Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Using power.t.test over a range of conditions"
2008 Feb 01
Converting a character string into an object variable
Assume that I want to create a series of sequentially named R objects. For
example, I might want to call these objects V1, V2, V3 ... V50. To do this,
I thought of some sort of looping function like:
input.value <- seq(1:50) * 3
for(i in 1:50){
paste("V", i, sep="") <- input.value[i]
Of course this loop will not work since the paste function
2007 Apr 20
Opinion on R plots: connecting X and Y
Attention R users, especially those that are experienced enough to be
opinionated, I need your input.
Consider the following simple plot:
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
plot(x, y, bty='n')
A colleague (and dreaded SAS user) commented that she thought that my
plots could be "cleaned up" by connecting the X and Y axes. I know that
I can do that with bty='l' but I
2006 Oct 31
Missing data analysis in R
I am looking for a book that discusses the theory of multiple imputation
(and other methods of dealing with missing data) and, just as
importantly, how to implement these methods in R or S-Plus. Ideally,
the book would have a structure similar to Faraway (Regression),
Pinheiro&Bates (Mixed Effects) and Wood (GAMs) and would be very modern
(i.e. published within the last couple of years).
2011 Feb 28
Measuring correlations in repeated measures data
I would like to measure the correlation coefficient between the repeated measures of a single variable that is measured over time and is unbalanced. As an example, consider the Orthodont dataset from package nlme, where the model is:
fit <- lmer(distance ~ age + (1 | Subject), data=Orthodont)
I would like to measure the correlation b/t the variable "distance" at
2007 Jan 12
Making TIFF images with rtiff
Many medical journals and publishers require that images, whether
photographs or line art, be submitted as high resolution .TIFF images.
One option for R users is to produce an image in one format and to
convert it to a .TIFF file using a second software program. My
experience has been that this option often results in images of poorer
quality, often with blurry contours, and a loss of
2007 Feb 16
Sampling distribution of the range statistic
In the construction of control charts for statistical quality control
objectives, one might choose to estimate the control limits for the mean
using the mean range of the samples. This requires multiplying the mean
range by a correction factor, often called "d2", that is tabulated in
many books. The origin of "d2" seems to be table 2 of the following
2006 Nov 03
Import problem with S-Plus 7.0 dataset
I am running R 2.3.1 on a Windows XP machine. I am trying to import
some data into R that is stored as an S-Plus 7.0 .sdd file.
When I run the following command, I get this error:
> library(foreign)
> d <- read.S(file='H:\\Research\\data.sdd')
Error in read.S(file = "H:\\Research\\data.sdd") :
not an S object
The dataset is fairly large, roughly 13000 rows
2006 Nov 03
Import problem with S-Plus 7.0 dataset
I am running R 2.3.1 on a Windows XP machine. I am trying to import
some data into R that is stored as an S-Plus 7.0 .sdd file.
When I run the following command, I get this error:
> library(foreign)
> d <- read.S(file='H:\\Research\\data.sdd')
Error in read.S(file = "H:\\Research\\data.sdd") :
not an S object
The dataset is fairly large, roughly 13000 rows
2007 Apr 12
Putting 2 breaks on Y axis
R plotting experts:
I have a bivariate dataset composed of 300 (x,y) continuous datapoints.
297 of these points are located within the y range of [0,10], while 2
are located at 20 and one at 55. No coding errors, real outliers.
When plotting these data with a scatterplot, I obviously have a problem.
If I plot the full dataset with ylim = c(0,55), then I cannot see the
structure in the data in
2008 Jan 21
'matrix' returns integer instead of decimal
I am experiencing some odd behavior with the 'matrix' function that I have
not experienced before and was wondering if there is something that I was
missing in my code.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
2007 Jan 06
Using VGAM's vglm function for ordinal logistic regression
I am using the vglm function of the VGAM library to perform proportional
odds ordinal logistic regression. The issue that I would like help with
concerns the format in which the response variable must be provided for
this function to work correctly. Consider the following example:
pneumo # Inspect the format of the original dataset
2011 Apr 18
Power Analysis
I am trying to do a power analysis to get the number of replicas per
If I try to get the power it works just fine:
power.t.test(n = setn, delta = 13.5, sd = sdx, sig.level = 0.05,power =
If I go the other way to obtain the "n" I have problems.
power.t.test(n = NULL, delta = 13.5, sd = sdx, sig.level = 0.05,
2007 Mar 13
Freeman-Tukey arcsine transformation
Does anyone know if there are R functions to perform the Freeman-Tukey
double arcsine transformation and then backtransform it?
Brant Inman
Mayo Clinic
2007 Jan 05
Calling "confint.glm" from within another function
On July 12, 2004 Spencer Graves wrote an email describing essentially
the same issue that I would like help on: calling the confint function
from within another homemade function. Because he provided many good
examples of the problem, I will not reproduce them here but will instead
refer readers to the original posting:
http://www.mail-archive.com/r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch/msg23826.html
It is
2011 Jan 17
Replacing rows in a data frame
Below is a simple example of some output that I am getting while trying to work with a data frame in R 2.12.1 for Mac.
> testdat <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=10, nrow=10))
> colnames(testdat) <- c('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j')
> testdat[seq(1,10,3),] <-
2010 Nov 17
Error: package 'pcvsuite' was built before R 2.10.0: please re-install it
I have had difficulty installing the "pcvsuite" package on R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15). The pcvsuite package is not available on CRAN, but is located for download at the following website at the University of Washington:
Windows version
Mac version
2007 Apr 25
prelim.norm() function not working
I am trying to reproduce some of Paul Allison's results in his little
green book on missing data (Sage 2002). The dataset for which I am
having problems, "usnews", can be found at:
http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/books/md/default.htm. I am working on a
Windows machine with R 2.5 installed, all packages up-to-date.
The problem has to do with the prelim.norm() function of the
2007 May 02
? R 2.5.0 alpha bug
This email is intended to highlight 2 problems that I encountered
running R 2.5.0 alpha on a Windows XP machine.
#1 - Open script error
If I click the "Open folder" icon on the toolbar, R opens my script
files perfectly. However, when I select "File > Open Script >
MyFileLocation", I get a fatal error that causes R to close immediately.
This error was reproduced on 3
2004 May 12
Formula of power.t.test
Dear Sir or Madam,
What is the formula for power.t.test(delta=delta, sd=segma, sig.level=0.05,
power=0.8, type="one.sample", alternative="one.sided")$n?
Thank you very much for the help!
2010 Nov 28
predict.drm not generating confidence intervals
I recently submitted a help request for the predict.drm function found in the drc package. I am still having issues with the function and I am submitting reproducible code hoping that somebody can help me figure out what is going on.
# Fit a 4 parameter logistic model to ryegrass dataset
fit <- drm(rootl ~ conc, data = ryegrass, fct = LL.4())