similar to: 2nd label category on x axis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "2nd label category on x axis"

2007 Aug 23
two labels on x-axis (year and month)
hej i'm plotting time-series and label the x-axis as follows: r <- as.POSIXct(round(range(p1$time), "month")) to define the time range for labeling the xaxis plot(p1$time,p1$ p1, type="l", xaxt="n") plots p1 against time axis.POSIXct(1, at=seq(r[1], r[2], by="month"), format="%m") labels the axis in mothly steps. what I want do do
2014 Jun 13
no x label using axis.Date
I have tried multiple different methods to figure out how to get a date axis of my preference (start date of each month). Any assistance would be appreciated. The below section is not producing a date axis: plot(totaldays$totaldays,totaldays$y,type="n",ylim=c(0,Emax),xaxt="n") *xlabels<-(strptime(totaldays$totaldays,"%Y-%m-%d",tz=""))
2005 Jun 02
Wishlist: more flexible handling of tick labels in axis.Date (PR#7914)
I think allowing the user to change the labels is a good idea, but have some nitpicking about the details. - Could you grab a copy of the current axis.Date source from and edit that, rather than what you see in R? There are some comments in the source that shouldn't be lost. This will also mean that it's easier to
2010 Sep 10
modifying axis labels in lattice panels
Dear all, I am struggling to modify the axis labels/ticks in a panel provided to xyplot. To begin with, I do not know the equivalent of the xaxt="n" directive for panels that would set the stage for no default x axis being drawn. My goal is to draw ticks and custom formatted labels at certain hours of the week. When I execute the code below, I get an error message in the plot window that
2010 Feb 22
adding infrequent date labels to x-axis
I'm sure there is a clever way to do the following, but I've been unable to find it on this forum or by writing my own functions. I have 8 years worth of weekly data but would like to restrict the labels on the x-axis to months only. I've included the first year's worth of data below. My line of thought has been along these lines
2009 Jun 08
increase number of ticks on x axis of dates
My x axis is a series of daily dates (e.g., 01/01/2000, 01/02/2000, etc.) from 2000 to end of 2008. The default only gives me 4 ticks. I want more. Why doesn't this work? sdate<-as.POSIXct(strptime(date,format="%m/%d/%Y")) plot(ppt~sdate,type="l",ylim=c(0,47),col=1,lwd=1,pch=16,ylab="Salinity, psu",xlab="Year",las=1,main="Duck Key
2004 Feb 19
suppressing non-integer labels for plot x-axis
Dear R-helpers, I am having difficulty making R plot only integer labels on the x-axis of a simple graph. I want to plot the median values of a score on each of three occasions. Non-integer occasions are impossible. But, R keeps labelling the x-axis with half-occasions, despite my attempts to stop this using the "xaxs" and "xaxp" parameters of 'plot'. p1=c(1,2,3);
2001 Sep 21
behavior of xaxt = "n" with POSIXct dates
Prof. Ripley has provided very helpful information regarding X-axis labeling with POSIXct-class dates. Now I've run into another bit of problematic behavior. I'm running R 1.3.0 on Windows NT 4.0. When I create a plot with the optional argument xaxt = "n", and the X axis is generated from dates of class POSIXct, the X axis is plotted. Obviously, I'd like to prevent the X
2007 Jan 10
axis labels at subset of tick marks
For example, this works: x = seq(-100, 1000, 25) y = x * x plot(x,y, xaxt="n") axis(1,x,FALSE,tcl=-0.3) axis(1,x[x %% 100 ==0]) It creates two axis objects and the values of the x-axis are the labels. The following scenario is more difficult, because it uses 'image' to plot a grid of values: a = matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=10) image(1:ncol(a), 1:nrow(a), a, xaxt="n",
2003 Apr 07
plot.POSIXct with axes FALSE
Hallo all I have a question regarding POSIX class objects. I try tu use as.POSIXct for creating and plotting some time series. To be able to set labels for time (x) axis I started with plot(..., axes=FALSE) but although it suppressed all other axes, x axis is still plotted together with labels. Is it a bug? see datum.vyber<-seq(ISOdate(2000,1,1), ISOdate(2003,1,1), by="3
2005 May 25
Plot: Distance between tick and tick label on y-axis
Hello, I want to reduce the distance between my ticks and their labels. I managed to do it for the x-axis, but the y-axis puzzles me. Here's an example where there is no space between the x-asix ticks and labels. par(las=1) plot(runif(50), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",ylab="", bty="l") axis(2) axis(1,padj=-1.5) #However, axis(2,padj=-1.5)
2008 Mar 21
hist function+label second y-axis
Dear Forum, hist(x$LAN_3,col="green",xaxt='n',yaxt='n',xlab="",ylab="",main="",type="l") I?d like to craete a line not a bar in the hist function, but regrettably I get only warning messages: 1: Grafikparameter "type" ist veraltet in: title(main, sub, xlab, ylab, line, outer, ...) 2: Grafikparameter "type" ist
2004 Oct 18
答复: How to draw x-axis time label.
