid(A=1:2, B=1:3, y=1:50)
dt$y <- rnorm(nrow(dt), dt$B,
2008 May 05
axis and tick widths decoupled (especially in rugs!)
(a complete newby, but will not give up easily!)
I was wondering if there is any way to decouple the axis and tick mark
widths? As I understand they are both controlled by the lwd setting, and
cannot be controlled independently? For example I might want to create major
and minor ticks, which I now know how to do by superimposing two axes with
different at settings, but what if I also wanted
2007 Sep 17
graphs with gradients of colors
Hi All,
I would like to fill the area under a curve with a gradient of colors. Are there any packages or trick I could use
Stefan Van Dongen
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2011 Dec 13
axis tick colors: only one value allowed?
So far as I can tell, the 'col.ticks' parameter for axis() only uses the
first value provided. E.g.:
plot(0:1,0:1, col.ticks=c('blue','red','green')) #all ticks are blue
Just wondering if there's a different option in the basic plot commands
that can handle multiple colors, and also whether ggplot and/or lattice
allow for multiple tick colors.
2007 Apr 26
Struggling to define multiple yum/rug repositories
My head hurts from trying to figure this out for the past several hours . . .
I want to determine what provider to use based on a fact (thanks for
the suse version fact btw) but I ain''t gettin it:
What''s wrong? Am I going down the completely wrong path? Is there a better way?
# suse-yum.pp
case $suse_repo_name {
#sled10-i586: {Package{ provider => rug}}
2006 Aug 07
mkerb.org - Milwaukee RUG Meeting this Wednesday August 9 at 5:30 - 7:30
Did you know that Milwaukee has a RUG?
The Milwaukee RUG (http://www.mkerb.org)
- promoting Ruby and Rails in the Greater Milwaukee Area.
Come and join us on our next adventure.
Date: August 9, 2006
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: SpiderLogic, Conference Room 1 on first floor
10000 West Innovation Dr.
Milwaukee, WI 53266
Map ==> http://tinyurl.com/olprl
2008 Jun 17
Decision Trees RWeka
I have a question concerning decision
trees coming from RWeka :
m =J48(Species~.,data=iris)
How could such a decision tree be transferred
into a matrix, pretty much in the same fashion,
as it is done by getTree() in library(ofw)
learn.cart.keep <- ofw(srbct,
2008 Aug 15
continuous coloring of a polygon
R2.7.1, WinXP
I have a polygon inside a circle as follows:
radius <- 3
x <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000)
y <- sqrt(radius^2-x^2)
xx <- c(x,-x)
yy <- c(y,-y)
plot(xx,yy, xlim=c(-radius,radius),ylim=c(-radius,radius), type="l",
ylab="", xlab="", axes=F)
radius <- 2.7
x1 <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000)
y1 <- sqrt(radius^2-x1^2)