similar to: dose-response on a grid

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "dose-response on a grid"

2014 Mar 17
Quiero comparar varias dosis letales 50% (LD50) usando análisis probit. He seguido un ejemplo que viene en paquete DRC, pero no obtengo el resultado esperado. Lo que quiero es saber si las LD50s, son diferentes y si la diferencias son estadísticamente significativas. Gracias de antemano. José Arturo e-mail. <> e-mail alterno.
2009 May 20
drc results differ for different versions
Hello, We use drc to fit dose-response curves, recently we discovered that there are quite different standard error values returned for the same dataset depending on the drc-version / R-version that was used (not clear which factor is important) On R 2.9.0 using drc_1.6-3 we get an IC50 of 1.27447 and a standard error on the IC50 of 0.43540 Whereas on R 2.7.0 using drc_1.4-2 the IC50 is
2010 Jan 22
Estimate Slope from Boltzmann Model (package: DRC)
Dear R Community, I am using the package DRC ( to fit a boltzman model to my data. I can fit the model and extract the lower limit, upper limit, and ED50 (aka V50), but I cannot figure out how to get the slope of the curve at ED50. Is there a simple way to do this? I've searched the mailing list and looked through the package documentation, but could not find anything. I am new to r, and
2006 Aug 21
Finney's fiducial confidence intervals of LD50
I am working with Probit regression (I cannot switch to logit) can anybody help me in finding out how to obtain with R Finney's fiducial confidence intervals for the levels of the predictor (Dose) needed to produce a proportion of 50% of responses(LD50, ED50 etc.)? If the Pearson chi-square goodness-of-fit test is significant (by default), a heterogeneity factor should be used to calculate
2006 Aug 21
Fwd: Re: Finney's fiducial confidence intervals of LD50
thanks a lot Renaud. but i was interested in Finney's fiducial confidence intervals of LD50 so to obtain comparable results with SPSS. But your reply leads me to the next question: does anybody know what is the best method (asymptotic, bootstrap etc.) for calculating confidence intervals of LD50? i could "get rid" of Finney's fiducial confidence intervals but
2010 Nov 22
Probit Analysis: Confidence Interval for the LD50 using Fieller's and Heterogeneity (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE A similar question has been posted in the past but never answered. My question is this: for probit analysis, how do you program a 95% confidence interval for the LD50 (or LC50, ec50, etc.), including a heterogeneity factor as written about in "Probit Analysis" by Finney(1971)? The heterogeneity factor comes into play through the chi-squared
2002 Jul 16
dose.p in MASS
Dear all I need to obtain an estimate of the 50% lethal dose (LD50) from a logistic regression model obtained by applying the glm procedure to some binomial data. The model appears to fit the data very well. I used dope.p from MASS to try and find LD50. The following output appears: > dose.p(iso.glm.logit, cf = c(1,3), p = 1:3/4) Error in dose.p(iso.glm.logit, cf = c(1, 3), p = 1:3/4) :
2012 May 15
Curva dosis-respuesta
Buenos dias R-help-es, Estoy interesado en estimar una curva dosis-respuesta para un conjunto de datos y para ello, estoy utilizando la libreria "drm". Hasta ahi todo bien. Me gustaria automatizar algunas cosas y el primer paso para ello es la estimacion del modelo. Si la estimacion funciona, todo lo demas funciona; de lo contrario, todo fallara. Tengo algunas lineas que mitigan un
2009 Mar 22
Estimating LC50 from a Weibull distribution
I am attempting to estimate LC50 (analogous to LD50, but uses exposure concentration rather than dose) by fitting a Weibull model; but I can't seem to get it to work. From what I can gather, I should be using survreg() from the survival package. The survreg() function relies on time-to-event data; my data result from 96 h exposures (i.e., dead or alive after a fixed period; 96 h). I've
2007 Apr 17
how to estimate dose from respond given drc package result
Dear all, I can use the very nice drc package (multdrc()) to model and plot a dataframe containing dose and response values. I can also use predict.drc() to yield response values given a dose. I need to do the opposite, estimate a dose given the response. The general predict documentation seems to say that this is possible, but it does not appear that predict.drc has that capability.
