similar to: How to set constraints on output layer of Neural Networks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "How to set constraints on output layer of Neural Networks"

2007 Jul 15
neural networks function in R
Hi all gurus, I have a few general questions about using neural networks function, i.e. the nnet function. I'm new to this function and still exploring it. So please kindly bear with me. Here are my questions. 1. Is there anyway that I can specify my own objective or loss function for my neural networks? I see that by arguments that we can pass into the networks, we have either square loss
2009 May 12
How do I extract the scoring equations for neural networks and support vector machines?
Sorry for these multiple postings. I solved the problem using na.omit() to drop records with missing values for the time being. I will worry about imputation, etc. later. I calculated the sum of squared errors for 3 models, linear regression, neural networks, and support vector machines. This is the first run. Without doing any parameter tuning on the SVM or playing around with the number of
2017 Dec 26
Time Series with Neural Networks
Hi, I am would like to ask few questions. I am trying to forecast hourly electricity prices by 24 hours ahead. I have hourly data starting from 2015*12*18 to 2017-10-24 and I have defined the data as time series as written in the code below. Then I am trying do neural network with 23 non-seasonal dummies and 1 seasonal dummy. But I don?t know whether training set is enough.( Guess it is 50
2009 Apr 18
Neural Networks in R - Query
Dear R users, I'd like to ask your guidance regarding the following two questions: (i) I just finished reading Chris Bishop's book "Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition". Although the book gave me good theoretical foundation about NN, I'm now looking for something more practical regarding architecture selection strategies. Is there any good reference about "best
2008 Apr 26
Variables selection in Neural Networks
Hi folks, I want to apply a neural network to a data set to classify the observations in the different classes from a concrete response variable. The idea is to prove different models from network modifying the number of neurons of the hidden layer to control overfitting. But, to select the best model how I can choose the relevant variables? How I can eliminate those that are not significant for
2011 Feb 25
neural networks with RSNNS
Hello All! I am training to train a NN with function train() after splitting data with the function splitForTrainingAndTest(). The split is ok (checked it), but when I get a try on training I get this message: Error in UseMethod("train") : no applicable method for 'train' applied to an object of class "c('double', 'numeric')" The input data are
2009 May 12
FW: neural network not using all observations
As a follow-up to my email below: The input data frame to nnet() has dimensions: > dim(coreaff.trn.nn) [1] 5088 8 And the predictions from the neural network (35 records are dropped - see email below for more details) has dimensions: > pred <- predict(coreaff.nn1) > dim(pred) [1] 5053 1 So, the following line of R code does not work as the dimensions are
2007 Jun 13
specify constraints in maximum likelihood
Hi,I know only mle function but it seems that in mle one can only specify the bound of the unknowns forming the likelihood function. But I would like to specify something like, a = 2b or a <= 2b where 'a' and 'b' could be my parameters in the likelihood function. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!- adschai [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 May 12
neural network not using all observations
I am exploring neural networks (adding non-linearities) to see if I can get more predictive power than a linear regression model I built. I am using the function nnet and following the example of Venables and Ripley, in Modern Applied Statistics with S, on pages 246 to 249. I have standardized variables (z-scores) such as assets, age and tenure. I have other variables that are binary (0 or 1). In
2001 Mar 09
Neural Net for R for Win
Hello. Is NN for R for Win available? It seemes that there's no NN package in contributed ones. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 May 29
Backpropagation to adjust weights in a neural net when receiving new training examples
I want to create a neural network, and then everytime it receives new data, instead of creating a new nnet, i want to use a backpropagation algorithm to adjust the weights in the already created nn. I'm using nnet package, I know that nn$wts gives the weights, but I cant find out which weights belong to which conections so I could implement the backpropagation algorithm myself. But if anyone
2016 Apr 16
A Neural Network question
People, I thought I needed to have some familiarity with NNs for some of my current (non-profit, brain-related) projects so I started looking at various programming environments including R and I got this working: however I needed pictures to help understand what was going on and then I found this:
2010 Dec 16
Help on neural network
Hi all, I am trying to develop a neural network(Multilayer perceptron) with the package 'NEURALNET'. I have some doubts on it, 1. Whether this procedure taken care about categorical input variables- The reason is I could not find any option to describe type of variable in the arguments? 2.The algorithm is providing input variables generalized weights like this, >
2007 Aug 21
Partial comparison in string vector
Hi list members I have a vector of strings x=c("w","ex","ee") And I want to get a logical vector showing the positions where my search string "e" matches the elements partially, i.e. is at least the left-hand part of the target strings, i.e. I want to get a vector FALSE TRUE TRUE. Any ideas? Thanks Steve Powell proMENTE social research research |
2010 May 07
help in neural networks package
hi all , has anyone tried to predict a univariate time series by a neural networks packages ? please help me in this problem . I am new in R and I did not found any document that explains this problem. thanks in advance David [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 Mar 12
Regressions with monotonicity constraints
This seems to be a recurrent topic, but I don't remember hearing a definitive answer. I also apologies for cross-posting. Say I have a numerical response variable and a bunch of multi-level factors I want to use for modeling. I don't expect factor interaction to be important so there will be no interactions in the model. All this would be a perfect job for ANOVA except for one additional
2013 Jul 19
mgcv: Impose monotonicity constraint on single or more smooth terms
Dear R help list, This is a long post so apologies in advance. I am estimating a model with the mgcv package, which has several covariates both linear and smooth terms. For 1 or 2 of these smooth terms, I "know" that the truth is monotonic and downward sloping. I am aware that a new package "scam" exists for this kind of thing, but I am in the unfortunate situation that I am
2009 May 27
Neural Network resource
Hi All, I am trying to learn Neural Networks. I found that R has packages which can help build Neural Nets - the popular one being AMORE package. Is there any book / resource available which guides us in this subject using the AMORE package? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks, Indrajit
2007 Aug 20
how to collapse a list of 1 column matrix to a matrix?
Hi, I encounter a situation where I have a list whose element is a column matrix. Says, $'1' [,1] 1 2 3 $'2' [,1] 4 5 6 Is there fast way to collapse the list into a matrix like a cbind operation in this case? Meaning, the result should be a matrix that looks like: [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 4 [2,] 2 5 [3,] 3 6 I can loop through all elements and do
2011 Feb 07
can I use the output of a neural network as the fitness function of genetic algorithm?
Hi Everyone, I need to use genetic algorithm to find the minimum. The problem is, I cannot define the fitness function, but I can build a neural network from the input data and use the output as a fitness function. Can this be done? The other problem is, I know there are a few package in R related to GA. So far I know all of them take a specific function as fitness function, is