Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "Linear Regression with slope equals 0"
2006 Mar 05
what is scale function? Is it for variable transformation?
I read R books about scale function for variable transformation.
Acoording to this book
scale function leads me to better regression results. Or am I worng?
I hope somebody tell me about a scale function?
Is it for variable transformation?
Kum-Hoe Hwang, Phone : 82-31-250-3516Email : phdhwang@gmail.com
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2000 Aug 29
Newbie question: Linear regression with error bars.
Hello guys,
I am a total newbie on R, having downloaded it, read the documentation and
started playing with it right now.
My general question is what 'lr' model can be used for doing a linear
regression on points that have a variance associated with them (ie. Monte
Carlo simulation results).
Actually my Data sets look like:
Timestep Energy Variance_of_the_Energy
0.0005 -14.876840
2004 Sep 29
Problem with _new_ if class "lm" in object representation.
Consider this code.
new("Ctest",test="bla") #This produces an error.
#Error in validObject(.Object) : Invalid "Ctest" object: Invalid object for slot "mod" in class "Ctest": got class
2003 Jul 30
Comparing two regression slopes
I've written a simple (although probably overly roundabout) function to
test whether two regression slope coefficients from two linear models on
independent data sets are significantly different. I'm a bit concerned,
because when I test it on simulated data with different sample sizes and
variances, the function seems to be extremely sensitive both of these. I am
wondering if
2006 Nov 01
Compare linear regressios for significant differences of the slopes
I have (8 measures * 96 groups) = 768 datasets for which I did linear
regressions using lm().
Now I want to compare the slopes for each of the 8 measures in each of
the 96 groups. As I understand , I can not use
> anova(lm1, ..., lm8)
as the lm1 ... lm8 are based on different datasets.
I also read in previous discussions in this list, that I can see if the
slope +- stddev(slope)
2008 Apr 11
Format regression result summary
Hello to the whole group.
I am a newbie to R, but I got my way through and think it is a lot easier to
handle than other software packages (far less clicks necessary).
However, I have a problem with respect to the summary of regression results.
The summary function gives sth like:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.46743 -0.09772 0.01810 0.11175 0.42252
2005 Jun 01
Bootstrap direction
Hi all,
I am trying to bootstrap a small data set into 1000 "pseudodatasets" and
then run an ANOVA on each one. Can anyone provide guidance on how I could
do this?
Thank you.
-Dan Janes
Dan Janes, Ph.D.
Harvard University/OEB
26 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Office: 617-496-2375
Fax: 617-495-5667
Email: djanes at oeb.harvard.edu
2003 Oct 20
"NULL dest in safe_strcpy"
I'm running Samba 3.0.0 and seeing a lot of
Oct 20 10:02:25 littleboy smbd[2062]: [2003/10/20 10:02:25, 0]
Oct 20 10:02:25 littleboy smbd[2062]: ERROR: NULL dest in safe_strcpy
messages. Most things (except the problem I posted earlier) seem to
work perfectly.
2007 Nov 08
ggplot2 geom_abline slope not working?
I am learning ggplot2, and need your help.
When I try
> p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point()
> p + geom_abline(slope=5)
(from http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/geom_abline.html)
the slope of the abline does not change, but this works:
> p + geom_abline(intercept=20)
In order to have slope work, I have to use
> p + geom_abline(aes(slope=5))
Is it a bug, or is there
2011 May 31
Forcing a negative slope in linear regression?
Dear forum members,
How can I force a negative slope in a linear regression even though the
slope might be positive?
I will need it for the purpose of determining the trend due reasons other
than biological because the biological (genetic) trend is not positive for
these data.
Thanks. Julia
Example of the data:
[1] 1.254 1.235 1.261 0.952 1.202 1.152 0.801 0.424 0.330 0.251 0.229
2003 Dec 19
weighted regression
To all
I have some simple questions pertaining to weights used in regression.
If the variability of the dependent variable (y) is a function of the magnitude of predictor
variable (x), can the use of weights give an appropriate answer to the regression parameters
and the std errors?
Assume that y at x=1 and 6 has a standard deviation of 0.1 and at x=11 it is 0.4
Then according to a web page on
2007 Oct 15
Linear regression and slope from 1
Dear R-Users,
I am new to R, so please excuse the ignorance.
I have data:
x (2.14, 2.41, 1.09, 0.17, 8.18)
y (3.81, 5.13, 0.63, 0.75, 6.35)
I would like to use simple linear regression and test 2 things:
1) slope of line of best fit is statistically different from 1
2) y-intercept is statically different from 0
Could anyone provide me with the R terminology to do this?
Thanks so much,
2004 Oct 19
Slope of surface
Is there a neat way of working out the slope of a flat surface in R?
Given (x,y,z) co-ordinates of the four corners of a square, is there a
function which will allow me to calculate the "mean" slope of the surface
in a given direction?
Thanks in advance..
Laura Quinn
Institute of Atmospheric Science
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds
tel: +44
2007 Nov 18
Linear Regression with lm Forcing the Slope to Equal 1
Is there a way to do a linear regression with lm (having one predictor
variable) and constrain the slope of the line to equal 1?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Linear-Regression-with-lm-Forcing-the-Slope-to-Equal-1-tf4828804.html#a13815432
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2013 Mar 13
Determining maximum hourly slope per day
I have a challenge!
I have a large dataset with three columns, "date","temp", "location".
"date" is in the format %m/%d/%y %H:%M, with a "temp" recorded every 10
minutes. These temperatures of surface temperatures and so fluctuate during
the day, heating up and then cooling down, so the data is a series of peaks
and troughs. I would like
2009 Jul 08
linear regression and testing the slope
Dear All,
First of all I would like to say I do not have much knowledge about this
subject, so most of you can find it really easy. I am doing a linear
regression and I want to test if the slope of the curve is 0. R gives the
summary statistics:
lm(formula = x ~ s)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.025096 -0.020316 -0.001203 0.011658 0.044970
2002 Mar 10
multiple pairwise slope comparisons
I have a linear model with different slopes for different treatment
groups. I need to pairwise compare the different slope estimates for
the different treatment groups. Is there a package that does pairwise
comparisons of slope coefficients, making the appropriate adjustments in
the P values?
John Janmaat
Department of
2002 Oct 03
lm fitting with a specified slope
Is there an easy way to do a linear model with an a priori known slope?
In essence, I want to minimize the residuals around a line of known slope.
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2010 Oct 22
how fit linear model with fixed slope?
I want to fit a linear model with fixed slope e.g. y = x + b
(instead of general: y = a*x + b)
Is it possible to do with lm()?
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2009 Apr 03
Linear model, finding the slope
for some data I working on I am merely plotting time against temperature for
a variable named filmclip. So for example, I have volunteers who watched
various film clips and have used infared camera to monitor the temperature
on their face at every second of the clip.
The variable names I have used are Normalised ( for the temperature) and
Frame (for the time in seconds).
So I have fitted a