similar to: direct sql "delete from"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "direct sql "delete from""

2006 Jan 22
acts_as_taggable: weird SQL problem with untagging
Setup as follows: class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :filename validates_uniqueness_of :filename, :scope => "user_id", :message => "already exists, try uploading another file or deleting first." acts_as_taggable :join_class_name => ''TagResource''
2006 Apr 26
acts_as_taggable gem: deleting tags
I have the following quick-and-dirty hack in my model: def after_destroy # search for orphaned tags and delete them orphans = Resource.tags_count :count => ''= 0'' orphans.keys.each {|tag| Tags.find_by_name(''tag'').destroy} end It''s nice from a readable code perspective, but it seems inefficient - is there some way to do this with only one
2006 May 07
Challenging SQL for you...
Gents, My heads been out of the sql game for too long (or it''s simply too early). I''m trying to extend the acts_as_taggable plugin (note: not gem) so that you can specify a list of tags you''re interested in, and the plugin will return only those items that are tagged with *all* these tags. The plugin uses primarily two tables: tags, to keep all the various tag
2006 Jun 22
id column for join table... kosher?
I''ve got two tables, bookmarks & tags. Using a has_and_belongs_to_many association, I can do lookups using a join table called bookmarks_tags. Two questions: 1. Can I have a migration for my join tables? Rails seems to "know" about join tables implicitly from the associations, but if I do a rake migrate the join tables won''t be built. I''ve been
2006 Feb 09
acts_as_taggable Produces Bad SQL - Find Fails
I am using acts_as_taggable in my application and on the tagging side of things, no problem at all. Running edge Rails and PostgreSQL 8.1. I am then trying to find all my AR objects with a certain tag. The tag is: lasvegas and I know that there are at least 3 records with that tag. So, I''m doing this: @lists = List.find_tagged_with :any => @search_string, :separator =>
2005 Sep 06
strange behavior of acts_as_taggable
I was testing my models with this new library and I got: >> s.tag "warp" ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ERROR: inserción o actualización en la tabla «tags_stories» viola la llave foránea «tags_stories_story_id_fkey» DETAIL: La llave (story_id)=(8) no está presente en la tabla «stories». : INSERT INTO tags_stories ("tag_id", "story_id") VALUES
2006 Apr 04
How to implement tag clouds using plugin?
The code on is based on the acts_as_taggable gem,anybody has done that using the acts_as_taggable plugin?thanks! btw:the code above uses the tag_count method,which is defined in the gem: def tags_count(options = {}) options = {:order => ''count DESC''}.merge(options)
2006 Mar 28
add_limit (in acts_as_taggable) breaks in 1.1, solution?
Upgraded from Rails 1.0 to 1.1 and found that the (slightly modified) acts_as_taggable plugin breaks. The line add_limit!(sql, options) (in the tags_count method) causes this error wrong number of arguments (2 for 3) The documentation still says it takes two args, so I''m not sure what''s wrong. Adding"SQL here: " + sql)
2006 Jun 22
invalidating a session on multiple login
How do I do the following: if a user is logged in, then opens another browser tab and logs in again (either as himself or as someone else), I want to invalidate the session in the first tab and throw up a "logged in from another browser window" screen. RIght now, user1''s session silently becomes a duplicate user2 session instead (from what I understand, sessions are bound to
2006 May 06
Extending Rails plugins?
Gents, I''m using the acts_as_taggable rails plugin (not gem), and would like to add some additional methods to it. For example, the find_tagged_with methods essentially does a find tag in a list (effectively an OR), while I''d like to implement a find_tagged_with_all method that would implement an AND (so if I specified 4 tags, it would only return items that were
2006 Aug 29
Excluding values from search term
I''m trying to do a search that would exclude a value from it and return whatever results aren''t matched from the term, but it''s not working very well. None of these are working, they all return the results including the ones with tag_id = 701 tag_id:(NOT 701) tag_id:(! 701) tag_id:(- 701) But if I go the other way around it works (which I don''t want since
2006 Jul 31
How to get result of following SQL Query in Ruby?
Hi, I have 2 tables as follows:- _________________ ________________ ____________ taggings | |stores | | tags | -----------------| |---------------| |------------| --tag_id | |--store_id | |tag_id | --store_id | |--store_name | |tag_name | --user_id | |---------------| |------------| -----------------| Now I want to execute
2010 Feb 14
has_many :through eager loading only loading one record
Hello, I''ve been using Rails for years, including has_many :through and eager loading, but this one has me stumped. The problem is that Active Record is only eager-loading the first of many records. Here are the models (note set_table_name for a legacy schema): class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name ''tag'' end class DishTag < Tag has_many
2006 Jan 20
HELP: acts_as_taggable problem with :clear => true
I''ve got the basics of acts_as_taggable going, but I now want to use :clear => true on the tags method, because the tags I''m supplying as parameters are the complete set of tags for the item, not additions to existing tags. Problem is, that gives me a nasty SQL error ... Unknown column ''id'' in ''where clause'': UPDATE items_tags SET
2005 Sep 13
acts_as_taggable 1.0.4 now gemified!
Hi Folks, The acts_as_taggable mixin is now available as a shiny gem. More details here: This release features some cool additions as well. Cheers Dema -- - Rails from a .NET perspective
2007 May 23
rspec wiki?
Is there a wiki around anywhere? martin
2006 May 19
ldap authentication and useradd
we''re in the process of setting up an openldap server, for unified unix and webapp authentication, and i''m trying to find a good equivalent of adduser that takes care of generating unique unix numerical uids. what are people using for this? [i''ve googled around and found but it''s dated 2000] martin
2006 Feb 16
[PATCH] acts_as_taggable plugin
hi, I started today to use the acts as taggable plugin and it''s working as expected. I added a method find_tagged_with_all since I needed to find the elements tagged with all the items in a list while find_tagged_with finds all the elements tagged with any of the list terms. Attached to this mail there''s a patch which adds the find_tagged_with_all method and which solves a
2006 Aug 17
preventing multiple logins
I want to set my app up to prevent multiple simultaneous logins by the same user. What strategies are people using? Is it worth going to database session storage just for this? martin
2006 Jun 30
find_by_sql not quoting properly (in acts_as_taggable plugin)
I have run into a very strange problem discovered through the use of the acts_as_taggable plugin, but related to quoting/sanitizing the interpolated list in a find_by_sql. Apologies for the length, but I wanted to be complete. ;-) The method from acts_as_taggable.rb is: def find_tagged_with(list) find_by_sql(["SELECT #{table_name}.* FROM #{table_name}, tags,