Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "generating symmetric matrices"
2007 Jul 30
Constructing correlation matrices
I have a seemingly simple task which I have not been able to solve today and I checked all of the help archives on this and have been unable to find anything useful. I want to construct a symmetric matrix of arbtriray size w/o using loops. The following I thought would do it:
p <- 6
Rmat <- diag(p)
dat.cor <- rnorm(p*(p-1)/2)
Rmat[outer(1:p, 1:p, "<")] <-
2019 Jun 20
LastLogin update
I'd like an adive on what to use.
I have sql users, and i want to have the lastlogin of them, what is the
native option for this:
* Using last_login plugin which will give me the last login?
* Use postlogin for imap and pop3n which will give me besides
lastlogin the IP and protocol?
Thanks in advanced,
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was
2017 Dec 29
winbuilder warning message wrt function pointers
I've recently updated the coxme package, which calls internal routines from the bdsmatrix
package.? (It is in fact mentioned as an example of this in the Extensions manual.)
The call connections are a blocks like this, one for each of the 9 called C routines.
void bdsmatrix_prod4(int nrow,??? int nblock,?? int *bsize,
??????????????????? double *bmat, double *rmat,
??????????????????? int
2010 Apr 29
image function with date-time on X axis
I am trying to plot a image where the x axis has the units of time.
When I issue the
image(x,y,z) command with x as a POSIXct object, it fails to put a
time stamp on the
x axis.
Instead I get a warning "Incompatible methods" warning and no dates on
my x axis.
This example shows my problem:
2002 Feb 27
Bug in glm.fit? (PR#1331)
G'day all,
I had a look at the GLM code of R (1.4.1) and I believe that there are
problems with the function "glm.fit" that may bite in rare
circumstances. Note, I have no data set with which I ran into
trouble. This report is solely based on having a look at the code.
Below I append a listing of the glm.fit function as produced by my
system. I have added line numbers so that I
2009 Nov 02
a prolem with constrOptim
I apologize for the long message but the problem I encountered can't be stated in a few lines.
I am having some problems with the function constrOptim. My goal is to maximize the likelihood of product of K multinomials, each with four catagories under linear constraints on the parameter values. I have found that the function does not work for many data configurations.
#The likelihood
2017 Dec 29
winbuilder warning message wrt function pointers
And remove the cast on the return value of R_GETCCallable. And check
that your function is found before using it.
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
void bdsmatrix_prod4(int nrow, int nblock, int *bsize,
double *bmat, double *rmat,
int nfrail, double *y) {
if (fun==NULL)
2010 Sep 15
optim with BFGS--what may lead to this, a strange thing happened
Dear R Users
on a self-written function for calculating maximum likelihood probability (plz
check function code at the bottom of this message), one value, wden, suddenly
jump to zero. detail info as following:
lnw =2.37 2.90 3.76 ...
regw =1.96 1.77 1.82 ....
wden=0.182 0.178 0.179...
lnw=2.37 2.90 3.76 ...
regw =1.96 1.77 1.82 ....
2007 May 11
megasr Sata Raid driver and the lastest kernel
Hi List
I'm trying to update to the lastest kernel but I have a dirver that is not
inculded in the distrubution, and I had to use the driver disk when installing
centos 4.4 in the first place, The driver megasr .ko works fine with the
installed kernel but I cannot find on for the updated kernel, any adive would
be appreciated.
without the updated driver there is a kernel panic on boot due to
2008 May 23
nls diagnostics?
Hi, All:
What tools exist for diagnosing singular gradient problems with
'nls'? Consider the following toy example:
DF1 <- data.frame(y=1:9, one=rep(1,9))
nlsToyProblem <- nls(y~(a+2*b)*one, DF1, start=list(a=1, b=1),
Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) :
singular gradient matrix at initial
2009 Feb 10
summary of a list
I'm using the following for loop to find regression curves using a list of functions (formList), a list of starting
values (startList), uppervalues (upperList) and lower values (lowerList).
