similar to: question about ar1 time series

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "question about ar1 time series"

2007 May 24
Problem with numerical integration and optimization with BFGS
Hi R users, I have a couple of questions about some problems that I am facing with regard to numerical integration and optimization of likelihood functions. Let me provide a little background information: I am trying to do maximum likelihood estimation of an econometric model that I have developed recently. I estimate the parameters of the model using the monthly US unemployment rate series
2005 Nov 07
Newbie on functions
Hi, I'm trying to write a simple function like case1 <- function (m, cov, Q, R) { theta <- (acos(R/sqrt(Q^3))) beta <- (-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos(theta/3)+m[1]/3 rho1 <- (-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta+2*pi)/3)+m[1]/3 rho2 <- (-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta-2*pi)/3)+m[1]/3 stderrb <- deltamethod( ~(-2)*sqrt(Q)*cos(theta/3)+x1/3,m,cov) stderrr1 <- deltamethod(
2004 Feb 17
Lattice graphics and strip function
I am looking for examples of code that demonstrates the fine tuning of the strip panels in lattice graphics and uses plotmath characters. The code for the graphic is as follows: xyplot(lagy ~ n | rho1 * rho2, data= data, layout=c(2,6), span = 1, xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Bias in the Coefficient for the Lag of X", type = "o") rho1 is a four level factor
2008 Feb 08
User specified correlation structure (e.g., 2-banded Toeplitz)
Dear All: I am trying to fit a special case of a 2-banded Toeplitz correlation structure. A 2-banded Toeplitz has ones on the diagonal, a correlation, RHO1, on the first off-diagonal, and a correlation, RHO2, on the second off-diagonal, with zeros on all subsequent off-diagonals. After reading relevant sections in Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) and searching
2008 Feb 08
User-specified correlation structure (e.g., 2-banded Toeplitz)
Dear All: I am trying to fit a special case of a 2-banded Toeplitz correlation structure. A 2-banded Toeplitz has ones on the diagonal, a correlation, RHO1, on the first off-diagonal, and a correlation, RHO2, on the second off-diagonal, with zeros on all subsequent off-diagonals. After reading relevant sections in Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) and searching
2008 Feb 12
nlme & special case of corARMA?
Dear All: I am trying to fit a special case of a 2-banded Toeplitz correlation structure. A 2-banded Toeplitz has ones on the diagonal, a correlation, RHO1, on the first off-diagonal, and a correlation, RHO2, on the second off-diagonal, with zeros on all subsequent off-diagonals. After reading relevant sections in Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) and searching
2010 Jan 21
correlation significance testing with multiple factor levels
[Apologies in advance if this is too "statistics" and not enough "R".] I've got an experiment with two sets of treatments. Each subject either received all treatments from set A or all treatments from set B. I can compute the N pairwise correlations for all treatments in either set using cor(). If I take the mean of these N pairwise correlations, I see that the effects
2010 Nov 18
how do I build panel data/longitudinal data models with AR terms using the plm package or any other package
Hi All, I am doing econometric modeling of panel data (fixed effects). We currently use Eviews to do this, but I have discovered a bug in Eviews 7 and am exploring the use of R to build panel data models / longitudinal data models. I looked at the plm package but do not see how I can incorporate AR terms in the model using the plm package. I have an Eviews model with two AR terms, AR(1) and
2006 Sep 01
defining error structure in bivariate mixed models
Hi, Using indicator variables I have been able to fit and run the code for fitting a bivariate mixed model using unstructured covariance matrix The code is lme.fit1<- lme(one.var~-1+indic1+indic2+I(indic1*d.time)+I(indic2*d.time), random =~ -1+indic1+indic2|m.unit, weights = varIdent(~1|indic1) ,data = My variables are one.var :- the two response variables stacked one after
2007 May 08
Question on bivariate GEE fit
Hi, I have a bivariate longitudinal dataset. As an example say, i have the data frame with column names var1 var2 Unit time trt (trt represents the treatment) Now suppose I want to fit a joint model of the form for the *i* th unit var1jk = alpha1 + beta1*timejk + gamma1* trtjk + delta1* timejk:trtjk + error1jk var2 = alpha2 + beta2*timejk + gamma2* trtjk + delta2* timejk:trtjk +
2005 Apr 15
AR1 in gls function
Dear R-project users I would like to calculate a linear trend versus time taking into account a first order autoregressive process of a single time series (e.g. data$S80 in the following example) using th gls function. gls(S80 ~ tt,data=data,corAR1(value, form, fixed)) My question is what number to set in the position of value within corAR1? Should it be the acf at lag 1? I look forward for
2011 Mar 29
lme:correlationstructure AR1 and random factor
Dear helpers, I tried these models to run in the package nlme, but allways got the same error message... I have a correlation in 5 sessions within a field (n=12) with ten traps in one field. res2a <- lme(response~x+y+z+treatment),correlation = corARMA(form = ~ session|trapfield, p = 1, q = 0), random=~1|field, na.action=na.omit, data=plates, method="ML") res2a <-
2011 Mar 12
Repeated measures in nlme vs SAS Proc Mixed with AR1 correlation structure
Hi all, I don't know if anyone has any thoughts on this. I have been trying to move from SAS Proc Mixed to R nlme and have an unusual result. I have several subjects measured at four timepoints. I want to model the within-subject correlation using an autoregressive structure. I've attached the R and SAS code I'm using along with the results from SAS. With R lme I get an estimate of
2006 May 15
what's wrong with my "gls"? it does not allocate memory... even for the simplest AR1 model...
> myfit1 <- gls(col1 ~ col2+col3+col4+col5+col6-1, data=data2, corr=corAR1( 0.3202), method='ML') Error: cannot allocate vector of size 199712 Kb if I get rid of the "corr=corAR1(0.3202)" option, it works okay... can anybody help me? thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Oct 10
Generating AR1 data
Hi, Is there an easy way to generate data with temporal autocorrelation? I want to generate data with something like rnorm where I can specify the mean, variance and time lag. Does such a thing exist? Yours, AB -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info",