similar to: Plot in log scale

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Plot in log scale"

2007 Aug 12
Legend on graph
Hi, I have a problem when I want to put a legend on the graph. I do: legend("topright", names(o), cex=0.9, col=plot_colors,lty=1:5, bty="n") but the legend is writen into the graph (graphs' top but into the graph), because I have values on this position. How can I write the legend on top the graph without the legend writes on graph's values. Thanks. [[alternative
2007 Aug 04
bars' values on barplot
Hi, I need bars' values on barplot, and I don't know how I can put it. I do my barplot as: data<-read.table("/my_path/file.dat",header=T, sep="\t") barplot(as.matrix(data),log="y",beside=TRUE,main="my_title", xlab="x name", ylab="y name"). How can I add the values on each bar? Thanks.. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 16
set linetype with plotCI
Dear R-list, I'm iterating several calls to plotCI [gplots], like so: plotCI( x = xvals.f[sorted], y = yvals.f[sorted], xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax), pch = plot_symbols[graph_idx], type = "b", lty = plot_linetypes[1], col = plot_colors[graph_idx], barcol = plot_colors[graph_idx], uiw = NA, xlab = "", ylab = "", add =
2007 Aug 12
Write values on y axe
Hi, I have values on y axe from 0.0001 to 3.086. When I do plot I have writen values: 0.001, 0.050,1.000 ..., but how I can write on graph the minimum value and maximum value, with all decimals (I don't want to use the format 1e-0x)? I am using log scale. For example, if I have the values: 0.0001 0.0015 0.0256 0.0236 .... 0.0201 2.9668 3.0086 I need have each 'x' value put on y axe,
2011 Apr 21
Package check issue: is not used
Dear R-users, I am having some issues with a package I am working on (using R 2.12.1 in a Linux environment) and would like to have your opinions/advises. My package - let's call it mypackage for the purpose of this email - passes all checks of R CMD check, except for the following failure message: Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'mypackage', details: call:
2010 Sep 13
Saveing plot to multiple locations
Hi Im trying to save a plot both to a pdf and as just a picture but without success so if someone can help me I would be happy :) my code: require(party) irisct <- ctree(Species ~ .,data = iris) data(iris) attach(iris) pdf('/home/joel/Skrivbord/mammamu.pdf') try(png('/home/joel/Skrivbord/mammamu1.png')) plot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, col=unclass(Species)) legend(4.5, 7,
2011 Dec 07
EM Algorithm for missing data
Dear all, I need help with EM algorithm. I am modeling this alogirthm based on " Incomplete Data in Generalized Linear Models" by Joseph G Ibrahim. i have half way through developing the R code based on this this paper, I need little help in tweaking my code furthure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2007 Apr 10
ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 not compatible with Ruby1.8.4
Just a quick note for future reference - at least for me, ferret won''t work on Ruby 1.8.4. gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] irb irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' A windows error message box appears - ruby.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point rb_w32_write could not be
2006 Jun 26
Using Rails to Generate static pages
Hi all, Has anyone ever thought about or implemented a way to use Rails to pull content from a database and actually *generate* static html pages from view templates? I want to throw a bunch of content into a db using rails and then put all my website templates into the views dir and write the files out with the content inside. The funny thing is that the html pages Rails normally outputs to
2012 Sep 24
boxplot of different colors
Hello, I am making a boxplot of 13 boxes. I tried to color the box using 13 colors but failed. Only red and brown were displayed. Green, blue, and grey disappeared. Please kindly advise modification after checking the code below. Thank you in advance. Elaine R code # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/a_mig_distance_B_NB/R_data/Mig_bird_586_20120925.csv",header=T, row.names=1)
2012 Mar 15
Adding mean values to boxplots
Hello there, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me as I'm pretty new to R. I'm trying to create a boxplot from a data table returned from an sproc. I have the following code, which generates the plot as I'd like it: library("RODBC"); conn <- odbcConnect("datawarehouse"); # connect to datawarehouse results <- sqlQuery(conn, "call
2012 Sep 28
changing outlier shapes of boxplots using lattice
Hello This is Elaine. I am using package lattice to generate boxplots. Using Richard's code, the display was almost perfect except the outlier shape. Based on the following code, the outliers are vertical lines. However, I want the outliers to be empty circles. Please kindly help how to modify the code to change the outlier shapes. Thank you. code package (lattice) dataN <-
2007 Apr 05
Plotting multiple curves with lattice graphs
Hi List, I would like to plot multiple curves (parametric density curves) in one plot. For example: # parameters for three normal density curves parms = data.frame(ID=c(1,2,3),mu=c(50,55,60),sigma=c(10,12,15)) # I can easily draw three normal density curves using curve(): curve(dnorm(x,mean=parms$mu[1],sd=parms$sigma[1]),from=0, to=150, ylab="density", col="red")
2006 Nov 16
Newbie problem ... Forest plot
Hello! I have some data stored into 2 separate csv file. 1 file (called A.csv) (12 results named Group1, Group2, Group3, etc...) odds ratios, 2 file (called B.csv) 12 corresponded errors. How to import that data into R and make forest plot like I saw inside help file Rmeta and meta with included different font colors and names trough X and Y axis. I know for meta libb ... out <-
2004 Jan 22
Fitting compartmental model with nls and lsoda?
Dear Colleagues, Our group is also working on implementing the use of R for pharmacokinetic compartmental analysis. Perhaps I have missed something, but > fit <- nls(noisy ~ lsoda(xstart, time, one.compartment.model, c(K1=0.5, k2=0.5)), + data=C1.lsoda, + start=list(K1=0.3, k2=0.7), + trace=T + ) Error in eval(, data) : Object
2011 Dec 12
windrose color ramp issue
Greetings! I'm having an issue with the windrose produced by the windrose function from the circular package. For our weather stations in North Carolina I'm helping with a script which takes hourly wind speed and direction data to create windroses for our end users. One of the stations in the mountains frequently reaches wind speed of 40 to 60 mph and in storms can reach wind speed over
2013 Mar 13
expression exponent labeling
Hi all, I want to label an axis with exponents, but can't get it done with expression. Any hints would be very welcome! # simulated data, somewhat similarly distributed to my real data: set.seed(12); d <- rbeta(1e6, 0.2,2)*150 ; d <- d[d>1e-8] hist( d? , breaks=100) # now on a logarithmically scaled axis: hist(log10(d), breaks=100, xaxt="n") abline(v=
2013 Jan 12
panel failure in xyplot
Hello I ran the code below but it said: no object "'panel.xyplot.intermediate.hh'" Please kindly advise how to modify the code. thank you. (It works with panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh) Elaine code library(HH) # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/R_data/Mig_bird_586.csv",header=T, row.names=1) dim(dataN) dataN[1,] str(dataN) diet.code <-
2013 Jan 12
color in xyplot
Hello I want to draw a xyplot. Its dots will have three colors: red for meat, green for vegetable, and blue for both. I used the code below but could not make the dot in the same group show the same color. Please kindly advise how to modify it. Thank you. code library (lattice) diet.code <- c("Herbivore", "Omnivore", "Carnivore") Diet.colors <-
2007 Sep 12
labels into graph
Hi, I have a matrix as: a b c 2 1 3 2 2 5 2 5 9 With values of this matrix, I draw a graph. Each row has a different meaning. For this reason, I need put different names each row. For example: mygraph ------------------- ------------------- -------------------- DescriptionA DescriptionB DescriptionC