A sample of the list of function I use in the loop is the following:
FormList <- list(PTG.P ~ fz1(Portata, a, b), PTG.P ~ fz2(Portata, a, b), PTG.P ~ fz3(Portata,a, b, d, e),
2010 Feb 18
R CMD check: OK in LINUX. Crashes in Windows!
I have followed the recommended steps for creating a package (rctest). As of
now, my goal is simply to understand how various pieces fit together. The
package includes:
(1) C code with source in sub-directories, compiled to create a static
(a) There is a single C-struct (dns) a simple 'matrix': {int m; int n;
double *d;}
(b) C code to create random matrix of a certain size.
2010 Jan 17
For loops in R
I've just started using R and am trying to figure out if the two codes
snippets below have the same output
velocity[i,j]<<-.4* velocity[i,j] + 1 * runif(1) * (pbestsVar[i,j] -
popVar[i,j]) + 1 * runif(1) * (archiveVar[gBest,j] - popVar[i,j])
for (i in 1:popsize) {
for (j in 1:maxvar) {
2008 Feb 19
recursive function help
I'm trying to implement a recursive function using integrate, and I
suspect I need a Vectorize somewhere,
but I can't suss it out. Any help would be appreciated. I've tried
traceback() and various debugging ideas to no avail (most likely due to
my inexperience with these tools.)
Here's what I have.
Nk <- function(m, C) {
if (length(m) > 1) {
rho <- C[1, -1]
2009 Jun 20
png() resolution problem {was "Silhouette ..."}
Hallo Sebastian,
>>>>> "SP" == Sebastian P?lsterl <sebp at k-d-w.org>
>>>>> on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:04:52 +0200 writes:
SP> Hello Martin,
SP> I plotting the silhouette of a clustering and storing it as png. When I
SP> try to store the image as png the bars are missing. The bars are plotted
SP> when I use x11 or
2019 Jun 20
LastLogin update
Cool howto, and for protocol would this have that option also?
From: dovecot <dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org> On Behalf Of Adrian Minta via
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 18:37
To: dovecot at dovecot.org
Subject: Re: LastLogin update
this seems to work very well:
You could also add "rip = $rip" in
2003 Sep 02
problems with mediatrix 1204 FXO
I'm having a problem getting outbound trunking to work using asterisk
and an external SIP FXO.
7 digit dialing produces the following output:
-- Executing Dial("SIP/mitel-fe17", "SIP/5925660@mediatrix-1204") in new stack
-- Called 5925660@mediatrix-1204
-- SIP/mediatrix-1204-645e answered SIP/mitel-fe17
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/mitel-fe17 and
2010 Aug 13
Unable to retrieve residual sum of squares from nls output
I am using "nls" successfully (2.11.1, OS X) but I am having difficulties retrieving part of the output - residual sum of squares. I have assigned the output to FIT:
> > FIT
> Nonlinear regression model
> model: NEWY ~ PMESOR + PAMPLITUDE * cos(2 * pi * (NEWX - POFFSET)/PERIOD)
> data: parent.frame()
2013 May 28
Ocultar componentes de una lista
Saludos a todos,
Quisiera saber como ocultar algunos componentes de una lista para que cuando crees una funcion solo se muestre una parte de esa lista, y que al resto tengas acceso cuando descompongas ese objeto, por ejemplo:
Tengo la siguiente data:
Cuando uso la funcion nls:
A <-
2011 Oct 12
Nonlinear regression aborting due to error
I am fitting an Emax model using nls. The code is:
CONTROL <- list(maxiter=1000, warnOnly=T)
#FORMULA <- as.formula(YVAR ~ EMAX - EFFECT * XVAR^GAMMA / (XVAR^GAMMA + C50^GAMMA)) ## alternate version of formula
FORMULA <- as.formula(YVAR ~ EMAX - EFFECT / (1 + (C50/XVAR)^GAMMA))
FIT <-