similar to: polar.plot orientation and scale in plotrix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "polar.plot orientation and scale in plotrix"

2011 Apr 11
Polar Plots
Dear List, Following the link below ( I got an interesting polar plots which displayed my data and the time of observation. Thank you very much for providing such details. However, I have two set of data which I wish to display in the same polar plot. I tried using points to add the second data but could not succeed. That is,
2011 Jul 27
Question re the plotrix package
Dear list, I am using the ?clock24.plot command in this excellent package to plot animal activity data. Does anyone know if both symbols and a line can be plotted on the same plot to show both raw data (symbols) and a line (describing a statistical model of the pattern) ? Or if more than one line etc can be plotted? Thanks Paul
2016 Apr 21
clock24.plot/radial plot
Dear All, I am trying to generate a circular/radial plot. The script below has a result I am looking for: testlen<-rnorm(24)*2+5 testpos<-0:23+rnorm(24)/4 clock24.plot(testlen,testpos,main="Test Clock24 (lines)",show.grid=FALSE, line.col="green",lwd=3) if(dev.interactive()) par(ask=TRUE) # now do a 'daylight' plot
2016 Apr 22
clock24.plot/radial plot
Kind Experts, Many thanks for your guide. I have tried to figure out something that can help me plot my own data using the examples you referred me to. I copied part of the code as: set.seed(44) N=500 events <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-01", tz="GMT") + days(floor(365*runif(N))) + hours(floor(24*rnorm(N))) + # using rnorm here
2016 Apr 22
clock24.plot/radial plot
I use ggplot2 for all my plotting needs where you can make plots circular with the coord_polar. Maybe this will help you along: On Fri, 22 Apr 2016 at 08:31 Ogbos Okike <giftedlife2014 at> wrote: > Dear All, > I am trying to generate a circular/radial plot. The script below has a >
2016 Apr 22
clock24.plot/radial plot
Looks like you forgot to load the lubridate package library(lubridate) You are calling functions days(), hours(), minutes(), seconds(), and hour() which all come from that package. ------------------------------------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -----Original Message----- From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at
2009 Oct 30
Hi, Two questions: 1 - Say I have average speed and directions for tide and I would like to plot them on a polar plot, but with different colors so I can indicate the two directions. I'm using polar.plot from the plotrix library. How can I add a second "b" and "dir.b" series to a polar.plot? library(plotrix) a = 3 dir.a = 85 b = 4 dir.b = 250 polar.plot(a, dir.a, start =
2011 Jun 07
Representacion gráfica de 8 categorías
Hola, Estoy buscando una representación gráfica similar a la que da: ternatyplot del paquete vcd : data(Lifeboats) attach(Lifeboats) ternaryplot( Lifeboats[,4:6], pch = ifelse(side=="Port", 1, 19), col = ifelse(side=="Port", "red", "blue"), id = ifelse(men/total > 0.1, as.character(boat), NA), main = "Lifeboats on Titanic" ) Pero
2010 Jun 03
plot polar coordinates
Hi, I'd like to plot in in polar coordinates a line which is given as a vector of lengths and angles. library("plotrix")
2009 Dec 04
[ggplot2] Wind rose orientation
Aloha all, I love using ggplot. It took a while to get used to the grammar of graphics, but it is starting to get easy now that I am thinking in a more structured way. A question. I'm making a wind rose that I'd like to be oriented with due north straight up. I've discovered that the orientation is sensitive to how north is represented. When north is represented as 0,
2010 Sep 13
Transparent Labels for Polar Plot
Hello, I am currently using the polar.plot function in the plotrix package to graph data. Unfortunately, it seems that the default for the labels is to have a background color that is covering the line representing my data, making it difficult to read. Is there a way to make this label background transparent? Example: lengths <- 0:72 bearing <- seq(from=0, to=360, by=5)
2007 Dec 16
Changing the origin in polar.plot in plotrix package
I am trying to draw a polar plot, which is easy enough to do in the plotrix package through the polar.plot function. However I would like to change the origin of the length vector. For instance all my length values are between 75 and 85, so instead of having the origin as 0 (the default) I'd like it to be, say, 50. Is there any way do to this in the polar.plot function, or if not is there an
2005 Jun 22
A polar.plot BUG in plotrix 1.3.3 ?
Hi, I just updated to R-2.1.1 and updated packages acordingly However, after the update, routines that use polar.plot did not function as correctly. In plotrix 1.3.3 the polar.plot function does scale label.pos to radians prior to calling radial.plot Hence, the command polar.plot(c(5,10,5,0),c(-10,0,10,20),rp.type='P',
2008 Feb 21
triangle.plot - change the axes orientation
Hello, I need to chenge axes orirentation in triangle plot. (function triangle.plot in ade4 package) I want to plot elasticities of some species in demographic triangle, where axes values commnly increace "clockwise". If some better imangination is needed, see I am sorry if I just
2002 Oct 17
Polar plot, circular plot (angular data)
Dear R-users, Hereby a polar plot function for plotting angular data. I hope it will be usefull for some of you. I had a need to plot frequencies of wind-directions. The not-that-cheap SigmaPlot software did not allow me to change the orientation of the angular axis to clockwise orientation (what is used for meteorological observations). I even tried the latest version availible at the time
2003 Oct 16
Interpolation of azimuth values
Hello I will make an interpolation of data which represents azimuth direction ( angle from north in clockwise direction) values. But there is a problem. Say, for instance, while 1 and 359 indicate somewhat same direction, interpolation puts values in the range from 1 to 359. What can I do to solve the problem ? Anything you offer ? thanks in advance Ahmet Temiz General Directory of
2009 Aug 09
plotrix: reverse axis in polar.plot
Hi, how can I reverse the radius axis of plotrix's polar.plot function? Perhaps this sounds strange, but I use the radians for angles as well: In the center is zenith and the corresponding angle is 90?, not 0. See an example plot at dirs<-c("S","E","N","W")
2016 Apr 29
clock24.plot/radial plot: Fixed
Dear All, This problem is over. Clock24.plot did the job. Thanks to all those who assisted me. Ogbos On Apr 22, 2016 8:34 PM, "Ogbos Okike" <giftedlife2014 at> wrote: > Dear All, > One hand. Many thanks!! The code run as soon as I loaded lubridate. > > Please can you guide me on how to relate this code to my actual data. > My actual data is looking like:
2013 Feb 16
subplot (Hmisc) and radial.plot (plotrix) problem
Folks, I am having problems with a plot I want to create to give an impression of changes in an ordinal scale measure (1-5) at three time points (0, 14 and 21 days). I can produce a radial plot of bare vectors but getting this to appear on the base plot is not possible as it always seems to end up below the plot area and even outside the plot window. It seems I have not understood
2002 Nov 08
Polar plot, circular plot (angular data): II
Dear R-users, As noted by Paul Murrell < p.murrell at > there is errors in the code for polar plotting I send to R-help under the title "Polar plot, circular plot (angular data)" at Thu Oct 17 2002 - 12:18:20 CEST. Thanks! I have reorganized the code into a structure ('pp'). This allows plots to be modified to a greater extent by passing arguments by ...