similar to: AIC consistency with S-PLUS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "AIC consistency with S-PLUS"

2007 Aug 15
AIC and logLik for logistic regression in R and S-PLUS
Dear R users, I am using 'R' version 2.2.1 and 'S-PLUS' version 6.0; and I loaded the MASS library in 'S-PLUS'. I am running a logistic regression using glm: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > mydata.glm<-glm(COMU~MeanPycUpT+MeanPycUpS, family=binomial, data=mydata)
2007 Dec 07
AIC v. extractAIC
Hello, I am using a simple linear model and I would like to get an AIC value. I came across both AIC() and extractAIC() and I am not sure which is best to use. I assumed that I should use AIC for a glm and extractAIC() for lm, but if I run my model in glm the AIC value is the same if I use AIC() on an lm object. What might be going on? Did I interpret these functions incorrectly? Thanks,
2008 Nov 28
AIC function and Step function
I would like to figure out the equations for calculating "AIC" in both "step() function" and "AIC () function". They are different. Then I just type "step" in the R console, and found the "AIC" used in "step() function" is "extractAIC". I went to the R help, and found: "The criterion used is AIC = - 2*log L + k *
2008 Apr 29
AIC extract and comparison
Hi, I need to fit models and use AIC method to campare the best fitted model manually. When i extract AIC by using extractAIC, it gave me the df and AIC values. Now the problem is, how can I compare the AIC values from two models? is there anyway to extract AIC with no df so that I can compare directly? Thank you! > extractAIC(coxout) [1] 1.000 1723.038 [[alternative HTML version
2006 Aug 06
extractAIC using
Although the 'spatial' documentation doesn't mention that extractAIC works, it does seem to give an output. I may have misunderstood, but shouldn't the following give at least the same d.f.? > library(spatial) > data(topo, package="MASS") > extractAIC(, topo)) [1] 46.0000 437.5059 > extractAIC(lm(z ~ x+I(x^2)+y+I(y^2)+x:y, topo)) [1]
2017 Jun 08
stepAIC() that can use new extractAIC() function implementing AICc
I would like test AICc as a criteria for model selection for a glm using stepAIC() from MASS package. Based on various information available in WEB, stepAIC() use extractAIC() to get the criteria used for model selection. I have created a new extractAIC() function (and extractAIC.glm() and extractAIC.lm() ones) that use a new parameter criteria that can be AIC, BIC or AICc. It works as
2000 Oct 18
AIC in glm()
Hi all, I am trying to understand how is calculated the AIC returned by glm(). I have a model object m1 which fitting results are: > summary(m1) [...] (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 3.735714) Null deviance: 1439.8 on 15 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 52.3 on 14 degrees of freedom AIC: 70.357 Since there are 2 parameters, I would naively compute: AIC
2007 Aug 17
(Ben Bolker) AIC and logLik for logistic regression in R and S-PLUS
Leandra Desousa <sousa <at>> writes: >> > I am using 'R' version 2.2.1 and 'S-PLUS' version 6.0; and I loaded the >> > MASS library in 'S-PLUS'. >> > >> > I am running a logistic regression using glm: >> > >> > >summary(mydata.glm) >> > Call: >> > glm(formula = COMU ~
1998 Feb 04
[J.Lindsey: Re: glm(.) / summary.glm(.); [over]dispersion and returning AIC..]
--Multipart_Wed_Feb__4_12:25:40_1998-1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Jim, I am relating your message to R-devel. This should be discussed in a broader audience; I am not an expert on GLM's, I know you are and others on this group also... R-develers, please CC to Jim Lindsey (on this topic), since he hasn't been part of the R-devel list for a while.. BTW: I will be gone
2010 Dec 26
Calculation of BIC done by leaps-package
Hi Folks, I've got a question concerning the calculation of the Schwarz-Criterion (BIC) done by summary.regsubsets() of the leaps-package: Using regsubsets() to perform subset-selection I receive an regsubsets object that can be summarized by summary.regsubsets(). After this operation the resulting summary contains a vector of BIC-values representing models of size i=1,...,K. My problem
2005 Jan 26
Source code for "extractAIC"?
Dear R users: I am looking for the source code for the R function extractAIC. Type the function name doesn't help: > extractAIC function (fit, scale, k = 2, ...) UseMethod("extractAIC") <environment: namespace:stats> And when I search it in the R source code, the best I can find is in (R source root)/library/stats/R/add.R: extractAIC <- function(fit, scale, k = 2,
1998 Feb 03
glm(.) / summary.glm(.); [over]dispersion and returning AIC..
I have been implementing a proposal of Jim Lindsey for glm(.) to return AIC values, and print.glm(.) and print.summary.glm(.) printing them.... however: >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lindsey <> writes: Jim> The problem still remains of getting the correct AIC when the user Jim> wants the scale parameter to be fixed. (The calculation should
2009 Sep 22
AIC vs. extractAIC
Dear list, I am confused about two functions in R: AIC(fm) and extractAIC(fm). What is the difference between two and when do I have to use one over the other? I have found the similar question previously and still not clear for me to understand. I also looked at '?AIC' and '?extractAIC' in R, which is also unclear. I pasted faked data set, fitting summary, and AICs. Thank
2012 Sep 29
Problems with stepAIC
Dear help community, I'm a R-beginner and use it for my master thesis. I've got a mixed model and want to analyse it with lme. There are a lot Cofactors that coult be relevant. To extract the important ones I want to do the stepAIC, but always get an error warning. Structure of my data: data.frame': 72 obs. of 54 variables: $ Block : Factor w/ 3 levels
2006 May 08
Inconsistency in AIC values for glm with family poisson (PR#8841)
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --27464147-1557463723-1147085467=:8118 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT On Mon, 8 May 2006, x.sole at wrote: > Full_Name: Xavier Sol? > Version: 2.3.0 > OS: Windows
2012 Nov 02
stepAIC and AIC question
I have a question about stepAIC and extractAIC and why they can produce different answers. Here's a stepAIC result (slightly edited - I removed the warning about noninteger #successes): stepAIC(glm(formula = (Morbid_70_79/Present_70_79) ~ 1 + Cohort + Cohort2, family = binomial, data = ghs_70_79, subset = ghs_70_full),direction = c("backward")) Start: AIC=3151.41
2011 Feb 23
request for patch in "drop1" (add.R)
By changing three lines in drop1 from access based on $ to access based on standard accessor methods (terms() and residuals()), it becomes *much* easier to extend drop1 to work with other model types. The use of $ rather than accessors in this context seems to be an oversight rather than a design decision, but maybe someone knows better ... In particular, if one makes these changes (which I am
2003 May 08
All possible subset selection?
Hello, I am wondering if there is a function in R to do all possible subset selection, e.g. using AIC/BIC. It seems to me the function step can not do all possible selection. I am also want to know why the following functions give me different results. It seems I missed some points here. lm <- lm(y ~., data=somedata) AIC(lm) extractAIC(lm) Many thanks, Zheng Huang
2010 Dec 30
Different results in glm() probit model using vector vs. two-column matrix response
Hi - I am fitting a probit model using glm(), and the deviance and residual degrees of freedom are different depending on whether I use a binary response vector of length 80 or a two-column matrix response (10 rows) with the number of success and failures in each column. I would think that these would be just two different ways of specifying the same model, but this does not appear to be the case.
2018 Jun 26
list of methods
I recently got a request to add head() and tail() methods for Surv objects, which is quite reasonable, but not unlike other requests for logLik,? vcov, extractAIC, ...?? What they all have in common is that are methods added since creation of the survival package, and that I didn't know they existed. To try and get ahead of the curve, is there a way to list names of all of the default