similar to: KS test pvalue estimation using mctest (library truncgof)

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2012 Jun 03
Bug in truncgof package?
Dear Carlos, Duncan and everyone You may have already sorted the matter by now, but since I have not seen anything posted since Duncan's reply, here I go. I apologize in advance for the spam, if it turns out I've missed some post. I think the test and the implementation of the truncgof package are just fine. I've done Carlos' experiment (repeatedly generating samples and testing
2009 May 31
Bug in truncgof package?
Dear R-helpers, I was testing the truncgof CRAN package, found something that looked like a bug, and did my job: contacted the maintainer. But he did not reply, so I am resending my query here. I installed package truncgof and run the example for function ad.test. I got the following output: set.seed(123) treshold <- 10 xc <- rlnorm(100, 2, 2) # complete sample xt <- xc[xc >=
2007 Jul 10
ECDF, distribution of Pareto, distribution of Normal
Hello all, I would like to plot the emperical CDF, normal CDF and pareto CDF in the same graph and I amusing the following codes. "z" is a vector and I just need the part when z between 1.6 and 3. plot(ecdf(z), do.points=FALSE, verticals=TRUE, xlim=c(1.6,3),ylim=c(1-sum(z>1.6)/length(z), 1)) x <- seq(1.6, 3, 0.1) lines(x,pgpd(x, 1.544,0.4373,-0.2398), col="red") y
2003 Oct 30
Change in 'solve' for r-patched
The solve function in r-patched has been changed so that it applies a tolerance when using Lapack routines to calculate the inverse of a matrix or to solve a system of linear equations. A tolerance has always been used with the Linpack routines but not with the Lapack routines in versions 1.7.x and 1.8.0. (You can use the optional argument tol = 0 to override this check for computational
2005 Feb 05
Labelling and formatting of graphics
In the output of the code below, I want to do the following: - get hats over some of the betas - get the polygons stippled, not coloured grey - remove the tick marks at the ends of the axes. If I put tick = false, the whole axis disappears. betahat <- c(0.04*0:150) betahatdens <- dnorm(betahat, 3, 1) plot(betahat, betahatdens, xlim = c(-0.2, 6.2),
2012 Jan 25
formula error inside function
I want use survfit() and basehaz() inside a function, but it doesn't work. Could you take a look at this problem. Thanks for your help. Following is my codes: library(survival) n <- 50 # total sample size nclust <- 5 # number of clusters clusters <- rep(1:nclust,each=n/nclust) beta0 <- c(1,2) set.seed(13) #generate phmm data set Z <- cbind(Z1=sample(0:1,n,replace=TRUE),
2007 Jul 11
CDF for pareto distribution
Hi, I would like to use the following codes to plot the CDF for pareto distribution. Before doing this, I have plot the emperical one. x <- seq(1.6, 3, 0.1) lines(x,pgpd(x, 1.544,0.4477557,), col="red") Could anyone give me some advice whether the above codes are correct? Many thanks. -- View this message in context:
2010 May 14
Creating an S3 method when the generic function is defined in another (imported) package
Hi, In one of my packages (maxLik), I would like to add an S3 method, where the generic function (estfun) is defined in another package (sandwich). Everything works fine if my package "Depends" on the other package and I import the generic function "estfun" from the "sandwich" package and define the new method in the NAMESPACE file. However, I prefer not to load the
2006 Jan 30
fExtreme packages
Hello, I am a new user of R. I am trying to use the packages fBasics and fExtremes when i am running the examples I get few error. Could someone tell me what is happenig? Thank you beforehand. from Fbasics packages: xmpfBasics() Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning message: cannot open file '/usr/lib/R/library/fBasics/demoIndex'
2007 Oct 05
Extracting df (degree of freedom) & estfun (estimating function) from model built in lmer or lmer2
Hello R-users: Could you please tell me how can I extract the "df (degree of freedom)" and "estfun (estimating functions)" for the following lmer (or lmer2) model? wtd.mixed<-lmer(ddimer~race+steroid+psi+sofa+apache + (1|subject), method="ML", data=final, cluster="id", weights=w) I tried the following codes: - for the degree of freedom (erorr
2011 Feb 20
Extreme Values - Help with GPD function
Hi, I'm a second year Master's student in Applied Statistics. I am doing a project using average weekly U.S. regular gasoline prices (in cents, per gallon) from an Excel file (from the years 1990- May 2010). I want to find the probability that the average weekly U.S. regular gasoline prices (in the long term) goes over 400 cents a gallon (or $4.00 a gallon). I am using the
2011 Sep 19
"could not find function" after import
I am trying to build a package (GWASTools, submitted to Bioconductor) that uses the "sandwich" package. I have references to "sandwich" in DESCRIPTION: Imports: methods, DBI, RSQLite, sandwich, survival, DNAcopy and NAMESPACE: import(sandwich) In the code itself is a call to vcovHC: Vhat <- vcovHC(mod, type="HC0") I have sandwich version 2.2-7 installed.
2009 Jan 08
Hi: I am going through some of the xtable examples and I can't make the one below work. I need to create a longtable on the fly keeping the column headers for all the pages and I thought this example could give some ideas on how to do it. I am using Sweave and xtable to create my tables and graphics. I wonder if someone could tell me what's wrong. Thanks ## Not run: \begin{small}
2007 Feb 19
Urgent: How to obtain the Consistent Standard Errors after apply 2SLS through tsls() from sem or systemfit("2SLS") without this error message !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I am trying to obtain the heteroskedasticity consitent standard errors (HCSE) after apply 2SLS. I obtain 2SLS through tsls from package sem or systemfit: #### tsls #### library (sem) Reg2SLS <-tsls(LnP~Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D,~I2+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D) summary (Reg2SLS) #### systemfit #### library (systemfit) RS <- LnP~Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D Inst <- ~I2+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D labels
2009 Apr 22
error when using vcovHC()
Dear R users, I meet with an unsolved error when using the function vcovHC() in package sandwich(). I have a balanced panel dataset, and I run the following codes: > library(plm) > data<, c("state","year")) > fn<-plm(y~x1+x2, data=data, method="within", effect="individual") > library(lmtest) > coeftest(fn,vcovHC(fn,
2011 Jul 25
biglm() and NeweyWest()
Dear all, I am working on a large dataset and need to use biglm() to perform OLS regressions. I have detected significant ARCH effects which I try to account for using the Newey-West correction. So far, I have worked with NeweyWest() in the sandwich package. NeweyWest() however seems to be unable to handle an object of class "biglm". Looking into the code, I figured out that
2007 Oct 08
estfun & df
Hello EVERYONE, I need an URGENT help from you please! How can I see the "estfun" (empirical estimating function) and "df" (degree of freedom) from the following mixed-model please? (fm1 <- lmer2(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) Many thanks in advance for your kind help. Sattar
2006 Dec 26
McNemar test in R & SPSS
Hello, I am hoping someone can clarify why I might obtain a quite different value in R & SPSS for a McNemar test I ran. Firstly, here is the R syntax & output R OUTPUT > mctest <- as.table(matrix(c(128,29,331,430), + ncol =2, dimnames = list(group=c("preMHT","postMHT"), + assault=c("yes","no")))) > mctest assault
2007 Jul 23
R and Excel
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2006 Jun 20
Help with dimnames()
Hi R people: I'm trying to set the dimnames of a data frame called "ests" and am having trouble! First, I check to see if "ests" is a data.frame... > ests ) [1] TRUE ... and it is a data frame! Next, I try to assign dimnames to that data frame.... > dimnames( ests )[[ 1 ]] <- as.character( ests$stfips ) Error in