Thank you for helping me! I try the "pretty" funtion to select the x-axis position value.Then I use the "format" funtion. xax.pos <- pretty(as.numeric(x$ format(xax.pos,'%d %b %y') > xax.pos [1] 1091600000 1091800000 1092000000 1092200000 1092400000 1092600000 1092800000 [8] 1093000000 There are something wrong. I found the xax.pos has been changed to
2009 Jul 16
axis label config mgp
I have long axis labels (8units) on the x axis and 2 unit number labels on the y axis. I need to move the x axis title without moving the y axis title. I have used mgp=c(title, label and line), but mgp moves both the x and y titles. The following puts the y axis title way way out to the left. Anyone know how to move just the x axis. X11() conif<-c("Control", "Switched
2010 Aug 24
Rotate x-axis label on log scale
Hi I'd appreciate some help with plotting odds ratios. I want to rotate the labels on the x-axis by 45 degrees. The usual way of doing this, using text - e.g. text(1, par('usr')[3]-2.25..) - gives no result when the y-axis is a log scale. I guess this is because, as the par help says, for a logarithmic y-axis: y-limits will be 10 ^ par("usr")[3:4] Does anyone know
2010 Nov 24
Custom ticks on x axis when dates are involved
Hi, I have a set of irregular time series and i want to produce a simple plot, with dates on x axis and attribute value of y axis. This is simple enough but my x axis is divided automatically by ticks every 5 years. I would like to have a tick every year at January 1st. I am not sure how i can do that - i end up with something very close to what i want, but it is clunky and not very correct. I
2003 Apr 30
ylab in plot.POSIXct
I am using R-1.7.0 and have some data which consist of one vector of numbers and a second corresponding vector of dates belonging to the POSIXct class. I would like to plot the numbers against the dates. What is the best way to do this? It almost works to just call `plot.' However if I do this while using the `ylab' parameter I get a warning message: parameter "ylab"
2012 Aug 28
date in plot, can't add regression line
Hello all, I have been using R for about 3 weeks and I am frustrated by a problem. I have read R in a nutshell, scoured the internet for help but I either am not understanding examples or am missing something completely basic. Here is the problem: I want to plot data that contains dates on the x axis. Then I want to fit a line to the data. I have been unable to do it. This is an example of
2004 May 17
Plotting Time against Date for time series data?
Dear all, I have a data set containing GPS fixes of animal locations. To check that the GPS's are working properly, I would like to plot the time of the fixes (y-axis) against the date of the fixes (x-axis). If all works well, the plot should show four regular fixes per day. The x-axis should be labelled with month/year (i.e. 11/04) and the y-axis by hour from 00 to 24. I would like to
2010 Dec 08
how to add these "axis" label?
Hi All, How do I add these axis labels? ############################################### p=seq(0,1,length.out=500) p=p[-c(1,length(p))] g1=log(p/(1-p)) g2=qnorm(p) g3=log(-log(1-p)) g4=-log(-log(p)) plot(p,g1, 'n',ylim=c(-5,5),las=1, bty='n', xaxt='n',yaxt='n', xlab="",ylab="" ) lines(p,g1,lty=1,col=1) lines(p,g2,lty=1,col=2)