similar to: extraction of vector elements to new list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "extraction of vector elements to new list"

2007 Nov 15
how to extract the elements of a list of vectors in a fixed position?
Hi, How is it possible to extract athe elements of a list of vectors in a fixed position? suppose that I have a list of 2-element vectors, how can I extract the 2nd element of all vectors in the list? Can it be done with indexing and not by element name? Thanks carol So in this example, I want to extract 2 and 4 v = list (c(1,2), c(3, 4)) > v [[1]] [1] 1 2 [[2]] [1] 3 4
2005 Sep 22
R: extracting elements in a matrix
Dear R-users For a given matrix of dimension, say (n,p), I'd like to extract for every column those elements that are bigger than twice the interquartile range of the corresponding column. Can I get these elements without using a loop? Thank you for your help Frank [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 18
generate repeats of a vector's elements
Dear all, I have got a question for generating repeats of a vector's elements. Please don't hesitate to email me back and say that it is very easy although I can't find a method to solve it. If I have a n-vector b, whose elements are b[1], b[2], ..., b[n], how can I generate such a vector b[1], b[1], b[2], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], ......, b[1], b[2], ...,
2007 Feb 22
List filtration
Hello R-ologists, Imagine you have a list "list" like so: >list [[1]] [1] "IPI00776145.1" "IPI00776187.1" [[2]] [1] "Something" "IPI00807764.1" "IPI00807887.1" [[3]] [1] "IPI00807764.1" [[4]] [1] "Somethingelse" What I need to achieve is a filtered list "list2" like so: >list2 [[1]] [1]
2007 Jan 24
Replace missing values in lapply
I have some matrices stored as elements in a list that I am working with. On example is provided below as TP[[18]] > TP[[18]] level2 level1 1 2 3 4 1 79 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Now, using prop.table on this gives > prop.table(TP[[18]],1) level2 level1 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 2 3
2005 Jun 13
extracting components of a list
Hi how do I extract those components of a list that satisfy a certain requirement? If jj <- list(list(a=1,b=4:7),list(a=5,b=3:6),list(a=10,b=4:5)) I want just the components of jj that have b[1] ==4 which in this case would be the first and third of jj, viz list (jj[[1]],jj[[3]]). How to do this efficiently? My only idea was to loop through jj, and set unwanted components to NULL,
2006 Jun 16
Vector Manipulation
I have a vector that has 1,974 elements and each element is one of the following (B, F, N, Y). How do I recreate that vector accept in the place of N put 0 and in the place of B, F or Y put a 1? Thanks, Jacob [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 31
getMethod(s) and var.test
Hi, How do I retrieve the var.test() function code? I had a similar problem once before with another function but getMethods() solved the problem then. Now I tried several combinations for var.test() without success. Regards benjamin -- Benjamin Otto Universitaetsklinikum Eppendorf Hamburg Institut fuer Klinische Chemie Martinistrasse 52 20246 Hamburg [[alternative HTML
2007 Aug 28
substituting elements in vector according to sample(unique(vector))
Hello! Assuming I have a vector, such as v <- c(1,2,1,2,3,3,1) This vector has three unique elements: 1, 2, and 3. > unique(v) [1] 1 2 3 If I shuffle this vector of unique elements, I get something like this: > sample(unique(v)) [1] 3 2 1 In the vector v I started with, I would now like to replace each element in unique(v) with the corresponding element (i.e. the element with the
2006 Sep 28
get index of elements in vector
Hello all Is There a fuction that return a index of a element in vector? like this semantic example: vector = c( 100, 200, 300 ) getINDEX( vector, value = 200 ) Thanks in advance for your attention. Cleber Borges
2006 Feb 14
combine elements of a character vector into a character
Hi R users I have a simple question to ask x <- c("a","b","c") x [1] "a" "b" "c" I like to have "abc" instead of having "a" "b" "c" I tried to use paste and other functions related to character. Is there any function (command) that enable me to combine elements of a character vector into
2007 Feb 05
Confidence intervals of quantiles
Can anyone please tell me if there is a function to calculate confidence intervals for the results of the quantile function. Some of my data is normally distributed but some is also a squewed distribution or a capped normal distribution. Some of the data sets contain about 700 values whereas others are smaller with about 100-150 values, so I would like to see how the confidence intervals change
2007 Jun 08
logical 'or' on list of vectors
Suppose I have a list of logicals, such as returned by lapply: Theoph$Dose[1] <- NA Theoph$Time[2] <- NA Theoph$conc[3] <- NA lapply(Theoph, Is there a direct way to execute logical "or" across all vectors? The following gives the desired result, but seems unnecessarily complex. as.logical(apply("rbind",lapply(Theoph,,2,"sum"))
2005 Sep 13
Remove vector elements from another vector
Hello, I have two vectors of different lengths. Fx a <- 1:9; b <- c(4, 5). What is the best way to remove the elements in vector b from vector a so that the result would be a vector with elements c(1,2,3,6,7,8,9)? Best regards, Kalle _________________________________________________________________ Find masser af gode tilbud p?? MSN Shopping
2005 Oct 25
Can anyone please tell me how to strip the white spaces from a character vector?
for example: > a$tic[1:10] [1] "AIR " "ABCB " "ABXA " "ACMR " "ADCT " "ADEX " [7] "ABM " "AFCE " "AG " "ATG " Can anyone please tell me how to strip the white spaces from a$tic? Thanks, Roger [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 12
Maximum likelihood estimate of bivariate vonmises-weibulldistribution
Thanks Dimitris!!! That's much clearer now. Still have a lot of work to do this weekend to understand every bit but your code will prove very useful. Cheers, Aziz -----Original Message----- From: Dimitrios Rizopoulos [mailto:Dimitris.Rizopoulos at] Sent: May 12, 2006 4:35 PM To: Chaouch, Aziz Subject: RE: [R] Maximum likelihood estimate of bivariate
2005 Feb 17
A vector or array of data frames
Hi A simple question again, but I can't find it by google-ing R-help. Quite simply, I want to read in the contents of a number of files, using read.table, and assign the results to elements of a vector/array/list/whatever. I want it so that, if my vector/array/whatever is "pos", that pos[1] will give me the first data frame, pos[2] will give me the second etc... Kind of basic
2005 Nov 23
vector of permutated products
Given an x-vector with, say, 3 elements, I would like to compute the following vector of permutated products (1-x1)*(1-x2)*(1-x3) (1-x1)*(1-x2)*x3 (1-x1)*x2*(1-x3) x1*(1-x2)*(1-x3) (1-x1)*x2*x3 x1*(1-x2)*x3 x1*x2*(1-x3) x1*x2*x3 Now, I already have the correctly sorted matrix of permutations! So, the input looks something like: #input x<-c(0.3,0.1,0.2) Nx<-length(x) Ncomb<-2^Nx
2006 Mar 02
'...' passed to both plot() and legend()
Dear R-devels, I'd like to create a plot method for a class of objects that passes the '...' argument to both plot() and legend(), e.g., x <- list(data = rnorm(1000)) class(x) <- "foo" <- function(x, legend = FALSE, cx = "topright", cy = NULL, ...){ dx <- sort(x$data) plot(dx, dnorm(dx), type = "l", ...) if (legend)
2005 Sep 25
getting variable length numerical gradient
Hi all. I have a numerical function f(x), with x being a vector of generic size (say k=4), and I wanna take the numerically computed gradient, using deriv or numericDeriv (or something else). My difficulties here are that in deriv and numericDeric the function is passed as an expression, and one have to pass the list of variables involved as a char vector... So, it's a pure R programming