Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "color scale in rgl plots"
2006 Nov 21
Symbolic derivation using D in package stats - how do I properly convert the returned call into a character string?
Dear all,
I am using the function 'D' in the 'stats' package to perform symbolic
This works very well and it is much faster than e.g. Mathematica (at
least for my purposes).
First, I would like to thank the development team for this excellent
However, I run into trouble in some cases, particularly when I am to do
some operations on long expressions
2007 Jun 20
nlme correlated random effects
I am examining the following nlme model.
However, the two random effects (th1 and th2)
2004 Mar 19
(no subject)
How to use "contour" function?
I type "contour(th1,th2,SumofSquares,levels=c(seq(1000,4000,200)))"
But I didn't see contour in the plot, I guess it is because my data is so
big that contour is out of range.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
here th1 is a 1x101 array(158741.8-298529.6)
th2 is another 1X101 array(-0.0058352269-0.2093140935)
SumofSquares is a
2003 Mar 17
help with likelihood contour plot
Can some kind person point out my error here? I'm trying to set up a
grid for a countour plot of a likelihood function.
> u <- rnorm(20,9.5,2.5)
> # sample of size 20 from N(9.5,2.5^2)
> loglik <- function(th1,th2) {
+ n <- length(u)
+ -(n/2)*log(2*pi*th2^2)-0.5*sum((u-th1)^2/th2^2)
+ }
> x <- seq(4.5,14.5,len=50)
> y <- seq(0.5,6,len=50)
> f <-
2009 May 22
Forcing a variableinto a model using stepAIC
Dear All,
I am attempting to use forward and/or backward selection to determine
the best model for the variables I have. Unfortunately, because I am
dealing with patients and every patient is receiving treatment I need
to force the variable for treatment into the model. Is there a way to
do this using R? (Additionally, the model is stratified by
randomisation period). I know that SAS can be
2019 Jan 18
plot3d con library(rgl)
Buenas tardes. ¿Sabe alguno de vosotros cómo indicar la variable con
la que identificar los puntos con plot3d?
Las muestras pertenecen a una de dos categorías, según la variable
"Family", pero no sé cómo hacer que me las represente de diferente
Dr Manuel
2009 Jul 09
Save rgl plot3d Graph as Image
Dear Users:
I wish to save 3d scatter plots I have generated using the plot3d command in
the rgl package. Any image format such as .tiff would work. Can anyone tell
me how to do this?
Thank you
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2010 Jul 23
greek letters in rgl plot3d
Dear RGL experts,
I haven't been able to add greek letters to my rgl plot3d.
I have tried "expression" with no success.
Here is the interested bit:
> library(rgl)
> cb <- cube3d()
> plot3d(cb,xlab=expression(alpha),ylab="",zlab="",box=FALSE,alpha=0.5)
The expression(alpha) appears as "alpha", rather than as a greek symbol.
I suspect greek
2011 Dec 09
rgl.postscript() failure when saving a scene
Dear all,
I write to the community to know if other people
expierenced the same problem. I want to save a rgl
scene where I plotted a 3d cloud of spheres whose
radius is set proportional to a given variable and
coloured by another group variable and with 95%
ellipsoids for distribution of any group.
I had no problem at all for coding but I had two
problem when saving the scene (in any format)
2009 May 11
3d Scatterplot using rgl
I am trying to plot a 3d scatter plot using the rgl package but am having trouble.
I have a matrix containing x, y and z co-ordinates and a fourth element related to a count variable.
I would like to plot the points using plot3d with the sizes of the points related to the fourth element in the matrix. Is this possible with plot3d or do I need to use something else?
I include a small example
2010 Jul 27
rgl package don't draw points with a color over points with another color
I want to plot points with different colors to show different
selections of points in a 3d plot.
My problem is that if I plot a red point at a location where already a
blue point was plotted, than the point is still blue.
Is there a parameter or so which can be used to draw over a existing point?
> require(rgl)
> open3d()
> plot3d(a<-c(1,2,3,4,5),a,a,type="l",
2008 Sep 17
rgl: plot3d and ellipse3d
I'm trying to make a 3d plot showing a point cloud, the corresponding
data ellipse
and the principal axes of the ellipse as vectors.
cov <- cov(trees)
mu <- mean(trees)
plot3d(trees, type="s", size=0.5, col="blue", cex=2)
In this step, an extra box is added. I've tried using box=FALSE, but it
has no effect.
# how to avoid the
2008 Jan 06
Can a dynamic graphic produced by rgl be saved?
Dear r-helpers,
Can one save a dynamic graphic produced by rgl, e.g.:
open3d(); x <- sort(rnorm(1000)); y <- rnorm(1000); z <-
rnorm(1000) + atan2(x,y); plot3d(x, y, z, col=rainbow(1000), size=2)
as a dynamic figure that can be embedded in a pdf?
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
USPS: P.O.Box 400400
2017 Oct 19
overlaying points and lines on a surface3d rgl plot with axes
Hi R users and experts,
I am interested in learning more about the use of 3D plots. Specifically, I
want to add points and lines to a surface plot. And get the axes and labels
plotted also. Here is what I have tried with an example data set :
vol2 <- 2*volcano # Exaggerate the relief
mvol2 <- melt(vol2)
# First, persp and persp3d plots do not succeed
2008 Oct 10
rgl-snapshot failed (err-msg: "failed")
I tried to use rgl.snapshot and it failed.
The error message was not very verbose:
> plot3d( motion[[idx+2]], motion[[idx+1]], motion[[idx]] )
> rgl.snapshot(filename="/tmp/shot_01.png", fmt="png")
[1] "failed"
There was a graphic created by rgl, but the snapshot was
not created.
2012 Jan 06
how to use rgl to plot dynamic orbit
Dear all,
I have a question about the plotting of the dynamical orbit by using rgl.
My code is as follows:
for(i in 1:out.length){
,where x,y,out[,"z"] are the position of the object in
2012 Jul 10
RGL 3D curvilinear shapes
Dear useRs,
I'm trying to simply fill in the area under a curve using RGL. Here' the set
x <- c(0.75,75.75,150.75,225.75,300.75,375.75,450.75,525.75,600.75,675.75,
y <- c(0.05,4.91,9.78,14.64,19.51,24.38,29.24,34.11,38.97,43.84,
2008 Jun 24
problem with rgl interactivity with R-2.7.1 and Ubuntu Hardy
I'm trying to use the rgl package on R-2.7.1 running on top of Ubuntu
Hardy amd64. using open3d() and plot3d() I get a plot, but it is not
interactive. Furthermore, changes to par3d("FOV"=my.new.value) do
nothing. I suspect something is wrong with the rendering engine or
interface to it. I do have an Nvidia driver installed and compiz works
correctly on the desktop.
2009 Jun 29
Export rgl plot3d scatter
I have created a 3d scatter plot using plot3d. Is it possible to export the
resulting graph so that it can be placed in a pdf, powerpoint, or something
of the sort and still be able to rotate it?
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2012 Apr 20
Interactive stereoscopic 3d rendering with RGL plot3d?
Dear R Users,
i' wondering, if there is any possibility to render interactive stereoscopic 3d plots in R and use the
functionality of those new 3d displays (e.g. with poarisation technology) like this one:
> http://shop.fujitsu.com/de/displays/display-p23t-6p-fpr-3d
Does anyone know if there are developments toward this feature? Or perhaps someone
know how to implement such a