2008 Feb 12
Finding LD50 from an interaction Generalised Linear model
Hi, I have recently been attempting to find the LD50 from two predicted fits (For male and females) in a Generalised linear model which models the effect of both sex + logdose (and sex*logdose interaction) on proportion survival (formula = y ~ ldose * sex, family = "binomial", data = dat (y is the survival data)). I can obtain the LD50 for females using the dose.p() command in the MASS
2011 Feb 01
Fitting ELISA measurements "unknowns" to 4 parameter logistic model
Hello, I am trying to fit my Elisa results (absorbance readings) to a standard curve. To create the standard curve model, I performed a 4-parameter logistic fit using the 'drc' package (ExpectedConc~Absorbance). This gave me the following: > FourP A 'drc' model. Call: drm(formula = Response ~ Expected, data = SC, fct = LL.4()) Coefficients: b:(Intercept) c:(Intercept)
2010 Sep 06
Prediction and confidence intervals from predict.drc
R-helpers, I am using the package "drc" to fit a 4 parameter logistic model. When I use the predict function to get prediction on a new dataset, I am not getting the requested confidence or prediction intervals. Any idea what is going on? Here is code to reproduce the problem: --- library(drc) # Fit model to existing dataset in package spinach.model <- drm(SLOPE~DOSE, data =
2010 Aug 12
DRC: Effective doses versus Predicted values
Hi! I want to use the DRC package in order to calculate the IC50 value of an enzyme inhibition assay. The problem is that the estimated ED50, is always out of the fitted curve. In the example below, I had a ED50 value of 2.2896, But when I predict the response level for this concentration I get a value of 45.71 instead of the expected value of 50. This is my data: #Dose unit is concentration
2006 Nov 22
Probit analysis
Respected Sir/Madam, I have a question regarding calculation of LD50 (Lethal Dose) and IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) of an antimicrobial experiment. I have used a compound isolated from a plant and observed its effect on the fungus *Fusarium oxysporum* by the food poisoning method. Solutions of the compound at concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250µg/ ml were added to
2006 Jun 15
Repost: Estimation when interaction is present: How do I get get the parameters from nlme?
Gday, This is a repost since I only had one direct reply and I remain mystified- This may be stupidity on my part but it may not be so simple. In brief, my problem is I'm not sure how to extract parameter values/effect sizes from a nonlinear regression model with a significant interaction term. My data sets are dose response curves (force and dose) for muscle that also have two
2012 Jul 09
Correcting for overdispersion
Hello, I am trying to determine LD50 and LD95 using dose.p in MASS however some of the Residual variance is larger than the degrees of freedom. Please can anyone help with any advice as to how i can correct for this? Here is the model as inputted into R y<-cbind(dead,n-dead) model<-glm(y~log(conc),binomial) summary(model) xv<-seq(min(log(conc)-1),max(log(conc)+1),0.01)
2010 Jan 07
LD50 and SE in GLMM (lmer)
Hi All! I am desperately needing some help figuring out how to calculate LD50 with a GLMM (probit link) or, more importantly, the standard error of the LD50. I conducted a cold temperature experiment and am trying to assess after how long 50% of the insects had died (I had 3 different instars (non significant fixed effect) and several different blocks (I did 4 replicates at a time)=
2012 Apr 02
Calculating NOEL using R and logistic regression - Toxicology
Hello, I used the glm function in R to fit a dose-response relationship and then have been using dose.p to calculate the LC50, however I would like to calculate the NOEL (no observed effect level), ie the lowest dose above which responses start occurring. Does anyone know how to do this? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 28
Dose Profile
Hi Everyone, I have data in a long format e.g. there is one row per patient but each follow-up appointment is included in the row. So, a snippet of the data looks like this: TrialNo Drug Sex Rand Adate1 Date1 Dose1 Time1 Adate2 Date2 Dose2 Time2 B1001029 LTG M 15719 30/04/2003 15825 150 106 29/08/2003 15946 200 227 B1117003 LTG M 15734 30/04/2003 15825 200 91 03/09/2003 15951 250 217